
Delinquent and Noble - The Foxes Identity.

After three hours of practice, Alan called for the ladies to take a break and freshen up. In the afternoon, they would visit the castle because the king called a meeting, wanting to see all the heroes. 

Ryuji felt a surge of genuine joy at the prospect of seeing Akari and Ryo again, though he knew that things might have changed. He was determined not to let this alter their relationship.

'Even if they said those things because of the trap's gas. I won't leave them to rot alone in that place... Now that I know Heroes is a commodity to the kingdom.'

He wasn't a superhero, but those two were nice enough to him, and he thought having a tailor and chef might help in the long run.

"Alan, can you tell me how bad the heroes are really doing?" 

In the private room of Alan, Ryuji sat on the sofa opposite him, the creak of the wood resounding as he took a glass from the table and motioned for Alan to fill his cup. 
