

"What a pain..." groaned Vaust, frowning as Azir's sand golem slid down the side of the pyramid, gradually sloughing toward him. He wouldn't have too much trouble keeping clear of it, but since it would continue its pursuit until the end of the round, it could be used to locate him.

"Oh, crap! It's Oirthear...!" shouted a girl with purple hair, prompting Vaust to look over as Will emerged from the treeline, sporting a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes and a spadroon in each hand.

"Tch! So much for our plan..." grumbled Vaust, scowling as he lowered his body into a ready stance with his artificial arm behind him, the tips of the spikes on his shoulder, his tail, and his claws developing a crimson hue as his pupils turned to thin, fiery orange slits.

"Oh? Are you planning to fight me?" asked Will, raising his brows slightly as he rested the spadroon in his right hand on his shoulder.
