
Time to escape

And for the puppet. Kadoc said looking at Crimson Puppet. Leave it to me, I always wanted to take out one of Ritsuka Umbrel summons, Infinit Winter

As then show and ice covered Kadoc blowing wind, and chilling wind can be seen, meanwhile in Chaldea every servant and Stap member were going to the shadoe border, as back with Kadoc something was happening.

Kadoc's transformation was complete, his body now a manifestation of the icy powers he wielded. His once-white hair now glimmered with an icy blue hue, his hands and feet transformed into sharp claws of frozen ice. A beast-like tail swayed behind him, and his mouth had morphed into a menacing visage of ice and frost.

Anastasia watched with a mixture of awe and desire as Kadoc underwent his transformation. His newfound power was both terrifying and alluring, stirring something primal within her. She felt a rush of excitement coursing through her veins, her heart pounding in anticipation of the battle to come.

"Kadoc..." Anastasia murmured, her voice husky with desire. "You've become even more magnificent than I could have imagined."

Kadoc turned to her, his icy gaze meeting hers with a fierce intensity. "We will crush our enemies, my love," he said, his voice tinged with an icy chill. "No one will stand in our way."

With a nod of determination, Kadoc and Anastasia advanced together, their hearts united in their quest for victory. The Crimson Puppet, now infused with Kadoc's icy power, followed close behind, ready to unleash its devastating fury upon Ritsuka's forces.

As the battle raged on, Kadoc and Anastasia fought side by side, their icy powers combining to create a deadly onslaught. With each strike, they carved a path of destruction through the Shadow Soldiers and puppets, drawing ever closer to their ultimate goal: Chaldea, and the fate of humanity hanging in the balance.

Meanwhile on Chaldea monitor Ritsuka just saw it he was dumfounded.

Will that is very new. Ritsuka said looking at Kadoc. This, this is new

This didn't happen. Ophelia said looking at Ritsuka. He didn't have ice like transformation

Ritsuka's eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Kadoc's transformation unfold on the Chaldea monitor. The sight before him was like nothing he had ever seen before, and it sent a chill down his spine.

"You're right," Ritsuka said, his voice tinged with astonishment. "Kadoc's transformation... it's completely different from anything we encountered in the original timeline."

Ophelia nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed in concern. "This ice-like transformation... it's unprecedented. It's as if Kadoc has tapped into a new source of power, one we've never seen before."

As they watched the monitor, the gravity of the situation began to sink in. Kadoc's newfound abilities posed a significant threat, one that Chaldea would need to confront head-on if they were to have any hope of stopping him and Anastasia.

"We can't underestimate them," Ritsuka said, his expression serious. "Whatever Kadoc has become, we'll need to be prepared to face it head-on. Chaldea's fate, and the fate of humanity, hangs in the balance."

Everyone in. Da Vinci said powering up the shadow border. Everyone gets in.

As Ritsuka and Ophelia the only peopke not get hit in, as they drove, Anastasia and Kadoc saw them, as he narrows his eye, as he made a ice spear.

Fire. He said firing the spear. Anastasia, attack.

Ritsuka's heart raced as he watched the ice spear hurtling towards them, his mind racing with possibilities. With lightning-fast reflexes, he maneuvered the Shadow Border out of harm's way, narrowly avoiding the deadly projectile.

"Stay focused," Ritsuka said, his voice calm but firm. "We can't let them catch us off guard."

Ophelia nodded, her expression determined as she scanned the area for any signs of further danger. "Right. We need to keep moving and stay one step ahead of them."

Meanwhile, Anastasia unleashed a powerful barrage of ice magic, sending waves of frost and snow hurtling towards the Shadow Border. The vehicle shuddered under the onslaught, but Da Vinci's expert piloting skills kept them out of harm's way.

"We need to find a way to counterattack," Ritsuka said, his eyes narrowing in determination. "We can't let them dictate the terms of this battle."

As the Shadow Border raced through the icy landscape, Ritsuka and Ophelia braced themselves for the coming confrontation, knowing that the fate of Chaldea and the future of humanity hung in the balance.

Da Vinci. Dr Romani said looking at her. Activated Void shale right now at best we will end up in the what ever new Russian lost belt that Anastasia is at

Da Vinci nodded, her fingers flying across the control panel as she initiated the Void Chaldea system. "Void Shale activated," she announced, her voice steady despite the tension in the air. "We're ready to make the jump."

