
Lead up to the Game (1)

Ken watched as the coach walked off, letting a smile creep onto the corner of his lips.

He enjoyed seeing the expressions of his coach, especially when he did something that was unexpected or shocking. In his previous life, Coach Hanada was known for his brilliant poker face, rarely showing much emotion.

However since regressing, Ken had seen more expressions in this past month than he had in the almost 2 years he knew him beforehand.

Of course, there was an expression that he didn't want to see again…

Just remembering the look of sorrow on his coach's face after he was injured in the summer of his second year was enough to turn his mood sour.

Ken shook his head, thankfully history would not repeat itself.

"Time to go swing the bat."

Since the conversation with the coach hadn't lasted long, the players were still making their way to the locker room to go get changed. Ken's eyes surveyed the troops, looking for a certain shorty.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
