
Chapter 51: Return to the Mountain

Huge thanks to Omar, Keith, and HeroGh0st for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!


[3rd POV] [Gwen's Mindscape]

Gwen looked where Trigon was standing a few moments ago, before looking down to her right ring finger, finding a glowing green ring.

'...A Green Lantern ring' Gwen thought, staring at it. Inwardly she wondered what would happen if her symbiote absorbed it, as technically the ring was a piece of technology. But she also doubted that was a good idea, something told her it wouldn't be smart to do such a thing...not yet at least.

'If I get my hands on another one I'll try it' Gwen decided, as the space around her returned to its previous color. Not longer tinged with the demonic energies of Trigon. Instead it was glowing a soft green, the green glow of pure willpower.

"Gwen! Are you okay?!" Nabu asked, as he and the rest of the beings she was the host to, formed back into being.

"I'm alright. Better than ever actually!" Gwen said with a grin, lifting her hand, showing off her new Green Lantern ring.

The group blinked in shock, as Nabu looked at the ring.

"That ring in your hands..." Cyra muttered, realization settling in, on just how powerful that ring was, in the hands of someone like Gwen, who had the combined willpower of multiple different people.

"You're probably the most powerful Green Lantern on Earth, if not in the entire Green Lantern corps" Myrath said, as she also realized just how strong the ring was, in the hands of someone like Gwen.

"What happened to Trigon? A being on his level, does not just disappear" Hati asked, looking at Gwen.

"He got burnt by my willpower when I was reciting the Oath. I'm pretty sure I might have destroyed the fragment of him" Gwen said with a smile, as she looked upon them. They all looked at her wide eyed, knowing how strong he was.

"That...he must have been weakened by being within your mindscape" Nabu replied, causing Gwen to nod, having also thought that to be the case. The guy had conquered hundreds, if not thousands of universes for a reason, even if he was a mere fragment of him, he wouldn't have simply died like that in a normal fight. Not that Gwen would have stood a chance either way.

"For now, I think it'll be best if I return to the real world. I've got a new artifact to get used to, a power ring to figure out, and a girlfriend who will either be very happy to see me, or angry that I haven't contacted her...or both" Gwen said, cringing at the end, realizing that it was probably going to be a mixture of both.

"That would be for the best" Nabu said, agreeing to what she had said.

Gwen returned to the real world at those words.

Opening her eyes, she sighed as she realized that she had basically passed out.

Getting to her feet, she looked down to her chain, and low and behold, the helmet was on the left of the helmet of fate, while the Helmet of Chaos was on the right.

She could almost immediately notice the increase in Chaos magic, as well as the sensation of a ring on her ring finger.

'Definitely going to need to get used to that' Gwen thought, looking down at the Green lantern ring, before deciding to look at the notifications she had gotten.

[Quest Complete!]

Finders Keepers, Powers for the Keeper x3?! [Complete]

Details - Use magic to track down the powerful new "beacons" that you feel.

Extra Details - A rather...idiotic bunch has decided to create some objects in order to strengthen their group. They will be a rather useful addition to the user's power set if found. 

Rewards - 5 UL Tickets

[Hidden Quest Complete!]

Buh Bye Trigon!

Details - Trigon has attached a tiny fragment of his being onto the Helmet of Hate, through a deal made with the Lord of Chaos that created it. Said deal, was to use the Host to regain Raven, and perhaps you if lucky. By destroying his fragment within your mindscape, you have unknowingly absorbed it, making it's power your own, therefore, drastically increasing your magical power. May have other side effects in the future.

Rewards - 10 UL Tickets, Unknown Boons.

Lords of Chaos? Please

Details - You have "Killed" a total of three Lords of Chaos, a feat no one else has accomplished before.

Rewards - 5 UL Tickets.

'Not bad. I'll use those once I go back to the Mountain' Gwen inwardly decided. The fact that she had an increase in magic due to basically absorbing the fragment of Trigon, and making it her own, wasn't lost on her. She doubted the system would let it negatively effect her, and now that she looked closer, she did notice the massive increase in pure magical power, and she could feel that her physical capabilities, senses, and probably more, had increased as well. She had even noticed a large increase in aura, force, and chi power as well.

'Definitely going to have to look into what exactly those changes were' Gwen thought, knowing better than to leave anything involving Trigon alone.

'At least now I won't have to worry about him. Not until I go to the comics at least' Gwen thought with a small grin. She was also excited to tell Raven about this, knowing the girl would be happy about it.

Although, explaining that to M'gann and Artemis...yeah she wasn't excited for that one.

Looking to Teekl who was on her shoulder, Gwen smiled "Let's go home" Gwen said, deciding to return to the Mountain after nearly 5 days. She had missed her girlfriend, and very much would like to cuddle with her at the moment.

