
Chapter 2: Silence

This will be fun... Bellatrix LeStrange was a woman who knew her role in the world. She had been sent out to hunt down and destroy her masters greatest enemy. She knew where he would go, the blood traitor was dead, little Potter would go to his home. She still had Black blood, the wards would recognize her. Smirking, she pulled her hood over her head and apparated to Grimmauld Place.

Getting inside was easy. The blood traitor was dead now, the wards welcomed her as a member of the family. The voices, ever present in her mind, sang to her. Wait until the fool falls asleep, let him make himself a target. Then strike, strike for your master! Bellatrix allowed the whispers to guide her on. She hid in a closet, watching as Harry walked past her, his face pale and his eyes shining with tears. He collapsed on the bed and in a few moments had dropped into a deep slumber.

Bellatrix waited until she was certain he was sound asleep. She crept out of her hiding place and withdrew her wand. The whispers continued to guide her on, urging her to bind him so he couldn't escape her. She cast the charm, instantly Harry's arms and legs were bound to each corner of the bed. He was so mentally drained that he didn't notice and slumbered on.

She was close enough to touch him. For a split second Bellatrix felt as if someone was beating on the walls of her prison back in Azkaban. She could hear someone shouting a name, but she couldn't make it out. The whispers were shouting now, shouting like they had at the beginning. KILL HIM! KILL THE BOY! OBEY! OBEY! OBEY!

Bellatrix saw in her minds eye a little girl with dark curly hair and a little boy with messy hair standing together, impulsively the little boy and kissed the cheek of the girl. Then it was silent in her mind, no voices...no commands...for the first time in over two decades she didn't hear any commands. She looked down at Harry and her decision was made. She would wait for him to awaken, and then she would make a deal. For now, she would rest. She slept on the floor, conjuring the blanket and pillow she required. She would awaken before Harry, she set a charm that would make sure she was awake before him.

Then, for the first time in a very long time, Bellatrix slept.

The next morning her charm worked perfectly, a rooster crowed inside her head. The whispers were back, but they were nearly silent. She could ignore them. She rose and went into the suites bathroom, Harry wouldn't mind her borrowing his toothbrush, she was sure of it. Once she was prepared for him, she took her place. Her eyes, bright and surprisingly sane, was the first thing he saw as he awoke.

"Good morning little Potter..."
