
270: You have a brother

"Look, brother or not! That guy has been absent from my life since I was born. I am sure that even he will find it more comfortable to live his life and forget about me at this point. Don't you agree?"

Sui asked the Grand Duke, and her eyes swirled with emotions.

It seemed to fascinate the Grand Duke, but Sui could tell the man disagreed with her.

"I am not sure if your brother will agree with you or not. He seemed very fond of you the last time we met. He even asked me to find you for him again. It seems you left a strong impression on him."

Grand Duke Lucius's words implied that Sui had met her brother before.

If he was acquainted with the Grand Duke of the Azure empire, then he had to be a high-profile person. If so, he would have had many resources to find Sui throughout her life.

The fact that he had not could only mean two things - either Sui was an illegitimate child, or she had been abandoned.