Looking to the alter, she hummed and lifted her hand. A bolt of pure magic obliterated the alter, causing Gwen to grin as she walked off, ready to finally return home.


[Mount Justice]

Within the Mountain, the team was speaking on their most recent mission. It was their tracking of Sportsmaster and Cheshire, and the drama involving Artemis and Red Arrow, who had returned to the team.

They were arguing with Artemis at the moment, because of her putting a false tracker on a train, while she herself, went after Cheshire alone, more so to protect her than anything. Considering the older woman was her big sister.

"Are you that freaked out about Arrow joining the team you had to prove yourself by bringing down the bad guys solo?" Wally asked, frowning as he looked at Artemis. The rest of the team that did not go on the mission, aka Zatanna, Superboy, and M'gann, were all silently listening to them.

"Please tell me that I'm wrong" Wally added, causing Artemis to breathe deeply. She was going to reply, but stopped herself.

"What you've proved is that you're insecure and selfish. Keep the Sai. This is the right souvenir for the mission" Wally said, grabbing the tracker out of Roy's hand.

"So how you will betray us next time?" Roy said with an accusatory tone.

Kaldur was about to respond, before they all heard the sound of the Zeta-tube going off.

Blinking, they all turned to see Gwen walking out with a yawn.

"Hmm? Did I interrupt something?" Gwen asked, noticing the way Roy was glaring at Artemis, and Artemis who looked like she was about to cry.

"Gwen! You're back!" M'gann squealed happily, barrelling into her chest with a wide smile. Gwen laughed and accepted the hug, making sure the illusion around her finger held. She didn't want to reveal the ring just yet, afterall.

"I've missed you too, baby" Gwen whispered, pressing a kiss against M'gann's lips, who returned it with vigor.

"So, what exactly is all the glares at Artemis about? What did she do that was so bad?" Gwen asked, looking to Roy. 

"She betrayed the team!" Roy said with a scoff.

"And how did she do that? Everyone makes mistakes, including you, so don't act like you're better than her or anything. What she did was a mistake, and that's that. I don't see why you're acting all high and mighty about it" Gwen responded with a roll of her eyes.

Artemis brightened slightly at this, while Raven was staring intently at her.

"What did you do when you were gone?" Raven asked, she could feel something...different about Gwen.

"That...I'll tell you and the League about that later" Gwen said, staring her in the eyes.

"And why can you not tell us?" Roy asked with a scoff.

"Because it's a bit above the stuff this team does. As in, it involves literal gods and dimensional beings" Gwen replied with a shrug.

"Lords of Chaos?" Superboy asked.

"Lords of Chaos, Lords of Order, a literal Demi-god, you know, crap like that" Gwen replied with a shrug.

"Huh...cool" Superboy muttered.

"But i'd appreciate it if you stop treating Artemis as if she's worse than you, Red. It's annoying, and frankly, makes you look like even more of a douche than I remember" Gwen said, looking at Roy who scowled deeply.

Artemis snickered softly, while M'gann, Superboy, Raven, Zatanna, and even Kaldur, struggled not to crack a smile. As most of them agreed that he was being pretty harsh, and was admittedly acting like a bit of a douche.

"I'd suggest you don't do what you're contemplating, because I'd put you on your ass before you could even throw a punch. I've put my dad on his ass in almost every fight I've had with him, and you sure aren't even remotely on his level" Gwen said, her senses flaring as she knew the idiot was getting ready to punch her.

Growling, he walked off. "Why is he on the team again?"

"Gwen-" "Yeah I know, but seriously. He's basically just Artemis but worse in literally every way, by like...a lot" Gwen said, cutting Kaldur off.

She said it because it was literally just the truth. Artemis, thanks to the training Gwen had continued to put her through, as well as her joint training with M'gann and Raven, was far more skilled than her original counterpart. To the point that she was probably the second most skilled hand to hand combatant on the team, behind only Gwen.

The girl was a genuine genius in the area, and Gwen was confident she could put Roy on his ass, if she ever wanted to.

Artemis blushed slightly at the praise, causing Gwen to smirk, while M'gann quietly giggled.

Kaldur couldn't really deny what she said, as it was true. He wasn't sure what sort of training Gwen had given the girl, but she was definitely the second most skilled hand to hand combatant on the team. Considering she was the only person besides Gwen that had managed to beat Black Canary. With M'gann and Raven both getting very very close to it.

"I suppose you aren't wrong. But...he is an aid to the team, and a friend" Kaldur replied after thinking for a few moments.

"He's also suspicious as hell" Gwen replied with a deadpan.

"What do you mean, "Suspicious" Wally asked, looking confused.

