
Into the Fire

Thorfinn and the rest of his group decided to take a breather after the battle. All four of them had sustained some injuries, but luckily Thorfinn had the presence of mind to bring his healing kit with him and so he treated everyone's wounds and allowed for a few hours of rest for everyone. While they did he and Arwyn scavenged the battlefield, good iron weapons were not common and could only be afforded by the wealthy. Of course, Thorfinn knew the Jarl and Mikael were involved in this attack, the fact Knut was there could attest to that, but even if he wasn't there were very few people in the surrounding lands rich enough to outfit so many men with such good quality weapons.

'I'll take these as a gift for the trouble they caused me,' Thorfinn thought with a smirk as he gathered the weapons. Of course not all of them were outfitted, some had basic clubs and spears. Knut even had some armour not that it helped him; Thorfinn shook his head as he looked down at the cowardly man. Too many aspirations and not nearly enough skill to carry them out. "I'm glad the coward is dead..." Lagertha said as she spat on Knuts corpse. Lagertha would never forget how he tried to force himself on her, in that moment she swore vengeance on him; while she wished it had been her that carried it out she could accept Thorfinn being the one to do it. He had saved her from that fate so he had the right to do it as well.

'Just one more left...' Lagertha thought as an image of Magnus appeared in her mind. He was just as responsible as Knut despite not taking part in the act; he would meet her blade as well.

"He wanted to be a great man that people sung songs of, but failed to realise you cannot grow from within someone's shadow," Thorfinn commented as he started to strip Knut of his armour. Even if he had not been a coward he never would've been great, he clung to his brother like a babe does to its mother's teat. The chainmail he wore was slightly damaged from the fight but it would still be usable with some minor repair. After getting the weapons gathered and placing them in the cart, and then going over and taking the silver that had been used to hire them Thorfinn finally sat down, with Arywn sitting close to him.

"Ragnar will not let this lie," Lagertha said as she sat down as well.

Floki giggled. "Perhaps the battle will begin sooner than we thought."

Thorfinn breathed out a sigh. "That would not be in our best interests," he commented. "The longer we stall the better our position will be, they know that so they will try and tempt us to make the first move."

"Why did they not just attack," Arwyn said shakily in their language.

"Mikael would... but the Jarl is more concerned with his popularity. Ragnar and his companions are loved by the people at the moment, these are the very people he'd raise to try and fight them, they might join Ragnar instead," He explained.

"They need an excuse to act." He continued.

Floki giggled "If he had killed Ragnar's wife I imagine that would've done the trick."

Thorfinn nodded. "Ragnar would've acted if he heard that both of you had been killed."

Thorfinn wiped his face as he sighed, this was getting complicated, they'd need to act but they couldn't do so overtly and give them the right to attack them. "We will talk with Ragnar about this later, I can only hope he will keep a cool head so we can decide how to retaliate," Thorfinn stated.

He then looked to Arwyn. "I need you to go back home," he said.

Arwyn frowned. "Why?" she asked, her voice full of concern, wondering if she had done anything wrong.

"A twelve-hour journey is too long. I need you to go and tell Storri to gather the men and camp somewhere out of sight in the forest by Kattegat," Thorfinn explained.

Arwyn was reluctant to go but eventually relented and nodded. Thorfinn then turned back to the others. "We should get going. We need to hurry if we want to make it by dark," Thorfinn said.

The journey to Kattegat was sombre and tense. The group kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, aware that danger could still be lurking nearby. The path was rough, and their injuries made the travel slower, but they pressed on. The sky darkened as they continued, and the air grew colder, but they knew that the only safety that could be found was with Ragnar.

When they finally reached Kattegat, the atmosphere was grim and dreary. The people they passed in the town minded their business, doing their best not to acknowledge them. There were also shifty individuals who watched them walk through the town, making them keep their hands on their weapons. The tension in the air was palpable, and Thorfinn's grip tightened around the hilt of his sword as they moved through the narrow streets.

They headed to the edge of town where Rollo's house was located. Thorfinn knocked on the door, the sound echoing in the stillness of the evening. A few moments passed without any answer. Thorfinn raised his hand to knock again, but before he could, the door swung open, and a sword was placed at his throat. Thorfinn didn't flinch and looked intently at Rollo who appeared in the doorway.

