
Chapter 34: Girders And Tsunderes!

"Hey viewers, Keiko here. Yes, it has been a little bit since the last chapter hasn't it?..."

"Uh Keiko, you realize that it hasn't really been that long since the last chapter right? *Misaka says this while giving Keiko a slightly weary expression, as if to let her know not to ramble on again with one of her fourth wall breaks like she had done in the previous chapter*"

"Oh, right Misaka, how could I forget...*proceeds to say this while feverishly placing one of her hands behind her head, while giving a sheepish sort of grin with both eyes closed*...Anyway viewers, lets just go ahead and proceed on with the chapter now, shall we? *proceeds to say the last portion while smiling with eyes closed and head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"

Okay, so let me be real here. Okay, I just realized how slightly ironic that is, considering that this is a fanfic. Anyway, given the current situation between me, Misaka, and the green colored mech. Things regarding the current situation were...what's the word....

"Okay, well this is quite the current precarious situation!" I said out loud, and quite audibly, as my electricity continued to course through the girder, that had almost fallen onto Saten and Febrie, and had nearly turned both of them, into real life pancakes.

"Still, at least I was able to react in time, given the overwhelming circumstances...I guess that is one of the many benefits to being a high ranked level 5 Esper...huh viewers?" I thought to myself, while I had my eyesight, and my attention, directed to the left of me to briefly address the viewers.

The only trouble was, after I had just finished my fourth wall break, I then, once I had faced forward again. Then took immediate notice of a now currently developing situation.

And what I meant by that, was that the electricity that I had been sending coursing through the girder, had now somehow, started to reduce in power slightly, and I then wound up taking immediate action.

Well, that was before a quick thought came to my mind. "Okay, that was something that I was certainly not expecting to have witnessed happen just now...Guess I need to remain a little bit more focused when I am doing something like this," I thought to myself, while a small bead of sweat was visible, on one side of my face.

Which was then quickly followed, by me once again sending more of my electricity through the girder in question. And it was then, that I decided to speak up to tell both Saten and Febrie, to get out of the way of the girder, so that I could set it down safely.

However, before I could say anything, Misaka, somehow decided to speak up. "Saten, take Febrie, and get to safety!" Misaka said, in a way as if she almost knew exactly what I was going to say to both Saten and Febrie.

And not surprisingly, this sent me reeling back slightly in shock. But I did my absolute best to hide any surprised or shocked emotion.

Well not exactly..."Okay seriously Misaka, you couldn't have given me some sort of fair warning before you decided to do that?!..." I angrily thought to myself, as a clear, and all too familiar blush, then suddenly appeared on my face in full view.

Only, once I had realized, the blush on my face only got more visible, and just that much worse. "Okay, now that was a bit unexpected of me to act in that manner...I mean after all viewers, as I explained back in the Jokers, Aces, Kings, Queens, and Marked Cards chapter...there's no way that the information that Kuroko found out about me can be correct...because there is absolutely no way that I could be a tsundere...right viewers?" I thought to myself. While, as the blush was still very much visible on my face, I had turned my eyesight, as well as my attention, slightly to the left of me, to once again address the viewers.

"Hey viewers, Keiko here again. Yes, you probably thought that this was going to be another action packed chapter didn't you?...Well, you'd be half right on that...as that is only half true...Let me explain this a little further viewers. Did you notice by any chance, the number of words, that were in the last chapter?...Because if you did, then you would've noticed that it was around ~7,000-7500 words...*blushes*...So yea viewers...not the exactly smallest chapter by any means...Which is why, for you benefit, this chapter is going to be the usual minimal length of ~1,000 or more words...I mean after all viewers, even the most invested of readers...sometimes need a sort of rest, from all of the action packed chapters. But, however viewers, that doesn't mean that this isn't an action packed chapter by any means...*proceeds to bring her face close to the screen with a slightly less then pleased expression on face*...I mean after all viewers, you saw the small action related scene towards the start of this chapter....right?...I mean, surely you aren't still skimming through these chapters...right?...Because if you all still are...then that is quite honestly, very sad indeed, if you are in fact still doing that. I mean after all viewers, that would mean that you aren't a dedicated reader...you're just lazy!...*now suddenly realizes what was just said, then proceeds to show an all too visible blush on face before quickly pulling face back from the screen, and only then does the blush from face almost completely disappear*...Anyway, my apologies for that...*says this while a bead of sweat is now present on one side of face and the blush is now completely gone from face, only it is now replaced with an expression of slight remorse and regret for acting in such an unladylike manner*...Anyway...*

"Yea Keiko, can you hurry it up please?! I think the viewers get it now! *Misaka says this with a less then pleased sounding tone in her voice, while also telling Keiko to more or less stop*"

"Right, my apologies Misaka. And viewers, I will see you all in the next chapter, okay? *says this while slightly winking in a cute manner and also smiling with head tilted to one side in a cute manner*"