Dr. Romani glanced at the monitor, his expression grave. "Let's hope this works," he said, his voice tinged with uncertainty. "We're taking a leap into the unknown, but it's our best chance at escaping Anastasia's grasp."

As the Shadow Border hummed with energy, Ritsuka and Ophelia braced themselves for the transition. They knew that their journey was far from over, but they were determined to face whatever challenges awaited them in the new Russian Lostbelt.

With a final surge of power, the Shadow Border vanished into the swirling vortex of the Void, leaving behind the icy landscape and the threat of Kadoc and Anastasia. Their destination unknown, Ritsuka and his companions pressed forward, ready to confront whatever dangers awaited them in the depths of the unknown.

As Kadoc transformed back his ice falling, Anastasia has already freeze all of Chaldea as then they saw the 7 light

Will looks like the lost belt are here. Kadoc said looking at the light. Come let's go met with the rest of the crypter.

As the seven lights descended upon the frozen landscape, Kadoc and Anastasia made their way towards the source. The air crackled with anticipation as they approached the meeting point, where the other Crypters awaited their arrival.

Kadoc's mind raced with thoughts of the power that awaited them, while Anastasia's icy demeanor betrayed nothing of her inner excitement. Together, they stood poised on the brink of a new era, ready to seize the opportunity that lay before them.

As they joined their fellow Crypters, the true extent of their power became clear. With the fate of the world hanging in the balance, they knew that they held the key to shaping its future. With determination in their hearts and ice in their veins, they prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their quest for dominance over this new world.

And as just like that proper human history was wiped once again, as in meeting place with holographic images, of Kadoc, Pepe, Daybit, Akuta and two other people were shows as Kirshtaria was the only one there physically, next to him was his servant a woman or tree wearing a white like outfit wirh some gold, one had yellow hair, one had pink ans one had black, these were the Valkyries, Thrud, Ortlinde, Hildr

As the holographic images flickered to life, Kirschtaria stood solemnly, flanked by his Valkyrie servants. The weight of their collective power hung heavy in the air as they surveyed the scene before them.

With proper human history erased once again, they knew that they held the reins of destiny in their hands. The Valkyries, embodiments of strength and determination, stood ready to carry out their master's will, their unwavering loyalty evident in their steely gazes.

As Kirschtaria addressed the gathering, his voice echoed with a sense of purpose and resolve. Together, they would forge a new path forward, one shaped by their own ambitions and desires. With the Valkyries at his side, Kirschtaria knew that nothing could stand in their way as they embarked on this new chapter in history.

How are all of your lost belt going. Kirshtaria said looking at all the holographic images. And I giving the option give up your lost belt and you will be allowed in Asgard in my Norse lost belt

Kirschtaria's offer hung in the air, each holographic image representing a Crypter and their respective Lost Belt. The Valkyries stood by his side, their presence adding weight to his words.

The Crypters deliberated, weighing their options carefully. Each had invested time, effort, and emotion into their Lost Belts, shaping them according to their own desires and visions. To abandon their creations now would be a bitter pill to swallow, yet the allure of Asgard and the promise of a place in Kirschtaria's Norse Lost Belt held undeniable appeal.

Pepe, his expression thoughtful, considered the offer. Daybit, ever enigmatic, remained silent, his gaze unreadable. Akuta's eyes flickered with uncertainty, torn between loyalty to her own Lost Belt and the temptation of Asgard.

Amidst the deliberation, Kadoc's voice rang out, his tone resolute. "We cannot simply abandon everything we've built," he declared, his eyes flashing with determination. "We will stand by our Lost Belts, no matter the cost."

Kirschtaria nodded, acknowledging their decision. "So be it," he said, his voice carrying a note of finality. "May the fates guide us all as we continue our respective journeys."

With their choices made, the holographic images faded, leaving each Crypter to grapple with the path they had chosen and the challenges that lay ahead in their own Lost Belts.

Also you two. Kirshtaria said looking at the member of team B. Will you join you were not even part of team A replacement that the aline god chose sense Ophelia and Ritsuka didn't almost die like the 5 of us

The members of Team B exchanged glances, silently communicating their thoughts. Unlike the original members of Team A, they had been chosen as replacements by the Aline God, thrust into the role without the same level of personal connection or experience.

After a moment of contemplation, one of the members stepped forward, their expression determined. "We may not have been part of the original team, but we are committed to our mission," they said, their voice steady. "We will stand by our Lost Belts and see this through to the end."

Kirschtaria nodded, acknowledging their resolve. "Very well," he said, his tone measured. "May your dedication serve you well in the trials to come."

