
Chapter 52: Girls are Road Killers_1

On the way home, Ye Fan saw someone selling flowers and his eyes instantly lit up. He pulled over and bought a bouquet, ninety-nine roses.

After buying the flowers, he continued driving home.

As soon as he entered the house, he saw Bai Susu carrying their eldest, Ye Bing, walking toward him. Seeing the flowers in Ye Fan's hands, her eyes filled with delight.

She hadn't expected Ye Fan to buy her flowers.

This was the first time he had given her flowers.

"Wait a moment, I'll put the child to bed first," Bai Susu said, carrying the child into their bedroom and placing him on the bed before returning.

After all, the child was still small, and it was best to keep the flowers a safe distance away.

"These are for you," Ye Fan said, holding out the bouquet to Bai Susu.

"Thank you. Is it Valentine's Day today?" asked Bai Susu.

Why would he suddenly give her roses?

The flowers smelled so good.

The red roses, adorned with dewdrops, were seductively beautiful.
