
Hiroshi Senju

March 29, 1987. Senju Clan Palace, a massive wooden structure nestled in the heart of the Kyoto Mountains. For a millennium, the Senju Clan had firmly established its presence in Kyoto, bearing witness to the city's transformation from Heian-Kyo to Kyoto. A conspicuous sight for Jujutsu Sorcerers, the palace stood as a testament to the clan's enduring power and influence. Yet, despite its prominence, few, if any, dared to assail it.

On this particular eve, the Senju Clan welcomed the birth of a child.

A mother's gasp echoed as she gave birth, followed by the cry of the newborn. The natural world reacted, the moonlight washing over the Senju Palace, and the wind whispering through the trees as if in celebration of the child's arrival. Sorcerers within the Senju Clan were alarmed by this unusual phenomenon, yet there was no sign of hostility. The natural world had embraced its new master after a thousand years—a child born with both immense cursed energy reserves and mastery of the Shinboku no Jumon. Trees sprouted wildly around the infant, creating a cradle of nature.

Nurses gently lifted the baby from his leafy cradle and placed him in his mother's arms. She looked upon her son with love, while her husband barged in, knowing that his own demise was imminent, for no era could sustain two users of the Shinboku no Jumon.

"Haruko..." the father addressed his wife, aware that their son's inheritance meant their own deaths. He could feel her life slipping away as well—the baby was both blessed and cursed, born powerful yet destined to be parentless.

"He looks just like you, Anata, (あなた)" Haruko, the mother of the baby, whispered weakly.

"Hiroshi Senju. That shall be his name, to carry on the pride and strength of our ancestors. I hope he will shoulder the responsibilities of a patriarch," Takumi Senju, the father, declared.

"A powerful name," Haruko agreed softly.

"I will go first, Anata," Haruko uttered as life left her body. Takumi wept at the loss of his wife, but he knew he had to make arrangements for their son.

"Summon the elders," he instructed one of the guarding sorcerers.

Within minutes, the elders had assembled.

Draped in a yukata adorned with black lace and gold accents, Takumi entered, wearing a white haori emblazoned with the kanji for "head or 頭."

Takumi Senju strode to the center of the chamber, while all twelve elders simultaneously bowed, touching their foreheads to the ground as a sign of respect. Once Takumi had settled into his seat, he spoke, commanding, "Raise your heads."

Surveying the assembly of elders, Takumi observed that each one symbolized the head of the minor families that had married into the Senju family. The elders were divided into groups of three, with four elders comprising each group.

The first group represented the main bloodline, or the main house, directly descended from their ancestor, Senju Hashirama. Those Senju who awakened the Shinboku no Jumon were absorbed into the main house and groomed to become the clan leader. To ascend to the position of clan leader, one must possess the Shinboku no Jumon (Spell of the Divine Tree).

The next group comprised the side house, consisting of cousins of the main house. They were tasked with the security of the main house and served as the backbone of the Senju Clan. Matters concerning the sorcerer world were entrusted to them.

Lastly, there was the auxiliary house, consisting of members assigned to the mundane world. Their responsibilities included managing the finances and properties of the Senju Clan in the mortal realm.

The main house served as the nucleus, possessing the Shinboku no Jumon and acting as the nuclear deterrence. The side house functioned as the generals, overseeing security and strategic matters, while the auxiliary house served as the logistics, managing the practical aspects of the clan's operations. Together, these components formed the hierarchical structure of the Senju clan.

Takumi then announced, "I am dying, and I won't live past tomorrow." This declaration left the elders aghast. Hiroto Senju, an elder of the main house and Takumi's brother, interjected, "That means..." before Takumi cut him off. "Yes, brother. My son has inherited the Shinboku no Jumon and the immense cursed energy reserves—the only one in the past thousand years. Therefore, I hereby name my son, Hiroshi Senju, the 41st Clan Head of the Senju Clan."

Addressing the elders, Takumi continued, "With my wife and I passing away, I trust that you will teach my son the ins and outs of the Senju Clan. And brother," Takumi gazed at Hiroto, "please be his father in my absence."

"Even if you didn't ask, brother, I would do so with all my strength!" Hiroto declared, bowing deeply. "Glory to the Senju!" he exclaimed loudly, to which the elders responded, "The Strength of the Forest!"

Takumi nodded, his eyes dimming but with a smile on his face. "Haruko, we... will see each other again," he muttered before passing away where he sat. Witnessing his brother's death, Hiroto shed tears, and the Senju clan entered a period of mourning for an entire week.

The death of the Senju patriarch reverberated throughout the sorcerer world. There were only a few reasons why a patriarch would perish: dying in battle, of old age, or due to the emergence of a new successor for the Shinboku no Jumon.

Considering that the Senju clan had not engaged in any major battles, it was safe to conclude that the patriarch's demise was due to the emergence of a new successor. It was no secret that no two Shinboku no Jumon should exist simultaneously.

