
**Chapter 13: Poison Bullet Gu**

*Friday morning*

"Yesterday was stressful. I took the whole day to bury the damn bodies, clean my clothes, and make my way home without anyone getting suspicious. But this good night full of high-quality sleep has taken me out of that state of high alert.

"All in all, even if I get discovered, this is nothing that my father could not get me out of. Oh no, I killed a bunch of people that were not of this clan and had broken into a building that is owned by a rank 3 Elder.

"It would only be annoying if the Gu were public knowledge because all the Gu might get discovered and confiscated for the investigation, hence i would never see them again. But nobody knows that I own them.

The servants would have been a problem had they seen the Gu, but they did not. They only saw that I killed them. And so if they were to rat me out, they know they would die. It would have been different had they seen the Gu, as that might spark thoughts of greed, but again they did not.

"With it being this far outside of the core of the village as well as nobody missing this scum, there should not even be an investigation.

"So the plan for today is to finally refine my Poison Water Bullet Gu. Successfully this time, I hope. But I am confident, as I have 2 Water Bullet Gu this time. So at least 2 tries.

"With newfound enthusiasm, I make my way down the stairs. Breakfast is bread with fish, like most days. It is kind of monotonous, but I loved to eat fish in my past life and in this magical world, there are so many new kinds, most of which are delicious.

"After I finished, I took an apple with me and made my way down the stairs into my trusty laboratory.


"Ah, delicious. Good food is truly one of the joys of life. My Gu are so poor; they'll never experience the joy of the food path."

On my way to the basement, I met our head servant, Shi Long.

"Nice weather, don't you think, old Shi?"

"Is there anything I can help you with, young master?"

"Well, now that you mention it… Those two servants I took with me to the market yesterday."

*Sharp inhale* with that, I feigned a sad expression, doing my best to make it convincing.

"They might have seen something they should not have…"

"I understand, young master."

That ended our conversation, as well as the lives of the two servants that followed me so faithfully yesterday. I did bribe them; they did not have a motive or incentive to betray me, but I don't like to leave loose ends.

Would the deaths of two innocent young men weigh on my mind? It might, but I have my doubts.

Once in the basement, I went straight to my refinement room. This time I already took the bucket I would need, filled with water, with me.

"Time for one is a thing you will not get back once you waste it, so how about I stop doing this and start the refinement instead."

Ten primeval stones, straight from my Primeval Elder Gu, they did not even make a dent in my newfound vast reserves.

Then I rolled them each around in their respective poisons a bit; all of them had neither smell, taste, nor color. This time I made sure there were no poisons that conflicted.

With that, I put the Gu into the bucket and took a moment to reflect. The primeval stones laid out before me in two perfect rows.

"Ah, the scene is the same as a few days ago, but I am not. I have killed two humans; I have become vastly richer, and most importantly, I finally had a taste of the real Gu world.

With that, I carefully put the first poisoned primeval stone into the bucket of water. Again, it took about 3 minutes before the Gu swallowed the primeval stone.








As I put in the tenth and last primeval stone into the bucket, it did not even take 3 seconds before the little gel-like fish swallowed it.

5 seconds.

Nothing happened.

30 seconds.

Nothing happened.

5 minutes.

Still nothing happened.

"Well, it is probably safe to take the Gu."

And I did just that; I took the Gu and inspected it.

Nothing different.

Put it in my Aperture.

Nothing different.

"Well, let's test if the Gu has any change in effect, after all, this is the most important thing."

I walked out of the refinement Room and through the empty room into the dungeon.

The dungeon was just a small corridor, on each side of it, 10 prison cells. But Zhen Wei knew that just the first 4 were full at the moment, a water spirit pig in each one.

These are rank 1 creatures that live on the beach of the Fei Yu island. They are very peaceful and kind creatures; they don't reproduce too fast, don't form beast tides. All in all, they are a perfect pet, or in my case experimental material.

