
Fox and Hero Fight Kathryn and Maids!

The moment after Ryuji dealt the final blow, he recovered from excitement. The words of Alan helped stop him from crushing the knight's head. Instead, his axe buried itself deep in the floor, forming a slight crater and sizzling from the heat.

"Haa... My bad, sorry, I got a little excited after the shield hit my back." Ryuji wiped his forehead while offering his hand to the fallen knight. The knight swallowed his saliva while panting yet he still took Ryuji's hand.

"No problem, we were told of the danger and given enough rewards. Lord Ryuji." The knight spoke with a shaky voice; however, he seemed to be professional enough to hide his current excitement or maybe fear of Ryuji. 

Ryuji cracked his back while feeling the cooling breeze against his warm, sweaty skin, enjoying the moment of relaxation while the other knights removed their armour and sat on a nearby bench, looking exhausted; the shield knight's face was completely pale as she looked at Ryuji. 
