
The City of Champions

"All enemies have been vanquished, their essence converted into Soul Points Points as per your request. You've acquired a total of 30 Soul Points Points," the system's crisp voice announced, revealing the aftermath of the Spectre's consumption of the scavenger corpses.

"Only 30 Soul Points Points?" Johnny's disappointment was palpable. "System, how much can I boost an existing skill with 30 points?"

Johnny mentally queried the system, seeking clarity on his potential upgrades.

"To level up a skill to LV1, it requires 100 Soul Points Points. There's no cap on skill levels," came the swift response, eliciting a bitter grin from Johnny.

"100 points for level 1?" Johnny mused, processing the information. "So, I'd barely scratch the surface even after wiping out a whole crew of scavengers? That's... quite the grind."

Almost as if attuned to Johnny's frustration, the system chimed in again, "Soul Points Points acquisition varies based on the strength of the devoured entities. This time, the scavengers were mere mortals, hence the 2-point cap."

Acknowledging the system's explanation, Johnny resigned himself to the reality. While disappointed, he recognized the scavengers' insignificance in the grand scheme.

With 30 points reserved, Johnny turned his focus to the system's tasks. Through the grimace man's absorbed knowledge, he gleaned insights into Saka.

Saka, a colossal planet, dwarfed its peers in size. Grandmaster held dominion over a vast swath of its territory, situated at the far end.

To fulfill the system's mission, Johnny's journey entailed traversing half of Saka's expanse to reach Grandmaster's domain.

Moreover, merely venturing into the domain governed by Grandmaster wouldn't suffice. To earn a spot in the championship battle, contenders must endure a gauntlet of eliminations and screenings, proving their mettle before making the cut.

Alternatively, demonstrating exceptional strength and earning the recommendation of Grandmaster's select few scavenger warriors could bypass the preliminary rounds altogether, securing a direct entry into the championship fray.

Having dispatched a group of scavengers, commandeered their ramshackle spacecraft, traversed vast stretches of the Saka planet, and arrived at Grandmaster's opulent realm, Johnny faced a pivotal decision. Which path to pursue for championship contention?

While enlisting the endorsement of a scavenger warrior could streamline his journey, Johnny harbored doubts about his odds of victory.

Information gleaned from the grimace man's revelations painted a daunting picture. Championship contenders hailed from diverse origins, including the insects of the Zerg homeworld and the nearly extinct Eternal Titan race, boasting formidable prowess from across galaxies.

Ultimately, Johnny resolved to ascend through the ranks via the knockout rounds, a choice born of calculated strategy. This approach would afford him ample opportunity to refine his combat skills, each battle serving as a crucible for his growth. Furthermore, by consuming fallen adversaries, he could assimilate their abilities, enhancing his own arsenal.

With a resounding boom, the scavenger's decrepit craft lifted off, gradually ascending into the heavens. Below, the desolate landscape bore witness to the aftermath of conflict, littered with the remnants of past skirmishes, soon to be swallowed by the earth.

Three days later, Johnny's weathered vessel neared its destination, drawing closer to the domain of Grandmaster.

Throughout the journey, encounters with other scavenger ships were commonplace. These motley factions, comprising disparate scavengers, frequently clashed, their confrontations culminating in either total annihilation or unconditional surrender.

Moreover, just making your way to Grandmaster's domain won't cut it. To qualify for the championship battle, you've got to navigate through layers of elimination and screening before you even stand a chance.

Or, if you're packing enough punch and manage to catch the eye of a few of Grandmaster's top scavenger warriors, you might just skip the preliminaries and dive straight into the championship fray.

Right now, Johnny's taken out this band of scavengers, snagged their beat-up spaceship, trekked across most of Saka planet, and landed smack dab in the bustling territory under Grandmaster's rule. That part's a breeze. What's giving Johnny pause is the decision ahead. Which path to take for the championship.

Sure, he could hunt down a scavenger warrior under Grandmaster and angle for a recommendation, skipping the whole rigmarole of the prelims and jumping right into the championship. But then again, Johnny's not exactly brimming with confidence about his odds in that scenario.

From what he's gleaned from that grimace-faced fella, the contenders in this championship are a whole different breed of tough.

In the end, Johnny opts to slog through the prelims and earn his spot in the championship the hard way.

It's a choice that'll give him ample time to sharpen his combat chops, battle after battle. Plus, there's the added bonus of devouring opponents' bodies, snagging their powers, and beefing up his own skill set.

With a creak and a groan, the scavenger's beat-up spaceship lifts off. Slowly at first, then picking up speed until it's hurtling through the sky, leaving a trail of dust and debris in its wake.

All that's left behind are heaps of broken skeletons littering the ground. As debris rains down from the holes torn in the sky, those remains get buried deeper and deeper in the earth.

Three days later, Johnny's rickety spacecraft finally closes in on Grandmaster's turf, after traversing more than half the planet.

Along the journey, Johnny's encountered more than a few scavenger ships, each one a potential threat or ally in the cutthroat world of space scavenging. These encounters often end in a blaze of lasers, with one side meeting their demise or throwing in the towel.

Whenever Johnny crossed paths with other scavenger ships, he made a point to steer clear. It wasn't out of fear of these ragtag crews, but rather because they held little interest for him.

Even if he dispatched dozens of them, the meager rewards in Soul Points Points hardly warranted the effort. A hundred points, perhaps, scarcely enough to upgrade a single skill.

"We're nearly there. The championship battle awaits!" Johnny exclaimed, his excitement undiminished even after three days of nonstop piloting. While an ordinary person might find such a journey exhausting, Johnny's anticipation fueled him.

In essence, it was the hunger for strength that drove him forward.

As Johnny navigated his spacecraft, a terse warning crackled over the comms, halting his progress. A fleet of imposing battleships, each dwarfing his own vessel, loomed ahead. Their weaponry, primed and ready, left little doubt of their intentions.

"I seek entry for the championship challenge!" Johnny announced calmly, unperturbed by the sudden blockade.

His words reverberated through the fleet, prompting a momentary silence. Ever since Grandmaster's decree, participation in the championship had granted immunity from interference, a fact not lost on the patrol fleet.

"Lower your craft and follow us," came the reply, tinged with surprise.

As Johnny disembarked onto the patrol vessel, his suspicions dissolved. The Spectre-faced man had spoken true.

Led by the patrol warriors, Johnny's journey continued aboard their imposing battleship. The Saka soldiers eyed him with a mix of curiosity and disdain, their gaze lingering on his unorthodox attire.

"Make way!" a commanding voice barked, dispersing the onlookers to clear a path.

A towering figure, easily over two meters tall, loomed before Johnny, exuding a palpable air of authority.

"Planning to enter the championship, boy?" the man's voice boomed, brimming with arrogance.

"It's me. Take me to Grandmaster; I have matters to discuss with him," Johnny replied evenly, meeting the man's gaze without flinching.

"A lowly whelp like you dares to dream of the championship? You'll be dead before you know it," the man scoffed, his laughter echoed by his comrades.

Undeterred by their ridicule, Johnny's lips curled into a knowing smile.

Then, in an instant—


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