"You know I have strong senses and instincts right? Well every instinct in my body is telling me that he isn't who he says he is. He might not even know it, but I'm not entirely sure that is even Roy"

"You mean like a clone...like me" Superboy replied, as the team listened intently to Gwen. They all knew that Gwen's instincts/senses very very rarely failed, if ever.

Red Tornado stared at her for a few moments, before speaking "I will bring this matter to the League. Gwen's instincts haven't failed a single time, so far. So this may require more investigation"

"Which means the mole..." "Is more than likely Roy? Yes, most likely" Gwen nodded at what Kaldur said, causing him to sigh.

"We must keep a close eye on him then. But we cannot let him know, otherwise, if he is a clone, this may activate some sort of emergency programming. We must wait until it is confirmed, and until then, we watch him closely" Kaldur said after a few moments, causing the team to nod. 

"So...moving on from that. I've got another matter that the League needs to know about, Tornado. One that might improve the overall strength of non-powered members of the League, and potentially even the alien members" Gwen said, looking to the android.

"I will make sure to bring the matter to them. You'll most likely be called to a meeting tomorrow. The League is...not very happy that you left with no warning, besides telling your girlfriend" Red Tornado said, causing Gwen to nod, already knowing that was going to happen.

"Oh yeah, Artemis, I've got a gift for you" Gwen said, after remembering the item she built for her.

"A gift?"

"I don't know when your birthday is, so think of this as a early birthday present" Gwen said with a grin, as she pulled out a small object.

It almost looked like a gun, but it was more...high tech looking, and had some sort of Green Symbol on it.

"What is it?" Artemis asked, looking at it in interest.

"I call it the Proto-Tool. A neat little weapon I made for you, after realizing that you sort of rely on your bow...a little too much. It's, in essence, a bunch of different weapons/tools in one. It's got 30 different forms at the moment, and I could add more if you need it. I'll have to teach you to use it, so you can safely use the thing. But I think it'll be better than just a bow and arrow" Gwen said with a grin, as she changed the tools forms several times. Showing off a bow form, a blaster form, a shield form, and even a fishing rod form.

Artemis looked at the object that Gwen handed her, in awe. "Gwen, I-I can't take this"

"Why?" Gwen asked, tilting her head as the team all looked at the tool in interest.

"Because it had to have costed a fortune! Not only that, but it'd be better in the hands of someone else, like Robin"

"A fortune? Nah, it didn't cost anything. All the minerals for it were created by myself. As for giving it to Robin, while he would be able to use it, he wouldn't use it as well as you. Just accept it Artemis" Gwen said, pushing it back into her hands.

Artemis looked at it, before nodding.

"Oh, and you need to bind it to you. I put some safe blocks on the thing, so it can't be stolen or reverse engineered. All you need to do, is put your finger against the hourglass looking symbol, it'll then be bound to you, and only you" Gwen explained, causing Artemis to nod, and do as she said.

The tool glowed softly, before stopping, causing Gwen to smile "It's bound to you now. When we do our training tomorrow, I'll give you a lesson on how to use it, and all it's forms"

Turning to the rest of the team, she smiled "I'm also in the process of building some new and improved suits for all of you, so be ready for that"

The team smiled at this, as if Gwen can make something like the Proto-tool, they knew that the suits could be pretty impressive, better than their current ones at least.

"Well, now that that is over with, I believe it would be best for all of us to go and get some sleep. Today has been...draining" Kaldur said, causing the team to nod, and slowly go their separate ways.

"Thank you...really" Artemis said softly, before pecking Gwen dangerously close to her lips, and running off. Pink dusting her cheeks, embarrassed that she just did that.

Gwen chuckled at the cute reaction, before looking to M'gann, the two of them being the only ones remaining in the room.

"Let's go and get back to our room. I do have a gift for you, afterall" Gwen said with a smile, causing M'gann to smile and walk after her. 

Within Gwen's room, Gwen smiled at her girlfriend.

"I was contemplating making something super high tech and cool. But I think something more...real, is better" Gwen said softly, reaching behind her and grabbing a black box, that was hidden away within her symbiote.

Opening the box, M'gann gasped as she looked at the gorgeous necklace laying inside.

"Originally I was going to go with a green diamond or something, but I thought red looked bet-MMph" Gwen was cut off as M'gann slammed her lips against hers.

Blinking at it, Gwen returned her kiss. A soft moan escaped M'gann as their kiss deepened.

"So I take it you like it?" Gwen asked, causing M'gann to rapidly nod.

"It-it's beautiful, Gwen" M'gann said softly, looking at it intently. A singular tear leaking out of her eye, which Gwen softly wiped away.

"Can you put it on me?" M'gann asked, causing Gwen to smile and nod.