The bounty for Hiroshi Senju reached ninety million. The Senju Clan's renown for the Shinboku no Jumon and immense chakra reserves made them formidable adversaries, leading many curse users to avoid confrontation unless absolutely necessary. The preemptive elimination of such potential threats had always been a straightforward decision for curse users.

Hiroshi Senju, formerly John, found himself puzzled about the world he was in, still a baby and unaware of the significance of his birth. As he lay in his cradle made of tree branches, a myriad of thoughts swirled in his mind: "Who am I? Where am I? And cool, I'm in a cradle made of tree branches."

Surveying his surroundings with the limited movements of a baby, Hiroshi concluded, "A Japanese house... Whatever, I'll think about it later. I'm sleepy," before succumbing to slumber.

Five years passed.

Hiroshi Senju meditated in the forest near the Senju Palace, where he had spent the entirety of his young life. Since birth, he had felt an innate connection to trees and plants, able to manipulate them as effortlessly as if they were his own limbs. "This must be part of the template of Senju Hashirama—extraordinary senses and control," Hiroshi reflected silently. "Hashirama possessed extraordinary, if not god-like, chakra control. With one hand sign, he could unleash a multitude of jutsus or even enter sage mode by combining his hands. In my case, cursed energy control, thanks to ROB."

Confined within the Senju Palace for the past five years due to his bounty of ninety million dollars, Hiroshi ventured outside for the first time, accompanied by multiple Senju sorcerers. As he prepared to test his abilities, Hiroshi imbued his entire body with cursed energy. The surge of power filled him, but before he could make a move, a flow of information inundated his mind—experiences, techniques, and the battle sense of Senju Hashirama seamlessly integrated into his consciousness. Overwhelmed, Hiroshi settled back into a meditative state, absorbing the newfound knowledge within minutes.

As the information transfer completed seamlessly, Hiroshi stood up, feeling the adjustments made by ROB based on the power system of the world. He sensed that he could control the entire forest with a single hand sign, understanding that in this world, omitting or minimizing hand signs in techniques amplified a sorcerer's power.

With a wide smile, Hiroshi, feeling like a child with a new toy, realized that Hashirama's techniques and fighting experience were now ingrained in his mind. All he needed to do was practice and practice he shall. With a single hand sign, he exclaimed, "Shinboku no Jumon: Wood Dragon Technique!"

The ground trembled as a massive wooden dragon emerged, startling the Senju sorcerers guarding Hiroshi. "Shinboku no Jumon is truly powerful," one of them muttered in awe.

However, Hiroshi found himself dissatisfied with the appearance of the Wood Dragon. He began adjusting its features, adding scales, fins, horns, whiskers, and claws, transforming it into a more intimidating form reminiscent of a Chinese dragon. Satisfied with the changes, Hiroshi imprinted the new image in his mind for future summonings.

Next, Hiroshi canceled the Wood Dragon Technique and invoked another technique, "Shinboku no Jumon: Wood Golem Jutsu." Once again, the ground rumbled, and from the forest rose an oni with the Wood Dragon coiled around its torso. While the Wood Dragon appeared imposing, Hiroshi found the oni lacking.

"Let's make some changes," Hiroshi thought. "The face should be scarier, with longer horns, tusks, and a central eye—a ferocious oni accompanied by a Wood Dragon, symbolizing the Shitennō to ward off evil."

Meanwhile, in the Senju Palace, Hiroto found himself immersed in the duties of the clan leader, buried under piles of paperwork. Turning to one of his guards, he inquired, "What's my nephew doing now?" The guard replied, "Practicing the Shinboku no Jumon techniques and has begun decimating parts of the forest as he did." Hiroto nodded thoughtfully. "Talent and innate techniques—my nephew has it all. Perhaps it's time to begin formal training as a sorcerer, not just the basics," Hiroto considered.

As the day drew to a close, Hiroshi finished modifying and familiarizing himself with the Shinboku no Jumon techniques. By nightfall, he was escorted back to the palace, where his uncle Hiroto awaited.

Spotting his uncle waiting at the gates, Hiroshi smiled and waved. "Yo, Oji! I just finished familiarizing myself with the Senboku no Jumon. When can I start training to become a proper sorcerer like you?"

Chuckling at his nephew's eagerness, Hiroto replied, "We'll start tomorrow. Now, come, let's have dinner."

At the dinner table, Hiroshi and Hiroto dined together. "Hiroshi, tomorrow we shall begin formal training. I believe you are ready. As Senju, we are known for our versatility in a thousand skills. You must be prepared to memorize and utilize these techniques," Hiroto explained.

Hiroshi nodded eagerly. "Gee, of course. The Senju is my favorite clan, after all, in my past life," he remarked silently to himself.


The next day, Hiroshi followed Hiroto into the clan's treasury, a massive compound guarded by four Grade 1 sorcerers proficient in barrier and sealing techniques. Wherever they went, clan members bowed to them, addressing Hiroshi as the young Patriarch and Acting Clan Head. Hiroshi easily adapted to this hierarchy; after all, who wouldn't enjoy being respected, especially as the only one in a thousand years to inherit two techniques?

