

"How was it?"

Jennifer asked Nemesis who was now licking ice cream. She turned her head from the ice cream to Jennifer.

"I would never have thought you mortals are enjoying so many things, your realm is so cool, while ours is the exact opposite."

"If you haven't told us, None of us would have known you are a goddess... I'm still surprised why a goddess will travel out from her world just to have fun."

"You shouldn't be... I'm not saying my realm is boring, it's just... I had done everything imaginable in my realm, Rode countless divine creatures, Battle the hellions in secret, Fly around the realm, even walked freely in the underworld... All that seems boring now."

"Hmm... It seems we do have something in common, when you're used to something, it won't have the shine it once had, So we just have to move on to the next new thing." Jennifer said.

Nemesis nodded, she continued licking her ice cream and suddenly asked:


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:
