
chapter 9: the youngest Silva and the boy who cared part 3/3

A maid ordered by Nozelle led me to the training ground with Noelle,who looked like she was surprised about having a teacher as young as her,so in an attempt to break the ice I decided to ask Noelle about her magic attribute.

"So Noelle what type of magic attribute do you have if I may inquire?",surprised by my question,she hesitated before relying,"I have water Magic,now tell me what your magic is,as I have told you mine."

"…well my magic type is outside of the original attributes,but they come out of my jackals(I proceed to summon my jackals to show her).",Noelle looked at me In shock at my reply on my magic. 'So does this mean he has two attributes in the form of these…wands?' Noelle thought to herself as he was preparing targets for her to attack.

"Hey Arata,you said something about original attributes,could you explain what you mean by that?", curious on the idea behind attributes she asked a question in hopes of better understanding her own element.

"Sure, the theory behind attributes was a concept I presented to Merleona during my training,I suggested that each element was a combination of the original four elements,which consists of Fire,Earth,water,and Air."(insert avatar the last airbender meme here)

Noelle was surprised by this idea on magical attributes and the idea of other magic attributes being combinations of the original four elements,Arata carried on with his explanation of attributes,"so the combinations of the original four elements are called sub elements,like with earth and water you get mud magic as your attribute,the only elements outside these rules are those of concepts,light and dark,space and time,and many many more.", hearing this explanation Noelle was intrigued by how this boy was able to come up with this concept,and the idea of magic synergy between elements.

Noelle asks Arata another question about magic,"Arata,when it comes to controlling an element in your magic how do I utilize my element when I can't control it?", Arata was astounded by how well Noelle is taking my words,and she is right,Arata thought to himself before giving Noelle advice,"well when you think of water,what characteristics do you want your water to take on? To me water is a powerful element,it can be calm and relaxed like a gentle stream moving along with the flow,and out of nowhere the stream can turn into a torrent tearing apart whatever comes it's way,so what do you wish your water to take the form of?"

In the distance hidden away from the two teens,nebra and solid were observing Noelle's training,"I can't believe that lowly commoner could come up with these theories,I won't believe it!" Solid whispered as he was watching with a mix of curiousity and waiting for Noelle to fail,nebra on the other hand was blushing when looking at Arata from a distance,"but you have to admit brother despite his status ,it's quite impressive that he came up with these theories!", as the two siblings were talking about what they were seeing Noelle spoke.

"I wish for my magic to defend those around me but hurt those that dare to bring harm to my kingdom!",Arata who heard this chuckled upon hearing this answer,"what? Is my answer wrong??", Noelle asks as she hears Arata chuckle.

"No Noelle I think that this mindset you have is a truly noble desire for your magic,so let's make your answer a reality,I believe in you after all." Noelle upon hearing that her teacher believes in her ignites something she has never felt before,confidence in herself,"okay teacher,what should we do first?"

"Well first we will do physical exercises,so you won't only have a strong mind,but a body that is able to handle her magic" Arata continues,so we'll start with 5 laps of jogging around the grounds,then do 50 pushups,sit-ups,and squats,and finally some form of meat as a way to help give your body what it needs to grow strong"

Noelle was perplexed on how physical exercise can help her magic,but she went along with it and even though her body is asking her to stop she kept going,"remember to take deep breathes in and out as you work your body,the air around us holds mana and while exercising,your breath with take in the mana you breathe in."

After an hour doing what was asked Noelle could barely move," okay Noelle you did well for your first time doing this training,so we'll stop here for today,we'll start this again tomorrow until I feel your body is ready."

After Arata left for vermillion manor Noelle asks a maid to make a small chicken for dinner for her,and soon after she started to feel changes.

ok so I tried to do a thousand words but I hit a limit,but I was rewatching the last airbender,and I am really loving it after not watching it for a long time.

Thelostswordmancreators' thoughts