"Now that I think about it, my situation should be like Gojo Satoru's, except that Curse users fear the Senju clan rather than one singular man at the top of the food chain. Speaking of Gojo Satoru, can I beat him since he's still young?" Hiroshi pondered silently.

They Arrived in the Armory part of the Treasury.

"Hiroshi, these are the cursed weapons collected by our clan throughout history. Take your pick; the cursed weapon will accompany you throughout your entire life," Hiroto explained.

Hiroshi wandered around the treasury and spotted a naginata that caught his eye. "Uncle, I'd like this one," he said, pointing to the naginata, which measured 2.3 meters in length with a blade length of 1.9 feet.

"I was expecting you to choose a sword," Hiroto remarked.

"Uncle, I prefer polearms over swords. Did you know that you're more likely to die using swords than polearms? I read that information in the Senju Clan Library. More people died using katanas on battlefields during the Sengoku period than polearms," Hiroshi shared.

"A studious type, very good, Hiroshi," Hiroto praised.

Despite being a grown man in his past life, Hiroshi still enjoyed receiving praise and couldn't help but smile at his uncle's words.


Hiroshi Senju stood in the middle of a dirt training ground, ready to begin his formal training as a sorcerer. "Hiroshi, let's begin with your Aura Manipulation. Jujutsu sorcerers and Curse Users essentially have Cursed Energy Perception, which means they can sense or perceive curse energy. The strength of a sorcerer or curse is generally assessed by their levels of cursed energy. Strong cursed energy can result in physical pressure that instills fear into those who sense it as a method of intimidation. Observe," Hiroto instructed as he released his curse energy momentarily. Hiroshi felt fear for a moment but quickly understood the concept. "I got it—focusing cursed energy to certain people or a certain area," Hiroshi remarked as he released his own cursed energy, instantly instilling fear in his uncle. Hiroto's inner monologue revealed his surprise and inability to move due to the overwhelming cursed energy "This much cursed energy... I can't move my body,". As the pressure dissipated, Hiroto gasped for air, attempting to hide his embarrassment.

Clearing his throat, Hiroto continued, "Since you already know how to manipulate your aura, we can proceed with cursed energy enhancement. The ability to control the flow of one's cursed energy and channel it to carry out certain functions is the foundation for all jujutsu and the first step towards becoming a jujutsu sorcerer. There is a world of difference between being able to sense jujutsu and being able to use it. The key is to control your emotions—observe and feel."

Hiroto demonstrated by punching the ground, causing it to crack. "Your turn, Hiroshi."

Hiroshi, aware of the need to blend in despite his advanced abilities, controlled his cursed energy and punched the ground, creating a large crater. Hiroto nodded in approval. "Now we can also use cursed energy to harden your body. Come and punch me," he instructed.

Hesitant to hurt his uncle, Hiroshi expressed concern. "You sure, Oji? You're gonna get hurt," he pointed out, gesturing towards the giant crater he had created moments ago.

"Don't worry. I'm a Grade 1 sorcerer," Hiroto reassured confidently.

"Alright..." Hiroshi agreed reluctantly. "Let's just use a little bit," he added, controlling the cursed energy. he delivered a punch to his uncle's torso, pushing him back a few feet.

"Hold it in, Hiroto. One cannot show weakness to your nephew," Hiroto reminded himself internally, feeling the effects of the blow but trying to maintain composure.

Noticing his uncle turning red, Hiroshi couldn't help but internally chuckle. "He's not fine. Oji is funny, lol," he thought to himself.

Hiroshi then remembered the Reverse Cursed Technique from his previous life, which Gojo Satoru had used on the verge of death. It seemed like a perfect opportunity to showcase his talent without raising suspicion. "Hey, Oji, what happens if we multiply cursed energy with cursed energy?" he asked.

Hiroto looked surprised. "Where did you learn that?" he inquired, but then shrugged, assuming Hiroshi had learned it from reading in the Senju Clan Library. "When you multiply cursed energy with cursed energy, it becomes positive energy. Think of it like this: if your cursed technique is meant to kill, then by using the reverse cursed technique, it becomes a healing technique. You can use this technique to restore missing limbs and heal others," Hiroto explained.

"Speaking of reverse techniques, I am the best Reverse Cursed Technique user in the clan... besides your father," he added, his voice trailing off as he mentioned Hiroshi's father.

"If you could see your son now, brother, he is exceptionally talented, to the point where he can learn techniques with just one look and feel. I'm sure you would be proud of him," Hiroto said to himself, his gaze drifting upward in reminiscence.

Noticing his uncle's emotional state, Hiroshi decided to test the Reverse Cursed Technique. He grabbed his naginata and sliced a small wound on his arm, then began channeling the Reverse Curse Technique. It took a few tries, but Hiroshi succeeded, watching as the wound closed rapidly. Hiroto observed this with approval. "Excellent. That's perhaps all for today. I guess it's time for you to exorcise curse spirits and perhaps curse users in the future. But for now, let's dismiss. See you at dinner, Hiroshi," Hiroto said.

Hiroshi nodded in acknowledgment.

