
377, I really want to stay by my master's side for a lifetime [First Update]_1

But there was no pen.

"Use this one,"

came the voice of Lin Yi from behind. Zhu Yun turned around and saw Lin Yi holding the "Pen of Fortune" in his hand.

"This pen..."

"It's okay, it'll just be an ordinary pen in someone else's hands."

Relieved by Lin Yi's explanation, Zhu Yun walked up and took the Pen of Fortune in her hands.

After a brief moment of thought, she smiled, wrote her wish on a piece of white paper, and respectfully presented the pen back to Lin Yi with both hands.

"Thank you, senior."

Following the method in her mind, Zhu Yun folded the white paper into a standard-looking paper airplane. She then went to the edge of the platform and launched the paper airplane at a 45-degree angle into the air ahead of her.

But strangely, despite there being no wind in the sky, the paper airplane, which started with a decent speed, spiraled through the air as if caught in a turbulent flow before crashing down, impaling itself onto the head of Gu Yuena below...

Perhaps because Gu Yuena had thick hair, the paper airplane stayed firmly in place on her head and didn't fall off.

Zhu Yun covered her mouth in shock and stepped back two paces.

Instinctively, she measured the distance—the paper airplane had only flown three or four meters?!

Zhu Yun had thought it would easily reach a hundred meters!

Everything had seemed perfect during the folding process; she had followed the method carefully...

Zhu Yun was utterly baffled.

But to Lin Yi, this was perfectly normal; it would be outstanding for a paper airplane to fly straight for more than ten meters—most only managed three or four, or maybe five.

In his childhood, if anyone's paper airplane flew more than ten meters, Lin Yi would have to kneel and call that person "Dad"!

Di Tian uneasily turned his head to glance at Gu Yuena, hesitating whether or not to reach out and pull the paper airplane out... Surely this thing hasn't penetrated the defenses of his lord, has it? There's no blood in sight.

Di Tian, who had no concept of paper airplanes, thought to himself that anything given by Lin Yi must be impressive.

Gu Yuena, with an indifferent face, took down the paper airplane, unfolded it, and Zhu Yun immediately widened her eyes, reaching out to say, "Don't—"

But it was too late. Gu Yuena had already spread out the paper and read the contents aloud, devoid of any emotion:

"I really wish I could stay by my master's side for a lifetime, serving him wholeheartedly."

The atmosphere on the scene immediately became tense.

Everyone's expression turned to that of onlookers feasting on a juicy story.

Master?! Who was the master in Zhu Yun's mind?!

Davis? Obviously not possible; this guy has too many scandals to be called 'master' by Zhu Yun.

Could it be Dai Ben?

That didn't seem right either... Judging by today's interactions, Dai Ben should regard Zhu Yun as the master instead.

Could it be... hiss—

Lin Yi?!

Almost simultaneously, this answer emerged in everyone's minds—including Gu Yuena, who was looking at the paper.

With this explanation, everything seemed to become clear; perhaps Dai Ben was so cautious around Zhu Yun because of Lin Yi!

The case was cracked!

The truth was unveiled!

The mastermind was revealed!

Gu Yuena flipped her hand dismissively and tossed the white paper on the ground indifferently. She stayed silent, offering no comments.

Does Zhu Yun really want to compete with her for the master?

What a joke.

She never even considered Zhu Yun a threat.

So what if she's become more beautiful?

Her looks are still no match for hers, and neither is her strength...

But, could it be that Lin Yi would actually be interested in such a woman? At the very least, Zhu Yun was definitely more gentle than she was.

Gu Yuena's eyebrows twitched, and her mood suddenly turned sour.

"What's the point of writing this wish down? Do you really think you can fly a hundred meters away?" Lin Yi couldn't help but complain inwardly.

At this very moment.

Zhu Yun knelt on the stage, covering her cheeks, her ears burning red.

Standing beside her, Dai Ben was well aware of everything, but he also knew how to read the room and kept his mouth tightly shut.

However, most people's gaze kept drifting towards Lin Yi, some especially intense, coming from several women.

Lin Yi remained undisturbed, nonchalant to the point of arrogance, since his name wasn't written there anyway.

What does it matter to me, Lin Yi, who Zhu Yun's master is?

He said calmly, "Regarding this reward, let me add two final points of clarification."

"First, fulfilling the wish will not be easy, after all, this is just a Red Junior reward, so it's very difficult for the paper airplane to fly a hundred meters, but it's not impossible. However, during this process, no external force is allowed to assist."

"Second, this rule applies to almost every reward, that the wish cannot be directly or indirectly related to me."

The second supplementary explanation was Lin Yi's response to that earlier wish, meant for Zhu Yun to hear.

"Alright, let's move on to the second attack."


Zhu Yun stood up with extreme embarrassment, wishing she had flown in a different direction, how could it have ended up landing directly on Gu Yuena's head?!

For the second attack, Dai Ben used Tyrant Body with an even more powerful White Tiger Demon God Transformation.

He stood on the stage and called out his Martial Soul, now the White Tiger, upon seeing Zhu Yun, would instinctively feel fear, and immediately merged with Dai Ben.

With the White Tiger Demon God Transformation active, Dai Ben's entire body swelled to three times its original size, his muscles bulged like small hills, and his hair stiffened like steel needles.

His eyes flickered with a Purple flame, and sharp tiger claws extended from his fingertips.

A faint Purple Tyrant Body glow enveloped his body, which, though called Tyrant Body, resembled more of a berserk Skill.

A tiger's roar emanated from Dai Ben's mouth, and in a voice mixed with beast and human, he growled, "White Tiger meteor shower!"

Suddenly, the Sky was filled with dazzling and blinding "stars," which gradually magnified and plummeted towards the ground, the sound of them tearing through the Air deafening, each meteor's originally white-hot exterior seemed to be enveloped in a faint Purple halo.

Under Dai Ben's control, all the meteors formed up in mid-air and headed straight for where Lin Yi stood.

Meanwhile, Zhu Yun's attack seamlessly followed.

It was still the Evil Demon Slash!

The Dark Demon Evil Tiger let out a series of low growls, its massive body circling protectively around Zhu Yun before dissolving into a cloud of black smoke that merged into her body, leaving unique silver patterns on her skin.

At that moment, Lin Yi noticed a detail, Zhu Yun's canines were actually sharp, but not bulky, like a kitten's teeth, hidden at the corner of her mouth, barely visible unless looked at closely.

With the integration of space elements into her attack, Zhu Yun's speed was lightning-fast; a few flashes of silver brilliance appeared briefly in midair, and she had already teleported in front of Lin Yi.

Her claws brought forth a black void, striking Lin Yi.

The attack ended, and the method of confronting Damage Rebound was the same as the last time.

Lin Yi looked towards the panel.
