


Maxwell's announcement had Silas, Talon, Cedric and I rushing to Sith Mountain without looking back. We heard his chuckle behind us as we enthusiastically made our way to see Grandpa and Sybill.

We arrived at the mountain barrier and surprisingly it gave way and we walked right in without bothering to find out who had opened the barrier. Our jaws dropped when we arrived at Grandpa's living room in the mountains. Everything had been changed and the place resembled the inner chambers of Sith Castle.

" This has Lenora written all over" Cedric's appreciation voice rose.

" Louis, do we have visitors, why do I sense the presence of so many people " Sybill appeared from the kitchen and walked right into the living room and her eyes widened as they darted between us and then lastly on Cedric. She gasped in joy as she spread her hand and rushed towards Cedric screaming and they embraced each other.
