
Stirring Embers

Feng Ruoxi sat absent-minded in the bedroom she shared with her husband, Jiang Yukang. Her mind was consumed by thoughts of Zhang Kai and the whole organization. Seeing Zhang Kai the other day had reawakened her need for vengeance for her and her brother's death. She had wanted to wait a bit, but she thought it was time to start going for the organization. She knew that Zhang Kai alone could not have planned her killing. The man was stupid, just power-hungry. There was someone in the organization, someone at the top who had assisted him or planted the idea in his head, and she had to find out who, even if it meant bringing the whole organization to the ground.

She knew exactly where to start. She sent a quick instruction to Xiao Zheng, then set her phone aside. Let the games begin.

Jiang Yukang walked into the bedroom and said, "Why does it seem like my wife is planning something sinister?"
