
Ch10 Yoriichi

Kaiser Pov

'It was a big mistake to even try this.' I thought while dodging the sword that could have cut my head off.

During my guard time, I thought that it would be a good idea to try one of the character trials I got, and guess what? The moment I used the ticket, I was transferred to this white room that was closed from every direction and there was no way out from it.

Being in a white room for a long time wouldn't be a pleasant experience since it's a torture method.

Luckily I wasn't alone and a few moments after I was transferred here, a man also began to take form from blue particles.

The man was quite tall and was dressed in a red Haori. He had a lean muscular build, fair skin, maroon eyes, and long spiky hair with red tips that was kept in a ponytail. No trail of emotion could be seen on his face.

The man observed me for a fraction of a second and as our eyes met he lunged at me with insane speed.

Thus, we got engaged in a heated battle, in which I was mostly on the defensive because of his immense strength.

How is this guy even this strong? I can't feel any mana from him so he definitely isn't using magic to enhance his physical attributes, nor can I feel any special kind of energy that he's using.

Each one of his attacks is planned and I'm barely dodging them, and I can tell he's not going all out.

And that's not all, not only his attacking prowess is over the bar, but his defense is also like an unbreakable shield.

(A/N: You all probably know this if you've seen Demon Slayer, Yoriichi was so OP that even when they made a robot/doll of him to copy his moves, the doll needed six arms

And katanas while also utilizing 108 techniques to imitate His swordsmanship, and even then, the doll was still vastly inferior compared to him. There were several other fits that he has but you can just read it on wiki. Now Taking that into account, in terms of swordsmanship I consider him to be one of the top sword users in anime verse, and before you jump at me saying I'm hyping him too much, I'm not comparing his power level with other swordsman in anime verse, because at most he would be town level, I'm just saying this about his swordsmanship.)

But this made this experience even more exciting, each time our blades clashed against each other, I could feel the change in the way that I swung my sword, as if I was copying his moves and learning everything he did.

As much as I enjoyed our fight and learning more from him, I knew that I had to end this as soon as possible, after all in real life my clients might be in danger.

Thinking of a way to defeat him, I realized that the only way I could beat him right now was by using skills that weren't related to swordsmanship.

I really didn't want to resort to using magic, but in swordsmanship, I'm below his level so if I want to defeat him, I need to use magic whether I like it or not.

What a shame, if I only was a few years older and was physically on par with him, I would have beaten him fair and square.

But as Uther has taught me, everything is fair in love and war, so technically using underhanded methods is also reasonable, and I really don't care that much about honor.

'Now I just need to find a moment to surprise hi-' before I could finish my thought process,

Yoriichi attack course changed, making me remember that while this was only a manifestation of him, it still had the thought process of a human and not a limited copy.

Jumping away from him and making space between us, I pretended to be in a slashing motion.

Yoriichi narrowed his eyes and was waiting for my attack but contrary to his expectations, I didn't make any move.

"Cursed technique: Hachi"

The moment I used my cursed technique, Yoriichi seeming to feel that something was wrong, quickly moved from his place.

Unfortunately for him, my attack had already landed on him and his arm was cut off.

[Host has successfully defeated (Yoriichi Tsugikuni) and fulfilled the condition of the trial.]

[One skill from the character's (Yoriichi Tsugikuni) skill set can be chosen by the host.]

Sighing in relief I sat on the ground and watched Yoriichi slowly turn into fragments and disappear.

"I wish I could fight against him one more time..."

[Due to finishing the trial in under ten tries, the character (Yoriichi Tsugikuni) can be summoned In the training room at host's wish.]

"Nice, as convenient as always."

[For exceeding the trial's condition, a small awar d will be given to the host.]

[ Mana 40000 -->> 45000 ]

"I thank all the outer gods for giving me this system. I appreciate it."

Now that I think about it, what do these gods even want from me? Should I go and pray each day as a sign of gratitude? Forget it that seems dumb.

[Notice; New mission available from outer gods.]

'Oh wow, how well timed. Just as I was thinking of thanking.'

"What is it? Show me."

[Outer gods have tasked host with using an edge lord line when he kills his next enemy.]

"I'm sorry what? What even is an edge lord?"

[Edgelord: An edgelord is someone with harsh opinions that they express in distasteful, offensive language to seem both edgy and aloof.]

"Care to give an example?"

[For example, the host can say "I'm the dark lord, the one of vengeance and pain, you will never understand my pain because YOU ARE NOT ME."]


Forget it those gods are not worthy of respect.

[Host can also try the line "The graveyard is my garden and you all are the fertilizers for the flowers of death."]

"stop it, at this point might bleed from my ears."

[The outer gods say that host will gain an extraordinary reward if he completes this mission.]

"As much as I would love to know what that award is, I reject this mission."

[Additional information about the system will be given to the host if they accept the mission.]

