
Chapter 25: Arrival at USJ III

Pointing with his thumb behind him, Aizawa presented an area with what looked to be several buildings in different types of decay, with some of them barely staying up and off the ground.

That seemed unsafe for some reason, you know?

Eh, UA probably knew what they were doing.



Aizawa looked the four teens over, his eyes finally landing on the barely raised hand of Amajiki who shrunk where he stood at seeing everyone looking at him.

"U-Uh, who w-will we be r-rescuing, s-sensei?" He asked, getting a sigh and an eye roll from the man.

Peter simply raised an eyebrow at the response, the four teens watching as he gestured to the man beside him.

Grinning wider, All Might flexed again.

"That's a very good question, my boy! If you must know-" He pointed towards himself, puffing his chest out. "-you kids shall be rescuing none other than me!"

The students stood silent and stared at him, Peter couldn't help but let out an accepting sigh.

Please tell him he wouldn't have to carry All Might out of a falling building.

After a reluctant nod from Amajiki, All Might laughed loudly and made everyone in the facility wince.

Why did he have to be so loud?

"Your exercise is to find All Might somewhere in the ruins zone and get him back to the starting area safely and in one piece, Thirteen and I will be there to make sure no one gets seriously hurt, understood?" Aizawa announced, grabbing a bottle of eye drops from his pocket and casually applying it.

Peter raised his hand, quickly getting called on by the man.

"Uh, I know this is an exercise and all but, can't All Might shrug off buildings falling on him? Why aren't we rescuing someone who, you know, can't do that?" He asked, getting an annoyed look in return.

Something told him that Aizawa didn't agree to this whole thing with All Might.

Now that he thought about it, did scarf man even like the guy?

Aizawa rolled his eyes again before responding.

"Pure and utter irrationality."

Uh, alright then.


The students began to get ready for the exercise to start, Peter and Amajiki tightening their vests while Hado and Togata simply began to concentrate on their quirks, with Hado going a few inches off of the ground.

"Now, remember! This is disaster rescue training, you shall learn every other type of rescue when the time comes! Rescue can even mean saving someone from things like muggings and even suicide, I-"

Once those words reached his ears, memories began to flash in his mind.

A masked boy stood on a rooftop in front of a hooded girl edging closer towards the ledge. The memory flashed to the boy screaming into the night as he sobbed and gripped his mask tightly, alone on the roof.

Peter coughed as his breath hitched, the boy looking away while gritting his teeth so as to not show a reaction. His gloved hand balled into a tight fist as his body tensed, that familiar suffocating feeling beginning to surround his chest.

While he grieved, he still hadn't forgiven himself for what happened that night or completely come to terms with the memory.

He still needed more time.

A lot more time.

Peter was sure All Might was still talking about something, but the world seemed drowned out with only a few words being able to be heard by the boy.

Beginning to take deep breaths, the crushing feeling in his chest began to slowly dissipate but it didn't fully disappear; a few seconds passed before Peter finally turned back to the heroes, muscles still tight.

Everyone except Thirteen was glaring at All Might, the man seemingly not realizing anything was going on as he continued his speech on whatever.

Now, Peter knew he couldn't blame him, you know? He didn't know but it was still hard being reminded of what happened.

Intentionally or not.

Yeah, he was gonna call May when he got home.

Soon enough, All Might finally finished talking and gave one last oblivious laugh before jumping away and towards the ruins zone, disappearing amongst the buildings.

Alright, he needed to focus.

He just… just needed to finish today and will get back to grieving right after.

"You all may start, and good luck," Aizawa announced, his voice sounding a bit more miffed than usual as he started a timer.

Shaking his head, Peter turned to the side to see his three classmates getting ready to go, with Togata ready to phase and Hado beginning to pick up Amajiki.

They all looked a bit reluctant if he was being honest, simply waiting to make sure he could still do the rescue.

All Peter could do was give a silent nod and push the thoughts to the back of his mind for now; quickly holding out his right wrist and tapping the trigger, Peter shot a web that stuck to the USJ's ceiling and began to swing away toward the ruins zone.

Looking back, he could see Togata phasing his way toward the zone while Hado flew herself and Amajiki the way there.

As the buildings drew closer while he swung, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief at the chance to distract himself for a bit.

It couldn't hurt to swing around buildings a little bit to calm himself down

All there was left to do was find All Might.


Peter's suit will be getting small updates every now and then, like how the jacket will now be part of the winter version. Next changes are probably gonna be a better backpack and the lenses of the goggles being directly on the mask.

We will be touching on Peter coming to terms with Mizuku's death every now and then, since grieving and acceptance take time to do, you know? Gotta make stuff realistic and all.


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