Date: July 16, 2009 (Later In The Day)
"Man, talk about running somewhere fast in a hurry. I may not have been in the greatest of shape in back in the real world. But now, I am more fit then I have ever been. Seeing as how I am keeping an even pace of running beside Misaka at the moment, I can now see, how she was able to run this quick, so easily in the 2nd episode...Oh hold on, isn't this supposed to be the episode when Kuroko ordered the aphrodisiacs?...Oh least from what I remember about the episode, Misaka did wind up shocking Kuroko with her electricity...And that was after she had pulled out Misaka's swimsuit...and then asked her...if she could wear it...while cleaning the pool...Okay...I suddenly just got very upset and least I can help Misaka with shocking her...But still...I am really not looking forward to Kuroko pulling out my swimsuit...oh right, she also had Misaka's panties stashed under her bed too...Really not looking forward to her possibly having mine under there too...Just how creepy is this going to look, now that I will be witnessing it for real...Okay, let me stop right now...Because all that is happening now, is I am just getting more upset and irritated," I thought to myself. As both me and Misaka, continued to run and keep stride with each other, while chasing down one Touma Kamijou, Mr. Rotten Luck himself.
"Well, he seems to have the same spiky black hair like he did in the anime...Still, I wish I knew more information about his Imagine Breaker, then just the first three episodes of A Certain Magical Index," I thought to myself, as me and Misaka then chased Touma into an alley.
"You might as well give up!" Misaka said, as she started gathering electricity.
"Well Misaka, you clearly just love getting straight to the point, huh?...Also, this has just come to my mind...Why is she so obsessed with fighting him?...Let me remind myself to ask Misaka about that sometime," I thought to myself, as I then started gathering electricity.
And as both of our electricity attacks, almost made it to Touma, he then raised his right hand. And once both hit his right hand, one after the other, they both dissipated completely.
This sent a shocked expression across both me and Misaka's faces.
"Well, it seems that his Imagine Breaker, works exactly like it did in the anime...Okay, let me remind myself never to battle against him...Because there is no point to doing that...Because as long as Touma has that Imagine Breaker of his, my attacks can't do a thing to him," I thought to myself.It was several days ago, when I realized that I was staying in the same room with both Misaka and Kuroko.
"Hold on, wasn't this room a lot smaller then this? And weren't there only two beds in here originally, instead of there now being three? I guess the timeline from the anime that regarded this, is no longer accurate. Still, I wonder how many other things, are going to be different from the original timeline. I sure hope nothing major, winds up changing due to my presence in the anime," I thought to myself, as I looked at our dorm room, with confusion and wonderment.
Unfortunately, much further into the future, as things would start to cascade out of control.I would learn, that ignoring these sorts of changes, would be so much harder to do, then I would've ever even thought possible.
Anyway, fast forward to the present day, it was honestly now just very bittersweet, largely because of what had happened when me and Misaka, when we decided to bring Saten and Uiharu over, and were met by Kuroko flinging herself towards the door. "Sissy, Keiko you're back!" Kuroko perversely said, as she flung herself towards the door, dressed in nothing but a silk robe. To which she then stopped dead once she saw that we had brought Saten and Uiharu with us.
"Well Kuroko, I see that you are as much of a pervert as ever...Well, time to smack some sense into you!" I thought to myself, as me and Misaka then angrily smacked her on the head, for having done something so perverted.
And after a bit of talking between the four of us, whilst Kuroko lay slump on Misaka's bed after having been smacked on the head.And after a bit of shenanigans, in which it was discovered that Kuroko had had both a pair of not just Misaka's panties stashed under her bed, but apparently she had a pair of mine as well. Which, not surprisingly, neither of us wound up taking very well.
"Okay, so even though I was expecting this from her...I am still quite annoyed about it! I mean, I know that she means well and all, but on a scale from 1 to 10...she's about a 15 when it comes to being super perverted," I angrily thought to myself.
But I digress.
Anyway, this was then followed by both me and Misaka showing Saten and Uiharu a scrapbook, of pictures when we were younger.
This was of course followed by Saten discovering that Kuroko had a scrapbook that had very questionable and very perverted pictures of both me and Misaka in it.
And as for Misaka's not all surprising reaction...
"Kuroko! I hope that you're enjoying the present, because something tells me that you're not going to have a bright future!" Misaka now proceeded to say in response. As she then proceeded to quite angrily start pulling quite aggressively on Kuroko's cheeks, with a very unhappy and quite justifiably angry expression on her face.
And as for me...
"Yea I can't exactly blame Misaka for acting in this manner due to Kuroko's perverted antics...Because I do very much remember this all too well from the second episode... But still this is far more creepy to witness in person, then just watching this scene on my tv back in the real world. Although, seeing as how this is who she is. I sort of have to accept it," I thought to myself, as I looked on, with a very irritated look on my face.
And to tell you the truth, that was good enough for me.
