
Chapter 51: As A Student You Have To STUDY!: Firing Railguns And Bowling Lucky Strikes! (Part 1)

"Hello viewers, Keiko here again...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*...Now then, I believe that in the last chapter, which was also the end of the previous episode, that I was going to do, a sort of episode split, so to speak...Well viewers..."

"Yea, so Keiko?...Just wrap it up...you're doing it again...*Misaka says this to me, while knowingly smiling, to pretty much let me know, that I was once again, about to start rambling on again, with what would've wound up being, a very lengthy fourth wall break*"

"Right Misaka, my bad...*I say this while sheepishly grinning with both eyes closed, and one of my hands, behind my head, in a somewhat sheepishly embarrassed manner*...And so viewers, with that now very fresh on all of your minds...And more importantly, as per Misaka's request...What do you say, that we get on with the chapter, and also, the next episode?...Mind you, it isn't exactly the next episode per say...but you get what I mean...now then, on with the chapter...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Now, moving back from the last chapter, to now the present. More specifically, the conversation, that had been, and was currently going on, between me, Misaka, and Kuroko.

And as for the current exchanging of words so too speak? Now, I am not saying that it was carrying on from the current last point in the conversation per say. But as for the current exchange of words? Well...

"I'm not saying that I'm surprised Kuroko...seeing as how Anti-Skill, as well as Judgment, both need enough of a reason, in order to take action. Still, it is very frustrating, that there still isn't enough evidence for either to..." I said, obviously referring to Kuroko's most recent statement.

However, it was then, that I had suddenly cut my statement short, and was once again, in deep thought. "Okay, so that vision that I had had of Misaka back at the prison...I wish I knew more about what it means...And yet, I guess that is what I get, for not watching more of the Railgun anime past episode three, before winding up here...Still, I also seem, to have been having more and more thoughts and visions of those two other versions of me...And yet, from what I saw regarding them...what with Shinko Hanasaki, Wedding Peach, Angel Lily, Angel Daisy, and Angel Salvia, all in their DX battle outfits...that has all but confirmed to me, that the already existent timeline of their anime, has concluded...*I then turn my attention briefly, to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers*...Well viewers, at least for now...*I now proceed to turn away from briefly addressing the viewers, to which I then, once again, go back into deep thought*...And, with Zachary, Sakura, Li, Kero, and Yue...with both Zachary, and Sakura...both wielding their Star Staffs...and with them in possession, of the Clow Cards...which now that I remember, from Zachary's temporary reveal of the design of the Thunder Card, from back in chapter 70...during our first fight, against the villain rouges gallery...has led me to theorize, and also confirm...that their anime timeline, has to have at least made it, past episode 70, at the bear minimum...Which, now confirms to me, that they more then likely, have gone through Eli Moon's Final Test...so to speak...And as for Eternal Sailor Moon, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi...and with given the confirmation, that Usagi Tsukino, was only ever in her Eternal Sailor Moon form, starting at the beginning...and through the duration...of Sailor Stars...then, that would mean, that their timeline, like that of Angel Bluebell, Wedding Peach, and the rest of the Love Angels, has also, concluded...Especially after Angel Bluebell, had explained at immense length...to Sailor Galaxia herself in fact...that she at least knew enough about the fight with Galaxia, and the rest of the Sailor Senshi...to know of the 9 murders that Galaxia committed, against the Sailor Senshi...Not to mention, the absolutely anger...that Angel Bluebell herself, had displayed towards both Galaxia...And now that I think about what else that she had said a bit more...Angel Bluebell had also mentioned...that Beryl...had killed Sailor Moon, the other four inner senshi, and...Wait a sec, she said that Beryl had committed six murders...so then...that would mean that she at least knew about the death of Tuxedo Mask back then as well...*I then turn my attention briefly, to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers*...And now viewers, with all of this now in mind...and given part of the title of this chapter...'You Have To STUDY!'...I am doing...well..what else...studying, so to speak...*I then proceed to giggle in a cute and kind way*...And, for those of you viewers...who don't know, why the letters of 'study,' are all in capital letters?...Well viewers, you will be learning all about that, in the next chapter...When I will wind up going into much deeper, and further detail about that..and so viewers, with all of this information, now very much fresh on all of your minds...I will see all of you lot, in the next chapter...okay?...*I say this while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*" I thought to myself, all while I had, at some points in my deep thought process, had turned my attention, slightly, and briefly to the right of me, in order to briefly address the viewers.

The only thing was, that I was going to need to remember all of this information. Because, whether I knew about it or not. Our last involvement, with our aforementioned allies, was not, and would not be, a single isolated incident. In fact, as I had mentioned, regarding the vision that I had had. The very vision, would wind up putting, not just me, Misaka, Kuroko, and all of our other friends in Academy City at risk. But, like our encounter with the rogues gallery, would also, not be an isolated incident. But, more on all of that, at a much later date.