Seeing who it was, Rollo smiled and dropped the sword. "Thorfinn! I'm glad you've come," he said, the big man wrapping him in a hug.

"Of course, I would. You're all family," Thorfinn replied as he detached from him. Rollo greeted the rest of them before letting them inside. Sitting at the fire pit inside were Erik, Torstein, Arne, and at the center, Ragnar.

Ragnar stood up and crossed the distance to hug and kiss his wife, glad she returned safely. He then grinned at Thorfinn and Floki, pulling them both into a hug.

"You look strong," Ragnar said with slight surprise to Thorfinn as he squeezed his arms.

"Did you think I'd let myself grow lazy?" Thorfinn asked with a grin.

Everyone else greeted each other, and they all sat down with one of Rollo's slave girls bringing them ale to drink. After satiating their thirst, Thorfinn began to recount the events that transpired on their journey to Kattegat. The room, which had been filled with the sounds of laughter and conversation, grew quiet as he spoke.

"We were ambushed," Thorfinn said, his voice steady but tinged with anger. "A large group of men, well-armed, came at us from the woods. Knut was leading them."

"Knut?" Rollo spat, his hand gripping his cup so tightly it seemed it might shatter. "That cowardly snake!"

"Aye," Thorfinn nodded. "He had good iron weapons, chainmail, and even some archers. The Jarl seemed to be desperate to get rid of us, though I suspect Lagertha was the true target."

Erik slammed his fist on the table. "They dare attack us on the road? This is an open act of war!"

"They failed, even with high-quality weapons they are still weak!" Arne asked, his eyes glinting with a mixture of anger and dark satisfaction.

Thorfinn nodded. "We fought them off, but we got lucky, the men they sent were not true warriors, had they been they might've succeeded."

Lagertha interjected, her voice icy with rage. "Knut is dead. He won't trouble anyone again." A murmur of approval and dark laughter rippled through the room, but Ragnar remained silent, his eyes fixed on Thorfinn.

"What of the others?" Ragnar finally asked, his voice calm and measured.

"We killed most of them. The rest fled," Thorfinn replied. "We took their weapons and armour. They'll serve us better than they did them."

"Good," Ragnar said quietly. "But this means Haraldson and Mikael will escalate things. They'll use this to justify further actions against us."

"Let them come," Floki said with a mad giggle. "We'll be ready for them."

Ragnar nodded slowly, then turned his gaze to Thorfinn. "You did well to survive and bring this news to us. We need to be careful, though. We can't give them any more reasons to turn the people against us."

Thorfinn nodded in agreement. "I sent Arwyn back to gather our men. They will camp in the forest near Kattegat, ready to support us when needed."

Ragnar's face remained impassive, but a flicker of approval crossed his eyes. Ragnar turned to Thorfinn, his expression serious. "What can you provide for the coming fight?"

Thorfinn leaned forward, meeting Ragnar's gaze. "I have twenty-one men, all trained and armed. We took the weapons and armour from the ambush, and I've got a stockpile of iron and some forged weapons back home. We've been growing and stockpiling food, so we can sustain ourselves for a while.."

Ragnar nodded, a hint of relief in his eyes. "That's good, combined we will have around sixty men."

"Is it possible to get any more?" Thorfinn asked.

"Not without looking outwards from Kattegat," Ragnar replied. "A lot of people do not wish to get involved while the others are loyal to either Mikael or the Jarl."

As the night went on their discussion continued, though they were having difficulty agreeing on what to do next.

Rollo slammed his fist on the table. "We should march into Kattegat and confront them directly. Open conflict is the only way to end this."

Torstein nodded in agreement. "We have enough men to make a stand. we should show our strength."

Erik, sitting quietly, shook his head. "Direct conflict will only lead to unnecessary bloodshed. We should be smarter about this. Sabotage their food supplies, and turn the people against them. Without support, the Jarl's power will crumble."

Floki, his eyes gleaming with mischief, leaned forward. "Chaos and subtlety could be our allies. If we disrupt their daily lives, the people will start to doubt their leader."

Thorfinn, listening to the arguments, finally spoke up. "Perhaps we only need to kill the Jarl. He is the mastermind behind all this. If he dies, the conflict might end."

Ragnar raised an eyebrow. "You suggest challenging him to a fight?"

Thorfinn nodded. "Yes. A direct challenge. If the Jarl is killed in combat, Ragnar would take his place as Jarl."

