
Chapter 105

I unleashed my complete powers without holding anything back—my armament haki, my conqueror's haki, my swordsmanship—everything that I had honed for all these years. Yet, I still couldn't shake the unease as the massive beast closed in. Just then, my eyes widened in shock and delight as my future sight picked up on something completely unexpected.

As Elder Warcury was just about a hundred meters away from trampling me to the ground, a massive black ritual circle manifested beneath him. Within a fraction of a second, his entire form vanished into thin air, leaving me standing at the center of the plaza, posing like an idiot.

The attack that I had expected never came, as I understood that the Elder had been summoned back. A massive relief washed over me as the Elder vanished into thin air, but then I didn't feel like taking any chances and immediately dispersed the attack, moving in the direction of the port where Doffy was setting sail alongside Katakuri and Smoker.

Inside the Pangaea Castle, within the empty throne room, the four Elders kneeled in front of their supreme god, while by the side, a massive ritual circle shimmered. Suddenly, the massive form of Elder Warcury, still in his Fengxi form mid-charge, emerged from it directly in the path where Imu stood.

The four Elders shook in sheer terror as Warcury was about to ram into their almighty god, but they were too slow to react because they had never expected Warcury to rely on his devil fruit to deal with a simple matter. Even Warcury's soul left his body as he was not able to stop the attack midway, and he was about to ram into Imu-sama.

As Elder Warcury hurtled forward in his massive Fengxi form, his charge seemed unstoppable, a force of nature barreling toward the very apex of power in the throne room—the enigmatic figure of Imu-sama.

In that moment of impending collision, the air in the grand chamber grew thick with tension, a palpable anticipation that reverberated through the very stones of the castle. The four elders, already kneeling in humble reverence before their divine master, dared not lift their eyes from the cold marble floor. They knew the consequences of such an audacious act—a direct assault on the divine presence that commanded their unwavering devotion.

But then, as if from the depths of eternity itself, Imu-sama raised a hand, a gesture so effortlessly commanding that it seemed to bend the very fabric of reality. With a single motion, he halted the relentless charge of the colossal Fengxi, freezing the creature in its tracks with a mere flick of his wrist.

The sheer magnitude of Imu-sama's power was on full display, radiating from his towering figure like a divine aura that enveloped the entire chamber in an otherworldly glow. His presence was a force beyond comprehension, a testament to the limitless might of a being who stood at the pinnacle of existence.

Warcury, still in shock, reverted back to his human form, sprawling on the ground. He tried to kneel, but Imu's crushing aura pinned him flat. The other Elders, already prostrated, trembled under the immense weight of their god's power.

The room was filled with a palpable fear, and I could feel the oppressive force even through the vision. But then Imu's eyes gazed directly towards me in the vision, as if aware that someone had intruded upon the throne room, and then the vision completely severed.

Imu's presence was divine, an unfathomable force that dwarfed even the mightiest of the Elders. His power was absolute, his authority unquestionable. The sheer might of his gesture, effortlessly stopping the unstoppable, was a testament to his godlike status.

In the hallowed halls of Pangaea Castle, amidst the awe-struck silence of those who dared to behold his majesty, Imu-sama stood as a god among mortals, an entity beyond mortal comprehension whose will shaped the very destiny of the world itself.


Back on the galleon, which had hastily departed from Fishman Island, I sat near the mast, my heart pounding so fiercely that the rhythm hadn't yet settled. My senses were heightened to the extreme, a primal awareness that even made Doffy wary of approaching me.

What I was experiencing was a heady mix of exhilaration and dread—the thrill of having faced such a formidable opponent and the stark realization of my own helplessness in that moment. And then there was Imu, an entity even more powerful than the Elders, whose true strength remained an enigma.

Unbeknownst to anyone, I had caught a glimpse of everything that had happened within the throne room. I had no idea how it came about—maybe it was my voice of all things forming a connection with the ritual circle—but I saw it all. The sheer power and strength behind that single gesture left me awestruck.

As I sat near the mast of the galleon, still reeling from the encounter, my mind replayed the vision over and over again. The scene had unfolded with a clarity that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

Within the grand Pangaea Castle, in the empty throne room, the four Elders kneeled in reverence before their supreme god. A massive ritual circle shimmered beside them, and suddenly, the colossal form of Elder Warcury, still in his Fengxi form mid-charge, emerged from it.