Slowly Gwen pulled the necklace onto M'gann's neck, placing a singular kiss to the back of her neck.

"I love you" Gwen softly whispered, causing M'gann to blush.

"I love you too" M'gann responded, as she leaned into Gwen's chest. Ignoring the fact that Gwen's breasts were dangerously close to her face, a soft yawn escaping her.

"You tired, baby?" Gwen asked, which M'gann nodded to, burying her face into Gwen's neck.

Gwen just chuckled and lifted her girlfriend, causing M'gann to cling to her like a koala, as Gwen slowly moved them to her bed.

Laying down, Gwen looked at M'gann who was already asleep, causing her to frown 'She didn't sleep much...'

'Looks like she's not able to sleep easily without me' Gwen sighed, a small smile forming on her face as M'gann clung to her.

Watching her girlfriend sleep, Gwen decided to use some of her character summons. She had 29 at the moment, and decided to use half or so.

'System, use 4 of them, I'll save the rest for the future' Gwen inwardly spoke, deciding not to use all of them just yet.

Talzin | Star Wars Canon [UL]

Talzin, aka Mother Talzin. A powerful witch from the planet of dathomir, and a member of the night sisters. She is one of the most powerful night sisters, second only to Daka. Her usage of the force, in the sense that it is more similar to magic. Allowing her to create her own form of force lighting that is green and more concentrated, creating a green bubble that can absorb attacks that weren't physical in nature, creating a sword of pure magick, telekinesis, incinerate and form objects with this magic, putting people to sleep with a tap of her finger, and a whole host of other abilities that are "magical". Includes all helpful/imporant knowledge and abilities.

Obi-Wan Kenobi | Star Wars Canon [UL]

Obi-Wan Kenobi, aka the man who taught Luke Skywalker and Anakin Skywalker. Obi-Wan Kenobi was a skilled fighter and combatant. Primarily using Form III in lightsaber combat,  which was mainly defensive in nature. While also being skilled in the usage of a dual bladed lightsaber. He can also use the normal force powers, such as mind trick, force healing, telekinesis, force jump, precognition, and more. He is also a skilled military strategist, was an excellent pilot, is a skilled hand to hand combatant, and can speak and understood various languages. Includes all other helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Jefferson Pierce | Black Lightning | DC Arrowverse [UL]

Jefferson Pierce, aka Black Lightning. A powerful meta-human, Jefferson has the power to generate and absorb electricity, as well as being immune to it. His electrical powers are such that he can create 100,000,000 volts of electricity at one point in time. He can create electrical blasts, constructs, use electro-telekinesis, and has electric vision. He also has superhuman speed, strength, durability, regenerative capabilities, and can manipulate his voice. He is also a master in hand to hand combat, is an expert marksman, is skilled in teaching, stealth, and has a lot of willpower. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and abilities.

Sebastian Shaw | X-men Movies Universe [UL]

Sebastian Shaw, aka leader of the Hellfire club. Shaw is a mutant with a powerful unique and powerful ability. Shaw was able to absorb energy in all its forms, is capable of adopting the characteristics of any energy source proportionality augmenting all his physical parameters until finally metabolizing it. This made him extremely difficult to defeat in battle, as all the kinetic force from an enemy's strike or projectile assaults is another form of energy that would ultimately be nullified while simultaneously strengthening him. Through the use of this ability, he can gain super strength, durability, has self-sustanence through absorbing energy, decelerated aging through this energy, and kinetikinesis. Meaning  once he has the energy, he is able to produce and release it in powerful and destructive ways. He can focus it in various ways, including simple bursts, stretching shockwaves, and even concentrated balls. He is also a gifted leader, is multilingual, and is rather intelligent. Includes all helpful/important knowledge and powers.

'...That last one is pretty good, as is the first one' Gwen thought, knowing how useful Shaw's ability would be. As with her durability and regeneration, the ability would be quite strong. Jefferson wasn't bad either, as when combined with her other powers, it would be able last longer, be stronger, and more than likely be able to be used in more ways.

'System, go ahead and assimilate those while I sleep' Gwen decided, as she began to get comfortable. Her exhaustion from the events of the day, catching up to her.

Slowly, she allowed to feel the comfort of sleep, while the assimilation began.

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That's the end of the chapter!

Next chapter will probaby be shorter. I plan on her creating some more technology soon, so be ready for that. The proto-tool is something from Ben 10 that I thought would be useful for Artemis.

Next chapter will be the talk with the League, and potentially more characters and UL usages.

Would y'all want me to add live action versions of characters, even when she already has the comics version of them? Like Spiderman from the MCU?

Anyways, have a good day, see you tomorrow!

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ArtoriaPendragon_creators' thoughts