"Okay, so what the actual heck man?! How could this have gotten so out of hand?! One minute, me, Kuroko, and Misaka were having an argument, over some aphrodisiacs that Kuroko had ordered for the one month anniversary occasion regarding when the three of us first met. And the next, we were all using our Esper abilities in a fight like we're on a battlefield?! Well, that was after Misaka had said "I am going to fry you so your appearance matches your name!" Which believe it or not, Kuroko's name means 'black white' in Japanese...No really, I am being 100% accurate with that translation....So in other words, that means that she intends to shock Kuroko to such a degree, that she will wind up being badly burned...Kind of violent when you think about it...And yet, going back to the current situation, this didn't help matters, since it is very much against Tokiwadai's school rules to be using our Esper abilities in the dormitories. Especially since the dorm supervisor just saw me and Misaka use our electricity, to literally blow the door of our dorm room off of its hinges...And yet, I can now see why Kuroko and Misaka fear her. Because her look is one that can kill...Wait, did she just break Kuroko's neck?! Holy crap! That is much more frightening to witness it for real then just watching it from the second episode so the anime on my tv...Oh, she just got up...One of the many benefits of being in the anime...Because any normal person would be dead due to that being done to them...and yet, Misaka seemed quite frightened from the presence of the dorm supervisor...So, if the dorm supervisor, can make someone like Misaka, a level 5 electromaster look at her with fear, then you can bet that she means business," I thought to myself, as I displayed a look of utter fear.
Anyway, the dorm supervisor, then said, that as punishment for the three of us using our Esper abilities in the dorms, all three of us.
Even though it was Kuroko who had instigated the situation in the first place, were told to clean the school's pool.It was after two of Kuroko's friends, Wannai and Awatsuki, happened by while the three of us were cleaning the pool, and one of them demonstrated her Esper ability to control water, that Kuroko decided to get us to drink something from a pair of thermoses that she had brought to the pool with her.
And knowing full well what was in them, from watching the anime.I decided to speak up, while at the same time, not making it sound obvious what I knew was in the drink.
"Kuroko? Let me ask you something, those computer parts you ordered...?" I asked her in a suspicious manner.
But as I started to finish my question to Kuroko, Misaka chose this moment to finish my question for me.
"They wouldn't have happened to have wound up in the drinks, would they?" Misaka asked, sounding as suspicious as I did.
To which Kuroko then started to profusely sweat.
"Yea, that's what I thought..." I said, with me and Misaka's suspicions now confirmed.
It was about a few minutes later, after a bit more talking, and after a realization, after Kuroko had explained to both me and Misaka, that today was the one month anniversary when all three of us had met.And after me and Misaka had given Kuroko her each of our respective gifts, we decided to have a toast between the three of us, with me and Misaka being very careful to not drink from the thermoses that had the aphrodisiacs in them.
Kuroko, on the other hand, was not paying attention, and she did wind up drinking one of the thermoses that had the aphrodisiac in it.
It was when Me and Misaka had gone back to cleaning the pool, that things started to take a very weird turn.
This started with Kuroko asking if me and Misaka could clean the pool dressed in our swimsuits.
"Yea, but it would be too much of a pain to go back and get it," Misaka said.
"Not a problem look what I brought for both of you..."
"Okay Kuroko, time to shock some sense into you...Because I know fully well what it is that you are about to show both of us!" I thought to myself, as a tickmark then became present, one one side of my face.
And it was at that moment that Kuroko pulled out two swimsuits, that Misaka recognized as our respective swimsuits.
However, in the time it took me to blink, Misaka took the broom that she had in her hand, that she had been using to clean the pool, and threw it right at Kuroko's head, which then struck her in the forehead.
"Okay Misaka, I remember that you did that in the anime too...But my goodness, I never knew that someone like her, could chuck a broom that fast...Another benefit of being in the world of the anime I guess," I thought to myself, as Misaka then chose to speak up.
"The last time I checked that swimsuit was in my locker!" Misaka very angrily said.
"Okay Kuroko, I know that you're under the influence of the aphrodisiac at the moment. But I will be damned, if I don't make you regret having done that!" I thought to myself angrily.
It was at this point that I turned to Misaka, electricity already crackling through the bangs of my hair.
"Misaka, would you mind so kindly if I helped you introduce an electrical punishment, to Kuroko for her perverted antics?!" I asked, through very pent up anger, and a look that could kill.
It was when I got a better look at Misaka, that I then realized that she was in the same way too.
"Keiko, I would be disappointed if you didn't!" Misaka said, with as much anger, as electricity was also crackling through the bangs of her hair as well.
And as we both unleashed some voltage on Kuroko, sending her to the ground.With a perverted smile on her face, and liking the electrical punishment just a little too much.
Something was absolutely clear.
"This may be one mess of a friendship, but it's still a friendship nonetheless," I thought to myself, as me and Misaka, continued to electrocute Kuroko.