The four Elders shook with sheer terror as Warcury hurtled towards Imu. They had never expected Warcury to rely on his devil fruit in such a manner. Warcury himself seemed paralyzed with fear, unable to stop his momentum. Just as it seemed he would crash into Imu, the supreme being raised a hand with an almost leisurely gesture.

The impact that should have happened never came. With a simple stopping motion, Imu halted Warcury's charge as if it were nothing more than an inconvenience. The massive Fengxi skidded to a halt, its enormous form rendered powerless by Imu's mere presence. The Elders, who had been kneeling on one knee, were forced to both knees, their heads pressed to the ground by the overwhelming pressure that emanated from Imu.

Adrenaline surged through my veins, and I could feel the rush coursing through my entire body. Every fiber of my being was alive with the lingering effects of the encounter.

"What's wrong with him?" Smoker asked, his voice tinged with concern. He made a move to approach, but Doffy placed a restraining hand on his shoulder.

"Not now, kid," Doffy said, his tone firm. "My little brother is in a trance. He might attack anyone who comes too close. He's like a cornered beast, trying to break free from its cage. It's better if we leave him be for now."

Doffy's words were filled with a rare blend of caution and understanding. He then turned to Iceburg, who was expertly guiding the galleon through a sea current toward the New World.

Katakuri sat off to the side, his usually stoic demeanor cracked by the day's events. The aura of the figure that had attacked them was more potent and oppressive than even Big Mom's. The realization left him reeling. Big Mom, whom he had always considered at the very apex of power, suddenly seemed diminished in comparison to this new threat.

He had always believed that, even against Whitebeard, Big Mom could hold her ground. But now, his reality has been shattered. He knew he needed to return to his family as soon as possible and inform them of the events that had transpired. Mama had to know what they were up against.

The atmosphere on the galleon was thick with tension and unspoken fears. My body was still buzzing with the residual effects of the adrenaline, each beat of my heart echoing like a war drum in my ears. The sight of Elder Warcury's transformation and the sheer power of Imu-sama burned into my memory. That towering Fengxi stopped with a simple gesture, and the overwhelming presence of Imu-sama had left an indelible mark on my psyche.

As I sat there, my thoughts raced. The confrontation had ignited something within me—a burning desire to grow stronger and one day stand on equal footing with the true god. The road ahead was perilous, but the thrill of the challenge called to me. I knew that the journey to surpass such formidable foes would be fraught with danger, but the very thought of it filled me with an unyielding resolve.

Doffy, sensing the tempest within me, remained silent, his eyes fixed on the horizon. He understood better than anyone the turmoil that roiled inside me. Smoker, though still concerned, heeded Doffy's warning and kept his distance, watching me with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Iceburg continued to steer the ship with expert precision, aware of the gravity of the situation but focused on navigating the treacherous waters ahead.

Katakuri, lost in his own thoughts, resolved to return to Totto Land and report the day's events to Big Mom. The balance of power in the world had been upended, and the implications were staggering. He knew that his family needed to be prepared for the challenges that lay ahead.

The galleon sailed onward, carrying with it the weight of newfound knowledge and the silent promise of future battles. The encounter with Imu-sama had changed everything, and as the waves crashed against the hull, the resolve within me solidified. I would rise to meet this new era of conflict, no matter the cost. The world would soon know the true extent of my power, and I would carve my name into the annals of history alongside the greatest legends of all time.


Dressrosa, New World

"Hahahaha, kill them all! Loot everything that's worth something! From today, Dressrosa will belong to me—it will be my domain in the New World!" roared Krogath the Ravager, his booming voice echoing across the chaotic battlefield.

Krogath stood at a towering height of five meters, his massive frame built like a tank. His presence alone was enough to instill fear in the hearts of his enemies. A gruesome scar ran diagonally across his face, a testament to the countless battles he had fought.

His reputation as an infamous pirate had surged recently, and with a bounty of 586,900,000 Belly on his head, he was not a force to be taken lightly. His crew, two thousand strong, unleashed a wave of destruction upon Dressrosa, intent on claiming it as their own.

