
405, Destruction: Where's my wife? Wife! Where did you go? [First update]_1

Bi Ji stretched both hands behind her and, through her dress, she ruefully rubbed her backside as if she thought that Gu Yuena had pulled out the feather too forcefully.

"This is one of her tail feathers, for you!"

Gu Yuena, holding the feather, approached Lin Yi and respectfully offered it to him with both hands.

The tail feather was as long as an adult's forearm, even its width exceeded five centimeters; the feathers on both sides were emerald in color and felt extremely soft to the touch, whereas the central shaft was smooth and hard, resembling emerald-colored glass.

The shape of the feather somewhat resembled a Banana Fan, which made Lin Yi curious about how big the original form of the Emerald Swan might be.

And to pluck such a feather outright, it must have been painful; thinking this, Lin Yi looked up at Bi Ji, who was still rubbing her backside. It was just one tail feather; certainly, she wouldn't have a bald spot on her butt, right?

Uh, definitely not.

The tail feather meets the exchange requirements.

Lin Yi held the tail feather in one hand, while a red orb of light appeared in his other hand.

He flicked the light orb towards Bi Ji, and it quickly morphed into a spinning fan in midair; Bi Ji raised her hand to catch it, gripping the handle.

At the same time, Lin Yi reached out again and flicked a multicolored orb of light toward the Banana Fan.

Once infused with the multi-colored light orb, the aura of the Banana Fan of Primordial Treasure was concealed, making the Douluo plane much more stable.

This was a bloody lesson learned from the past.

Bi Ji scrutinized the Banana Fan in her hands, her eyes sparkling with curiosity; she had never seen a banana and thought the fan had a strange appearance.

Moreover, such a light fan did not feel large, nor did she sense any energy fluctuations from it. Could it really have such great power?

Goose Goose didn't believe it.

It wasn't just her disbelief; in another space, four gods likewise couldn't believe it. The fan seemed so ordinary, without a hint of anything special.

Yet Lin Yi described it as a "treasure," claiming it could send someone flying tens of thousands of miles... If only he hadn't exaggerated so much, perhaps the Asura God and the others would have believed him somewhat, given the previous miraculous rewards that laid the foundation—he had already reached a very high status in their eyes.

But tens of thousands of miles, really, was too much... Was even the entire Douluo Planet that large?

Bi Ji carefully fanned herself with the Banana Fan, yet the breeze it produced was normal.

Is it because I'm the owner?

With that thought, Goose Goose turned to Gu Yuena and requested, "My lord, I would like...I'd like to try!"

Without waiting for Gu Yuena to speak, Lin Yi responded first, "Feel free to try. Rest assured, no matter how far a person is sent flying, I can bring them back."

Impressive, impressive... Gu Yuena silently curled her lip.

It must involve space elements, right? She admitted she couldn't achieve what Lin Yi was capable of.

"However, I must warn you that with one fan of the Banana Fan, what might fly away could be a patch of people, not just one person."

Goose Goose asked blankly, "So no matter how many people, the Golden Dragon Lord can bring them back?"

"That's right."

"Then fan a patch of people."

So decisive!

Bi Ji's response, without a moment's hesitation, made Lin Yi internally comment.

After receiving his signal, Bi Ji began to hold the Banana Fan upright. Her little face was serious as she swung her arm towards Gu Yuena. Gu Yuena looked calm, but the crowd behind her huddled together tensely.

As the fan came down, a strong rush of wind sounded!

The airflow seemed to compress before being released, as a layer of marble on the surface of the platform quickly lifted up, with dust swirling around and heavy bricks getting mixed in.

Gu Yuena immediately raised her hand, and a silver radiance barely shielded herself, but she was horrified to find that the space elements also seemed to have a tendency to be blown away! There was no choice but for her to increase the intensity of her release.

But those people behind her weren't so lucky, including Dai Ben and Zhu Zhuyun.

At least seventy to eighty people were swept up by a strong wind, and in the blink of an eye, they were whisked into the sky, their figures becoming more and more blurred until they were mere pinpricks.

Goose Goose stared blankly at the sky, muttering, "I can't see the people anymore."

At the same time, four gods within another space simultaneously turned their heads in the same direction.

They all gulped in unison.

The Gold Level gate opened, and a powerful airflow assaulted them from within.

The Asura God, clad in armor that shimmered with flowing light, was the first to respond. He rushed forward, the Asura Sword in his hands emitting an endless dark red radiance, attempting to block the invasion of the airflow.

The other three gods quickly took action as well, releasing their Divine Power, but the strength of the airflow surpassed their imaginations, or rather, it virtually ignored their resistance.

The faces of the four gods showed shock as they were swept away, their bodies spinning in midair, their speed barely slower than that of the seventy to eighty humans just now.

The clouds and mist in this area were scattered completely, exposing the bare ground below.

The Destruction God, who had just left the moment before, grew more resentful as he thought about it. Walking away now, he might be seen by those four as fleeing in fear.

No, he had to go back, he had to openly supervise that kid on the Douluo Planet.

But as soon as he returned to that place, the expression on Evil's face suddenly froze.

The mist within a hundred meters had vanished, leaving a bare area. He looked up to the sky and, with his Supreme God's vision, vividly saw four people shooting out like cannonballs.

"Life... Wife!!!"

The Destruction God's eyes widened, and he immediately launched himself with bended knees, trailing behind the four.

Just for that brief moment he was gone, what on earth had happened?!


Over in Soul City, a tenth of the people on the scene vanished in an instant.

Everyone remained silent, not daring to utter a word, with most people intently gazing at the Banana Fan in Bi Ji's hand.

Is this the Banana Fan of Primordial Treasure?

Is this the prestige of a "Primordial" item?

If Bi Ji were to fan a few more times, wouldn't that result in "no one left alive"?

After all, being swept away thousands of miles, if Senior Lin Yi were not here, these people could indeed end up with uncertain fates.

Gu Yuena's arm trembled slightly as she lowered it, lifting her head with lingering fears, murmuring, "This fan, it seems it can also sweep away skills..."



Sudden exclamations of surprise rose from the crowd.

Upon hearing this, Lin Yi also showed a bit of surprise, as he was unaware of this fact and the System had not mentioned it.

Gu Yuena had a profound experience as she had almost exhausted two-thirds of her Soul Power to release the protective space elements, and that vast amount of space elements had just barely managed to divert the airflow elsewhere. Otherwise, she would not have been able to stand there calmly.

It was too horrifying.

Lin Yi silently estimated the time, and soon raised his hand, and a parallel space channel emerged in midair.
