
Invading the human town

[Next day, midnight]

I checked my sword and dagger as I waited for the sorcerer to cast a spell to cover the moonlight with clouds, leaving the town in darkness.

"Mirwa, what kind of enchantments did you engrave in your weapons?" Sylvanas asked.

"I have yet to learn enchantment and runecraft. Lyrie enchanted my weapons for me, and she only engraved unbreakable and sharpness on them," I said as I put my swords and dagger in their sheaths and wore my gauntlets.

"Huh... but why? She is the archon; she surely could have carved enchantments on your swords powerful enough to make them artifacts. Or did she want you to enchant them yourself?"

"She did want me to learn enchantment, but that is not the reason why she didn't enchant my weapons. She said, 'Artifacts are for cowards. One's power should not come from a tool but from themselves. You can only ever trust yourself, not an object,'" I said as one of the captains came to my side.

"My prince, we are ready," the ranger captain said.

"Hmmm," leaving the forest, we advanced towards the human town carefully.

"My prince, what should be our priority? To take prisoners?" the knight captain asked.

"What prisoners." I said coldly.

"Even the civilians or those who surrender, my prince?" the knight captain asked.

"Kill every single one of them, no mercy but our own," I said, unknowingly feeling my red eyes begin to glow brighter than usual.

"Wait, Mirwa, we should at least spare the children. They are innocent," Sylvanas said.

"We should spare other races inside the town, Malgath. If we attack them now and it reaches their own kingdom, we could start a war with other kingdoms alongside the humans," Naesala said.

"Hihihihihihi," Sylianner, who was on my shoulder, giggled uncontrollably, shaking with excitement while pulling my hair.

"Hmm... you're right, Naesala. It's too early for us to engage in a war with other races," I said.

Once we reached a safe distance from the town, in order to avoid being noticed by others, I turned to the ranger captain. "Tell others to spare other races and humans who surrender, including children," I said, as I had different plans for those children and humans.

Then the scouts stealthily moved and climbed the walls and watchtowers, silently slitting the throats of the human watchers who were either wasted or half-asleep. Meanwhile, the rangers kept their bows at the ready, in case any of the scouts missed their target or were spotted by humans.

After the scouts successfully killed all of the watchers, they signaled us, and we advanced towards the walls.

Upon reaching the walls, I jumped on top of one of the watchtowers, with Naesala and Sylvanas following me, while the mages cast levitation spells on the army and sent our knights inside the town, and the rangers to the roofs.

I looked at the human town. Most of the streets were empty, and there were humans in some brightly lit streets, but they were all soldiers who could barely walk. There were even some mages among them, and the sober ones were talking or hugging human women in underwear.

Averting my gaze from the humans, I began to scan the town to choose where I should start slaughtering humans. But before I could make a decision, the top of the watchtower that I was standing on began to light up brightly in purple.

Looking up, I saw Sylianner covered in purple flames, floating above my head with a wide grin on her face as she created a meteor the size of a house.

I wanted to tell her that she was overdoing it, but I knew that she was already restraining herself as much as she could since creating a meteor of this size was as simple as a walk in the forest for her.

"Make sure not to hit any elves, Sylianner," I said as I bent my knees and jumped upwards while imbuing my feet with wind magic. I reached above the clouds, then I began to descend. Using wind magic, I positioned myself towards the barracks.



I landed and destroyed the barracks as Sylianner's meteor landed somewhere else.

[Before the attack,Human Castle]


"Lady Clarette, it is truly an honor to entertain you in our humble town," said the fat and ugly human,Baron Rubert,as he sat on a chair inside a luxurious dining hall with a table filled with all kinds of dishes and drinks.

"Lady Clarette, how was your stay last night? I hope you were comfortable and satisfied with our hospitality," asked the beautiful human woman who was sitting next to the baron. She was Baroness Claudia.

'Ugh, why the fuck did they send me to this disgusting town, and if that's not enough, they are making me tolerate this goblin-like fat fuck who wake us all up in the middle of the night because he was hungry,' thought the woman with short hair in light armor. She was the human hero, Clarette the Red Sword.


"Thanks, Baron Rubert,Baroness Claudia" Clarette said as she sipped her wine while sitting right next to the baron.

"May I ask what the purpose of your visit is, Lady Clarette?" asked Baroness Claudia.

"Our King decided to completely eradicate the elves. Baroness Claudia, I'm here to see if there are any capable men to recruit and maybe look for traces of the elves, since thoseknife-eared fuckers' territory is around here," Clarette said as she took another sip from her wine.

"'Gasp!' To think that we are living this close to those animals. Thank the Balthazar's graces that you are here to protect us from them, Lady Clarette," Baroness Claudia said as she put her hand on her heart.

"Stop overreacting, woman. Elves have been quiet since we butchered those savages 300 years ago. Even if they attack us, do you think any of the elves stand a chance against me? Don't you think so too, Lady Clarette?" Baron Rubert said, puffing his chest and straightening his shoulders. His large belly wobbled like slime as he tried to strike a heroic pose while looking at Clarette, attempting to impress her. But if anything, the baron looked like a fat slob clowning around.

'Look at this fucker trying to fuck me when he couldn't even fuck his own wife...should I just kill him?' Clarette thought while looking at the baron, as she moved her hand towards her sword.

"It's thanks to you that we can sleep safely at night, husband," Baroness said softly, slightly bowing her head to hide the disgust that flashed in her eyes. She covered her mouth to prevent herself from vomiting.

"Yeah, yeah," Clarette said as she finished her wine and stood up. But as soon as she stood up, the whole castle shook, and a loud sound was heard.

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