Torstein frowned. "The Jarl is cunning. I doubt he would accept such a challenge. He'll see it as a trap."

Rollo added, "And even if he does accept, there's no guarantee it will end the conflict."

Ragnar, thoughtful, turned to Thorfinn. "Do you truly believe the Jarl would agree to a duel?"

Thorfinn shrugged. "It's a risk, but it might be worth taking. If he refuses, it will show his cowardice. If he accepts, we have a chance to end this quickly."

Ragnar leaned forward, his face serious. "What about the Jarl's son, Magnus, and his ally Mikael? They won't stand idle if the Jarl is killed."

Lagertha's eyes hardened. "I have sworn vengeance on Magnus. He will die for what he was a party to."

Thorfinn interjected, his voice steady. "Mikael will not be a problem. I have a good relationship with the Mikaelson clan. If the Jarl is no longer in power, I can convince them to withdraw from the fight."

Ragnar and Lagertha exchanged a glance, their expressions filled with doubt. Ragnar spoke up first. "Let us not mince words since we are amongst friends... Your relationship with Mikael's daughter, Rebekah. If that comes out, it might complicate things."

"Mikael and the Jarl have an agreement to marry their children and join their families, you defiling his daughter would end that, and undoubtedly bring his wrath upon you."

Lagertha nodded in agreement. "Mikael is a formidable warrior, a true berserker. If he decides to fight, it won't be easy to stop him."

Thorfinn waves them off. "Mikael will listen, he let me stay in his home, we have a good relationship," he said confidently.

"I hope you're right," Ragnar said.


Mikael stood in the middle of his training yard, his face contorted with rage. The news of the failed attack had reached him, and he could barely contain his fury. He roared, grabbing a sword and slashing at a training dummy, the blade cutting through it with ease. The dummy fell apart, but Mikael's anger was not sated. He moved to a nearby tree, slamming his fists against the bark repeatedly until cracks began to form.

Esther, Mikael's wife, emerged from their home, her expression calm despite the chaos before her. She had seen Mikael like this many times. "Mikael," she said sternly, catching his attention. "Will you tell me what ails you, or will you continue causing a scene?"

Mikael scowled, but he stopped his assault on the tree. He grabbed a wineskin from Esther's outstretched hand and drank deeply. "That traitor, the fucking degenerate," he growled, his eyes murderous. "I am going to kill him with my own hands."

"Who are you talking about?" Esther asked, her tone demanding clarity.

"Thorfinn!" Mikael shouted, his voice echoing across the yard. "He came into our home and I welcomed him. And what does he do? He defiles my daughter and plants his seed within her!"

Esther's stoic expression cracked, her eyes widening with shock. She grabbed Mikael's arm, her voice rising. "Rebekah is with child?"

"Not for long..." Mikael growled, his intention clear. He planned to kill the babe before it ever saw the light of day.

"Where is she?" Esther demanded, a note of desperation creeping into her voice.

Mikael pushed his wife off him, his face a mask of cold fury. "She is with Elijah on Thorfinn's farm. After this business with Ragnar is concluded, we shall go and get her."

His words were chilling, and Esther could see that Mikael was resolute. He turned and walked back into the house, leaving Esther on the ground. She felt tears threaten to fall from her eyes, a rare crack in her usually composed demeanour. Only one thought occupied her mind. 'Dahlia...'

The dark history of their family, the sacrifices made for their children, was finally coming back to haunt them. The thought of Rebekah's child being in danger brought a fresh wave of fear. She had to protect her daughter, no matter the cost. Esther rushed into the house and headed straight to the room where she kept her grimoire. Her hands trembled as she flipped through the worn pages, searching for any spell or ritual that could help conceal her daughter from Dahlia's gaze.

'I'll find a way... I won't let Dahlia take another...'


The next morning, Thorfinn and Rollo set out to scout Kattegat, the early morning mist still hanging low over the village. As they walked through the streets, Rollo began to fill Thorfinn in on the events that had transpired since he left. "Things have gotten worse," Rollo said, his voice low and serious. "The Jarl has tightened his grip on the town. He's taken the blacksmith's daughter hostage to ensure he only crafts weapons and armour for his men."

Thorfinn frowned, his eyes scanning the faces of the townspeople, who hurried about their business, casting furtive glances at the two warriors. "Where's the blacksmith's shop?"

