
Chapter 44: When The Past Isn't Yet Through With Disaster!: Railguns, Lucky Strikes, And Lifelines (Part 2)

"Hey viewers...Sorry Keiko here...So sorry to be breaking the fourth wall on all of you again...and completely out of the blue like this I might add...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then..."

"Yea...Keiko? How about you do away with your fourth wall break...and like in the last chapter...just let the viewers read the chapter...okay?...*Misaka says this to me while giving me a sort of look and expression...to pretty much let me know, that I should make my future lengthy fourth wall breaks shorter then they originally were*"

"Right, of course Misaka...And to just give all of you viewers a little bit of foreshadowing...so to speak...I will not only, wind up taking Misaka's fourth wall break advice to heart...But also, we are now...inching ever so closer...to what will wind up being, our second encounter...with the rest...of The Four Aces Alliance...*I then turn my attention to Misaka*....So sis...if I may ask you...was that not too lengthy of a fourth wall break?...*I say this to Misaka, while smiling with both eyes closed*"

"Yes Keiko, that was the proper amount of length...*Misaka says this with a reassuring smile on her face*...And just for the record viewers...and as I am sure that Keiko pointed out to all of you in a previous chapter...we are siblings...nothing more...*Misaka says this, while smiling with both eyes closed*"

"Well said Misaka...and so viewers, with all of this now in mind...what do you all say...that we finally get on with the chapter now...hmm?...*I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head, tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"

Okay, so with fourth wall breaking, and fourth wall breaking moments aside. Well, at least for the current moment.

Anyway, getting back to the current situation from the last chapter. And I mean chapter 42, and not chapter 43. And as for the moment in question. Well, though it is not exactly at the current moment when we had left off per say. But, you get what I mean by this. As per the situation in question. Well...

"You're all my lab rats, don't you see?! Would you like a different analogy?...Well?...Academy City is my breeding farm, and all you children are my livestock!" I heard ring through my ears in stereo. As the first image, was not surprisingly, of Therestina, back when me and Misaka, had fought against her back at the MAR building. And to make my demeanor, just that more rattled. Another image flashed across my vision. And this one, was of me and Misaka, locked in the power struggle, that had ensued, between our Railguns, and Therestina's weapon, back in chapter 16.

And yet, though I wasn't able to notice at the current moment. I was now, showing quite an extremely pained looking expression on my face. And not too long thereafter, I dropped to the floor, on my knees. And not surprisingly, I was in complete shock. And to make matters that much more obvious, regarding my current distress. I was wide-eyed, and I had also placed one of my hands, over part of my face, in an effort, to try and workout, exactly what had just suddenly transpired.

And the reason? Well, let me ask you this. How would you feel, if something like this happened to you out of the blue, and you weren't expecting it to happen to begin with? My point exactly.

And also, not surprisingly...

"Keiko...are you alright?" I then heard, the concerned sounding tone of Misaka, say to me.

"Oh how sweet..." I then heard the all too disdainful, and very arrogant sounding demeanor, of Therestina ring out in response.

However, the next thing that was said. And like back in the last chapter, was something, that even I wasn't prepared to hear.

"Be silent!" I then heard the now quite disdainful, very angry, and hurt sounding tone, of Misaka, then quite aggressively, say back to Therestina in response.

And to be honest, that sent me slightly reeling.

"Okay, wasn't expecting that from Misaka...I guess she really does care about my well-being...I mean after all viewers, we are siblings after all...And no, this is not a statement, that should be misconstrued...into being made to believe, that it is anything, other then Misaka, caring about my well-being...Anyway, back to the story, and the current situation at hand," I thought to myself, which during this, I had turned my head, eyesight, and attention, slightly to the right of me, to briefly address the viewers.

And so, after I had been helped back to my feet again, with some assistance from Misaka of course. I then, could finally, try and get a couple of my words in edgewise.

And what I mean by that is. Well...

"Listen here Therestina, and you listen well...How dare you even attempt to mock or insult either of us!...Or need I remind you, as to the very two people, who put you in the very cell that you are in to begin with?!...You know absolutely nothing, of the pain and suffering, that we have both had to go through...So don't think for even a moment...that you have any sort of right...to tell either of us, how to conduct ourselves...And by the way Therestina...while we are on the subject...please do tell me, just who the so called lab rat is now?" I said, while I had started out with speaking, in a very upset sounding tone.

Which wound up, suddenly changing, into a very smug sounding tone, in almost no time flat. And while I was saying the tail end, of my statement. An all too visible smirk, had wound up slowly forming, on my face. As I took quite a bit of humorous pleasure, in saying the lab rat statement, to Therestina, with quite a bit of wittiness, and also, in quite a smug sounding tone as well.

And not surprisingly...

"Damn you!...How dare you...!" Therestina wound up saying quite angrily, and quite aggressively in response. And this was while, she had quite quickly, gotten up from her chair in her cell. And then proceeded, to try and charge towards the bars of her cell. Well, that was, until I decided to cut off her threat mid-sentence. And it was while, I now had a look of complete anger, and sheer rage on my face. That I then, chose to speak up in response.

"How dare I?!...How dare I what Therestina?!...Do my absolute, and complete best, in order to defend both myself, and Misaka, from the likes of arrogant, and completely evil people like you?!...Why don't you look in a mirror?!...Oh wait, you don't have one in your cell do you?!...You know, I am getting really sick, and very tired, of people like you...seeming to think, that you can just do, whatever you please!...Angel Bluebell was right...villains like you...will never learn, nor even begin to understand, why villains like you, can't ever win, against the likes of us, and never will!" I said to Therestina, through sheer immense anger, gritted teeth. All while I looked, as though I was losing my composure, as Angel Bluebell herself had done, back in the chapter, 'Chapter 19: Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, And The Presence Of Marked Cards!: One Sided Wins And Loaded Dice, A Lack Of Trust Is A Villains Worst Enemy!'

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again...*I say this while traditionally bowing to the viewers, before bringing my head, my attention, and my eyesight, back up again, to once again continue to address the viewers*...Now then...I think, that this is more then an appropriate place, for me to end this chapter...And so viewers, with that now in mind...I will see you lot in the chapter...okay?...I say this, while smiling with both eyes closed, and my head tilted to one side, in a cute manner*"