"Is the information about how the system was made and things like that or is it about a function of the system? "

[The latter]

"Alright, we got a deal." if the information was about the system, I wouldn't have accepted it because I'm not really interested in knowing where it came from. but as it's about a function of system that I can get something from it later on, then it is useful.

"Now give me the information."

[After hitting the current level cap, host will have the right to choose a path and receive a corresponding path bundle to the path he chooses.]

"Path and path bundle?"

[Path Bundle, is a bundle containing several skills of a path that the host chooses. While the path is the road that host will step into to proceed further in the persuasion of strength.]

'Can you give me some examples of these bundles?'

[ Main character (Hero) bundle

Description: A bundle containing skills that are fit and necessary for every Main character that follows the path of a hero.

Rewards: Plot armor, power of friendship, lack of common sense, Heroic mentality, denseness, etc.]

'So basically other than plot armor, the rest of this path's skills are useless. Next bundle.'

[Main character (Villain) bundle Description: A bundle containing skills that are fit and necessary for every Main character that follows the path of a villain.

Rewards: Plot armor(Downgraded), No interruption monologue, edge lord, power of dark side, etc.]

'This one is even weirder than the previous one. System you sure you aren't pulling my leg here? and that edge lord title is already giving me bad vibes. What kind of skills are these?'

[The No interruption monologue skills allow host to be invincible till the time that they are done with explaining their evil plan. The edge lord skill is self-explanatory and lastly, the power of the dark side is a skill that allows the host to get help and boost from any power or person that is against the good.]

'These skills are getting more ridiculous the more this goes on. The bundle that I will get will be random or can I choose what I want? Wait never mind, it's based on luck like everything else in the system.'

[Few paths will be picked by luck and out of those host has the right to choose one.]

'It still needs luck So I'm pretty much fucked at this point.'

Well, it's not like I have to think about it now, when the time comes I'll deal with it. Now let's see what skills Yoriichi had.

[System show me Yoriichi Tsugikuni's Skill list.]

[Would Host like to see recommended skills from the skill set or the complete list?]

"Show me the recommended ones."

[1.Sun Breathing: The first breathing style that was made by Yoriichi Tsugikuni. This breathing technique is a Breathing Styles that mimic the sun and replicate it with the user's movements, techniques, and abilities. All techniques and forms are extremely varied and have no set pattern, making it the most versatile and effective breathing style.]

So is this breathing technique the key to Yoriichi's strength?

[2.Demon Slayer Mark: A mark that demon slayers awaken by going through a life-and-death situation and special conditions. By awakening the mark, the owner of the mark's physical stats is enhanced and pushed to another level. There is a slim chance of accessing Transparent World through the Demon Slayer mark.]

I get it now. With the help of his breathing technique combined with this slayer mark that I saw on his face, he was able to go beyond the level a normal human body can reach.

[3.Transparent World: Alters the user of this skill's vision, allowing them to perceive other living beings as if they were transparent, only being able to see the inner workings of their bodies. Users can perceive the flow of blood, breathing, muscular contractions, and joint movements of the creature they are looking at. in addition they can perception is heightened to a level that they can sense things that are normally beyond their ability.]

So that's why he could almost dodge Hachi, because his perception was heightened and he could sense my attack.

Choosing from them is hard but there's a loophole that I can exploit.

Having the ability to summon Yoriichi in my training space means that I can learn the breathing technique from him which means there is no need to choose the first skill.

The second skill is the most efficient one, if I get the slayer mark not only my physical abilities will be pushed to another level, on top of that I might be able to get the transparent world too if I work hard enough which means there's no need to choose the third skill.

(A/N:For the sake of saving time, from now on I'll use Dsm instead of the Demon Slayer mark.)

Tapping on the Demon Slayer mark option the screen in front of me disappeared and I returned to the real world.

[Host has gained new skill.]

[DMS (Lv Max)

A mark that appears on a visible part of the body when activated and enhances the users' physical abilities and senses to over its limits.

*Notice: After usage, the host will be put under a fatigued state.

Related skill: Transparent World (Locked) ]

"Now that I think about it, does this skill have any side effects other than the one that is mentioned?"

[Answer, yes. Those who awaken the mark will die before reaching the age of 25.]

"...And you didn't think that it would be necessary to tell me about that before I got the skill?"

[The said side effect works on those who have awakened the mark by themselves. Host hasn't awakened it by himself which is similar to the Yoriichi Tsugikuni case, allowing the host to live a normal life without worrying about this side effect.]

I see. Good to know that I don't have to be worried about it, tho if I did die, wouldn't I just go back to a day before my death thanks to the first skill I got from the system? That will make an infinite loop of me dying again and again before my 25th birthday.

Well, no need to worry about it as it does concern me anymore.

Now, should I go for Yami's skill too, or keep it for later?


Yo, how you all doing? Once again I'm sorry for the late update (not reall) and promise I'll upload on time next time (probably not)

So what are your thoughts about this chapter?

Also drop some waifu pics in the comments.

See you all on the next chapter, till then bye bye~

Word count: 2200