With their decision made, the members of Team B prepared to face the challenges of their respective Lost Belts, determined to prove themselves worthy of their roles as Crypters.

As the meeting ended, Ortlinde poked Kirshtaria checks as she landed her head on his solder, as Thrud did the same on his right solder, as Hilder lapped and decide to bring him food, just like Anastasia, did with Kadoc these 3 Valkyries fell in love with Kirshtaria.

So what this do to your plan. Thrud said her yellow hair moving. What is your plane anyway.

Kirschtaria smiled faintly at the affectionate gestures of the Valkyries, though inwardly he remained focused on his objectives. "My plan remains unchanged," he replied, his voice calm and measured. "To ascend to Asgard and establish a new world order, where humanity can thrive under the protection of the gods."

Thrud tilted her head, her expression curious. "And what of the other Crypters? Will they join us in this vision?"

Kirschtaria's gaze hardened slightly as he considered the question. "Those who choose to join us will be welcomed as allies," he stated. "But those who stand in opposition will be dealt with accordingly. Our path to Asgard is clear, and we will not be deterred by dissent."

With a determined nod, the Valkyries understood their leader's resolve. Together, they would work towards their shared goal, unwavering in their commitment to forge a new destiny for humanity.

So what made you chose this plane. Holder said bring him food. What made you simple

Simple. Kirshtaria said rembering his member him getting attacked, being saved by Ritsuka and then Ritsuka takeing care of his father. I one saved I was weak he saved me and friends of mine from death, and after that he left, he was stronger then me, this is my plane humanity will be protected by the gods and that how we will tribes, this how things should be, now if only he can agree with me

Kirshtaria said remembering, a certain red hair, lighting using god, as he seat on the throne of oden, as he was this lost belt king. The Valkyries listened intently to Kirschtaria's explanation, their admiration for him evident in their eyes. They understood the depth of his conviction and the significance of his experiences in shaping his vision for the future.

Hildr nodded in understanding. "It's admirable, your determination to protect humanity," she said, placing the food she had brought before him. "And if this Ritsuka is as strong as you say, perhaps he will see the merit in your plan."

Kirschtaria offered a small smile at her words, grateful for the support of his loyal companions. "Indeed," he agreed. "We shall see how events unfold. But for now, let us focus on the task at hand and ensure the success of our endeavors."

As they continued their conversation, the atmosphere in the room remained somber yet determined. Kirschtaria's resolve resonated with the Valkyries, each of whom shared his commitment to their cause.

Ortlinde spoke up, her voice carrying a note of concern. "But what if Ritsuka does not agree with your plan? What if he opposes us?"

Kirschtaria's expression grew thoughtful as he considered the possibility. "If that is the case, then we shall have to find a way to persuade him," he replied, his gaze focused. "But I have faith in his judgment. He has shown remarkable strength and wisdom in the face of adversity."

Thrud nodded in agreement. "Indeed, he has," she said, her yellow hair shimmering in the light. "And if anyone can understand the importance of our mission, it is him."

Hildr smiled softly, her eyes reflecting determination. "Then let us prepare ourselves for the challenges ahead," she said, her voice resolute. "We must remain steadfast in our purpose and trust in our abilities to see it through."

With renewed determination, Kirschtaria and the Valkyries turned their attention to the tasks that lay ahead, ready to face whatever obstacles came their way in pursuit of their shared vision for the future.

Meanwhile with Kadoc he was just done with the meeting, as he then felt something, Anastasia. As Kadoc sat in the queen's chamber, memories of his initial encounter with Anastasia flooded his mind. He remembered the fear and uncertainty he had felt when he first laid eyes on her, expecting punishment for his intrusion into her domain. Yet, to his surprise, she had treated him with unexpected kindness, offering him a place by her side as her loyal servant.

The bond they had forged since then was unlike anything Kadoc had experienced before. Despite their differences in status, Anastasia had shown him a level of trust and affection that he had never dared to hope for. As he looked at her now, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for her unwavering support.

Anastasia's eyes met his, and Kadoc saw a warmth and tenderness in them that melted away any doubts or fears he may have had. In her presence, he felt a sense of belonging and purpose that he had never known before.

Reaching out, Kadoc gently stroked his Avenger servant's head, a silent gesture of appreciation for her loyalty and devotion. As they sat together in the quiet of the queen's chamber, Kadoc knew that he would do whatever it took to protect and serve his queen, no matter the cost.

To be continued

Yes a 2 partner this was way to important to post it one day after another
