
Wings & Honey (1)

The group soon arrived at a place for lunch, much to the relief of Ken who felt his stomach protest. He hadn't eaten anything since before the plane ride this morning.

As they got out of the bus, Ken's attention moved to the restaurant nearby.

"Willy's Mexicana? Howlin' hot chicken? What kind of name is that…" He muttered, wearing a weird expression.

"Oh man, I love chicken wings." Steve exclaimed, donning a big smile.

"Don't dilly dally, let's go inside. I've got some work to do."

Coach Wyatt was like a mother duck as he tried to usher the players into the building. After getting the proverbial kick up the rear by the Chairman of the WWBA, he needed to create a profile for Ken as soon as possible.

They quickly entered, being assaulted by a delicious, mouthwatering smell.

Ken felt his stomach grumble loudly as the scent drilled its way into his nose. Whatever it was, he was going to devour it soon.
