
Chapter 476: Take Them All Away

Yang Yi stepped out of the cell and waited for Brian to emerge as well. Once they were both out, Karinichenko swiftly pushed the cell door back and locked it before turning to Yang Yi with a face full of impatience, saying, "How did you get in there? How did you manage to do that!"

"Just picked a lock, it was very simple. Look, I'm fine, aren't I? No need to worry."

Karinichenko seemed about to go mad with frustration but couldn't raise his voice, instead urgently whispering in a hushed tone, "Who cares if nothing happened to you? Do you have any idea how many people would die if he got out? Fuck, did you give him anything? Did you!"

Yang Yi patted his hands together and replied, "Nothing, of course nothing. I don't think it was necessary, you know?"