Rollo pointed down the street. "Just ahead. You'll see it near the market square."

They made their way through the market, where vendors hawked their wares, but the usual lively chatter was subdued. The blacksmith's shop was a sturdy building, smoke billowing from the chimney. They approached quietly, watching as the blacksmith hammered away at a sword, his face grim.

"The blacksmith's name is Orm," Rollo said. "He's a good man, but the Jarl's threat keeps him in line."

Thorfinn nodded, noting the armed guards posted discreetly around the shop. "We need to find a way to free his daughter. If we can get Orm on our side, it would be a significant advantage."

Rollo agreed, leading Thorfinn further into the village. Rollo pointed out a few known spies of the Jarl. "They're everywhere, listening for any dissent."

They moved on to the granary, where the village's food supplies were stored. "The Jarl controls the granary tightly. Anyone who doesn't fall in line finds themselves unable to get food," Rollo explained.

They turned a corner, and Thorfinn glanced around before asking, "Where do they keep their prisoners?"

Rollo rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "I'm not entirely sure. The Jarl doesn't make a habit of taking many prisoners, and those he does are usually dealt with swiftly. It's possible they're held somewhere in the main hall, or perhaps in a hidden location outside the town."

Thorfinn frowned. "We need to find out. Anyone we can free would likely Jon us."

Rollo nodded. "We can ask around discreetly. Someone is bound to know something."

As Rollo and Thorfinn continued their walk through Kattegat, they heard the unmistakable sound of a scuffle nearby. Rollo's eyes narrowed as they approached the commotion. In front of a small building, a group of the Jarl's men were gathered, bullying a man who was on the ground. Rollo clenched his fists when he recognized the man.

"That's Harald," Rollo whispered to Thorfinn. "He works leather and has been supplying us with armour for a while. The Jarl doesn't know of our affiliation and has been trying to pressure him into working exclusively for him."

Thorfinn watched the scene unfold. One of the Jarl's men struck Harald across the face, sending him sprawling to the ground. Rollo growled, his body tensing as he prepared to step in. Thorfinn grabbed his arm firmly.

"If you get involved, it will confirm your relationship with Harald," Thorfinn said quietly. "The Jarl might order his death if he finds out." Rollo's jaw tightened, but he stayed put, watching with burning eyes as the men continued to kick and beat Harald. They laughed and jeered. Finally, they spat on him and sneered, "Take the Jarl's offer, Harald. It's better than ending up like this every time you refuse."

The men left, their mocking laughter fading as they walked away. Thorfinn and Rollo hurried over to Harald, who was struggling to sit up. Blood trickled from his nose, and bruises were already forming on his face and arms.

"Harald," Rollo said, helping him to his feet. "Are you alright?"

Harald winced but managed a nod. "I'll live."

Thorfinn handed Harald a waterskin. "Drink this. We need to get you somewhere safe."

Harald took a sip and nodded. "There's a back room in my shop."

Rollo and Thorfinn supported him as they made their way to the leather shop. Once inside, they guided him to a small room at the back, out of sight from the main street.

"Thank you," Harald said, sitting down heavily. "I don't know how much longer I can keep this up."

"We'll find a way to deal with the Jarl," Thorfinn said. "But for now, you need to lay low.

After ensuring that Harald was okay, Thorfinn and Rollo left the leather shop, the grim reality of Kattegat weighing heavily on Thorfinn's mind. The Jarl's tyranny was evident in every corner of the town, and it was clear he would stop at nothing to maintain his power.

"The Jarl will die," Thorfinn said to Rollo, his voice resolute. "He's nothing but a tyrant, making everyone suffer just to keep his grip on power."

Rollo nodded in agreement, his expression matching Thorfinn's determination. They started to head back to Rollo's house, the grim atmosphere of the market square lingering in their minds. Just as they were about to leave, a loud voice stopped them in their tracks.

"I heard you'd come down from Hestein's farm!" Magnus shouted, his voice filled with contempt. Thorfinn turned, his fists clenching when he recognized the voice.

"You should've stayed up there," Magnus growled, stepping forward with a menacing glare.

(AN: Thorfinn is back in town and things are happening. What is Esther going to do now she knows about the child. What will Magnus do since he undoubtedly knows about what Thorfinn did to his betrothed. What will happen tomorrow at the Jarls feast and all of them are confined in one hall. I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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