The kingdom's army, worn down by repeated pirate attacks, mobilized in full force to confront the invaders. Despite their superior numbers, they struggled against the relentless onslaught. Among the pirates was their captain, a fearsome Ancient Zoan user wielding the power of the Ryo Ryo no Mi Allosaurus model.

In the heart of the city, the pirates wreaked havoc. Buildings crumbled under their assault, and flames roared as they set fire to homes and marketplaces. The streets were filled with the cries of the terrified citizens, desperately fleeing the destruction.

"Captain Krogath, we've secured the eastern port; the eastern city will soon be under our control!" shouted a pirate lieutenant, his sword dripping with blood.

"Good! Keep pushing forward! Leave no stone unturned; kill anyone that resists, and remember, I want the princess of the kingdom unspoiled!" Krogath bellowed, swinging his massive battle axe and cleaving through a line of soldiers.

Captain Krogath's laughter was a dark symphony amid the screams of Dressrosa's people. He reveled in the chaos, his scarred face twisted into a sadistic grin. "This kingdom is mine now!" he declared, his voice a thunderous proclamation.

Nearby, a group of pirates cornered a family. The father, desperately wielding a broken chair leg, stood between the marauders and his trembling wife and children. "Stay back!" he shouted, his voice shaking with both fear and determination.

One of the pirates sneered, drawing his sword. "Out of the way, old man. We've got no quarrel with you—just your belongings."

"Please, don't hurt my family!" the man pleaded, but his words fell on deaf ears. With a cruel laugh, the pirate struck him down, and the others rushed forward to seize the terrified family.

Meanwhile, the kingdom's soldiers fought valiantly, but the exhaustion was evident in their every movement. Captain Marcus, a veteran of many battles, rallied his troops. "Hold the line! We must protect the citizens at all costs!" he commanded, his sword clashing against a pirate's cutlass.

"We're trying, Captain, but they're too strong!" one soldier shouted back, barely parrying a brutal strike.

In another part of the city, Lieutenant Isabella led a squad of soldiers against a group of pirates looting a jewelry store. "Stop them! Protect the civilians!" she cried, lunging at a pirate with her spear.

The pirate laughed as he blocked her attack, countering with a swift punch that sent her sprawling. "You're outmatched, little girl. Just give up!"

Isabella gritted her teeth, refusing to back down. "Not while I still draw breath," she spat, rising to her feet and renewing her assault.

Amidst the chaos, Krogath spotted a soldier trying to evacuate a group of children. With a malicious grin, he charged forward, his battle axe raised high. "There's no escape for you!" he roared.

The soldier, seeing the monstrous pirate bearing down on them, pushed the children behind him. "Run! Get to safety!" he yelled, turning to face Krogath. His brave stand was short-lived as Krogath's axe swung down, cleaving through his defenses and cutting him down in one brutal blow.

Krogath's laughter echoed through the streets. "Dressrosa will kneel before me!" he declared, his eyes gleaming with madness.

Despite the kingdom's army's best efforts, they were pushed back, inch by inch. The pirates' cruelty knew no bounds as they slaughtered civilians and looted indiscriminately. The once vibrant city of Dressrosa was now a warzone, its streets running red with blood and echoing with the sounds of battle and despair.

As the battle raged on, a sense of hopelessness began to settle over the defenders. Yet, even in the face of overwhelming odds, they fought on, driven by a fierce determination to protect their home and loved ones from the ravages of Krogath the Ravager and his merciless crew.


**Author's Note**

Dear Readers,

Thank you for embarking on this thrilling journey through my One Piece fanfiction. Your enthusiasm and support have been incredible, and I am deeply grateful for each and every one of you. Your engagement and feedback mean the world to me, and it's what keeps me motivated to bring you more epic battles and heartfelt moments.

If you've enjoyed the story so far, I humbly ask for your support in the form of Power Stones and Reviews. Your votes and comments not only help the story gain visibility but also provide invaluable encouragement. Your feedback helps me improve and shape the narrative, making it even more engaging for you.

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Thank you for your support and for being a part of this adventure. Together, we can take this story to even greater heights!

With gratitude,


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Dear Readers,

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Thank you for your support and for being a part of this adventure. Together, we can take this story to even greater heights!

With gratitude,


Patreon: [www.patreon.com/Silent_stiele]

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