I opened the first prison cell and saw the water spirit pig inside; it had light blue skin, a curly tail, and floppy ears. I knew from its size, about half a meter in height, that it was not fully grown yet, but that matters little.

I raised my hand, and it took 2 seconds for a water bullet to form. As soon as it was formed, it launched at the pig, with a speed that was impossible to follow with the naked eye.

I instantly noticed that it consumes 10% of my primeval essence instead of the usual 5% the Water Bullet Gu consumes.



"It does not seem any different from the effect of the normal water bullet Gu; at least the water bullet in question looks the same. The penetrating power is the same too.

"Did I just waste my time and money for nothing? No, the primeval essence consumption is usually a clear indicator," I think as I turn around to go to cell number 2 to check the effects on a different pig.



*Poop sounds*

With lightning-fast reflexes, I turned back to look at the pig I had just shot with my Poison Bullet Gu.

It was in a miserable state, vomiting and shitting all over the floor as well as writhing and screeching in pain. It was also losing blood from its eye sockets, all in all, it had every non-deadly negative status effect I could think of.

"So it was not a failure... the effect just takes a while, this must have been pretty exactly one minute.

"But let's wait and see."

*Time skip no jutsu, 30 minutes*

The sounds have long stopped, not because the poison has run out, but because the pig has fallen unconscious. It could not take the pain, as well as losing too many fluids.

"It does not seem to be deadly, just as I wanted it to be."

I made my way outside and to cell number 2, directly on the opposite side of cell number 1.

I open the door and see a pig that looks just like the first one.

"Let's see if it is contagious."

With that, I kicked the second water spirit pig, so that it would start moving. It did not have to be told that twice, as it started running straight across the hall into cell number 1.

I closed the door and began to wait for if the second pig will also start to get sick.

*Timeskip no jutsu, 30 minutes*

Looking at the perfectly healthy pig number 2, I could not help but let out a smile.

"It does not seem to be contagious. Not that I expected it to be, but it is always best to be careful, lest I shoot myself in the foot with this.

"Just imagining having to find something like this out in the middle of a fight, I shudder and cold sweat runs down my back.

"Good thing I am paranoid."

This also means that the servants can clean this mess up, and it does not have to be done by someone with poison resistance, i.e., me.

I let out a big smile as I see the absolutely disgusting room that had all walls and the floor covered in blood, vomit, and fecal matter. This was a stark contrast to the two cute water spirit pigs, one of which was sleeping with the other playing in its friend's discard.

"But the cleanup can start later."

Now I have two options on what to do with the Water Bullet Gu I have left. One is to refine another Poison Bullet Gu, but this time with the most deadly poisons I have available. Option two is to just leave it as a Water Bullet Gu and use it as my public vital Gu.

"And I think I am going with option two here. A strong killing method would be nice, but let's be honest, I have no real threats right now.

"On the other hand, it will be very difficult to keep a low profile with two poisonous Gu because I will have to fight with Gu in the Academy sometimes.

"Poisoning the people in my class will probably get my father and me into a lot of political trouble, so that is a no-no. Even if it would be funny, it is clearly not worth the loss in reputation."

So it is decided I will use the Water Bullet Gu to pretend in the Academy. For the Mondays and Thursdays where I have to go to the Academy, I will take the Water Bullet Gu and that only.

Now the Gu I should never take with me, under any circumstances, because I do not want to explain them are Primeval Elder Gu, Red Steel Relic Gu, as well as Poison Refinement Gu.

On every other occasion other than school, it is still possible for someone to check my Aperture, but less likely. So for those occasions, I will take my Water Bullet Gu, my Poison Bullet Gu, one Wind Blade Gu, one Water Shield Gu, and maybe my Greedy Toad Gu, depending on what I plan to do that day.

As for the feeding of my Gu, I will just buy a kilogram of Spirit Spring Algae for 1 primeval stone every 4 to 5 days. The algae is dried anyways; after that, I will keep it in my laboratory and sell it all at once when the merchant convoy arrives here. This should leave me relatively clear of suspicion.

1809 words
