
Tiring operation and talk with the Hokage

"This procedure must be extremely difficult for the odds to be that low." Kakashi said surprised by my answer.

"Let me put it this way, only I and my sensei have a CHANCE of pulling it off in the entire world. Lee's arms and legs aren't just broken but shattered into dust, even worse he has shards of bones pressing against his spine which if we mess with casually WILL kill him. Add on the organ damage and musculature damage and you might have a clear picture of the level of difficulty i'm talking about right now." I said seriously.

The mood was terrible after that amongst those from Konoha but I wasn't watching the fights anymore after that as I worked on doing what I could for Lee in the hospital. This cost me the entire next three days as I kept him in a medical coma while I worked round the clock to align each fragment of his bones back into place and lightly activate the cellular fusion there to begin recovery. It was like putting together a million piece puzzle where each of the pieces were different sizes and the smallest being grains of sand.-

As if that wasn't bad enough I had to do this all while relying solely on my sense of touch to match the edges of the pieces. This was so hard in fact that I dispelled my mitosis clones so that I could put my entire focus into this task. I of course didn't waste their chakra but rather funneled it into the medical formation I was using to give me a burst of speed at this task at the cost of overloading the formation. Needless to say once I was done the formation was ruined and needed to be replaced but that was a small price to pay in my opinion.-

Lee wouldn't be as good as new but at least he'd be able to walk in a week so long as I spent some time each day helping his healing along. Guy, Tenten and Neji were waiting outside the operating room when I walked out almost dead on my feet.

"How is he?" Guy asked worriedly.

"I did my best to piece together his bones so in about a week he'll be able to walk again though barely. He won't listen to me if I tell him but under no circumstances is he to try and train, it might undo all my effort if he does." I said tiredly.

"Thank you for your hard work Kenzo. Now go get some rest, you look terrible." Guy said gratefully and I didn't need to be told twice.

I left the hospital and flickered to my home before falling flat in safety to slumber. Karin was less than happy about the state I was in but didn't make a huge fuss about it after I explained what happened. She had even audaciously stroked my hair while I rested but I was frankly too tired to care as I passed out.-

I missed the fight between Sasuke and a shinobi from Oto but I was told the Uchiha won at the cost of his curse mark activating which was problematic apparently as it caused him to be filled with bloodlust and anger. When I eventually woke up from my slumber I was not surprised to find a message scroll from the Hokage requesting my presence at the earliest possible convenience. That was a nice way of saying as soon as I woke the hell up.-

"Had a good rest I hope?" the old man asked when I walked into his office mid day yawning.

"I'll live, though I suppose you wanted to see me about the ceiling and formation I broke?" I asked calmly.

"The ceiling has been deducted from your mission points already but I am willing to wave the formations cost due to the situation. The reason I summoned you was because of the "guest" you have stashed in your home. You know that it is a serious offense to harbour rogue nin from another village I take it?" The old man said getting straight to the brass tacks.

"To be fair I believe you know that this is far from a normal situation. She's Uzumaki after all." I said not bothered by the accusation in his question.

He sighed "So it's true then, I had my suspicions after observing her for the past few days but until now I didn't know for sure. This is a very dangerous game you are playing Kenzo, one wrong move and it won't just be you that pays for it. That said I believe I understand your plan and as such you have my blessing to go ahead with it, AFTER the exams end of course." he said seriously and I nodded in acceptance.

"I wasn't planning to introduce her to the village until then anyways but in the meanwhile it would help if you could discreetly acquire and pass me some more clothes for her. The current ones are starting to become a problem and she can't use mine due to the size difference." I said calmly.

He nodded "I'll have one of my trusted guards see to it. From what I have seen I don't need to worry about the girl betraying the village like her previous one so I'll not speak on that." the old man said with a knowing smile that bothered me for some reason like he knew something funny at my expense but I didn't.

In the end that trip to the Hokages office was short and sweet which was my favorite kind. Having to deal with the whole ninja organization politics was a hassle but a part of being a shinobi of the leaf so I had to suck it up. I wasn't surprised to learn that the old man was on board with my poaching of Karin from Kusa. The loss of the Uzumaki clan was one of the things I knew he had a lot of regrets about as Konoha under his leadership had not helped the clan stop it's destruction.-

We simply couldn't afford to at the time and the other four villages participating in that event did so before we could react to try and help the clan. It was actually one of the triggers for the third great shinobi world war as Konoha was recovering from the second and thus trying to keep conflicts to a minimum and our allies paid for it.-

By the time we realized that the other villages were launching a joint attack on the Uzumaki clan it was too late and thus Uzushiogakure was wiped out scattering survivors of the clan across the world. The old man regretted not helping the clan more so Karin gave him the perfect excuse to ease his conscience just that smallest amount.
