Shiva looked at his body that was laying on the ground in shock and turned towards the goat head that was hovering in the air smilingly.
"You damn goat head!! what have you done to me!"
He blurted out in anger at the smiling goat that was hovering in the air.
{hoho...aren't you too fast to change character! don't worry you are fine, it's just needed for the test}
Shiva was still hard on his head but quieted down calming himself as the other things matter more now, "What is the test?"
He asked, this time without licking his ass.
{Hmm...That's quite easy! you just have to defeat me!}
<Test of Ares!>
Ares, one of the twelve soul generals is giving you this trail to measure if you are worthy to wield the Stone or not. According to him only those who are worthy should wield the 'Soul Stone'. don't disappoint him.
objective - Defeat the Soul general, Ares with any means.