

It was most bizarre, soldiers and knights remained perched upon great fortifications, such ramparts had been erected precisely for a conflict unlike any other, and yet, the common folks, the fishermen could calmly walk in and out, pass through the confusing, illogical layout of the undead camps, it had been allowed for one or two knights to accompany the fishermen, just to reassure the people who were forced to get much too close too cadavers that yet moved, decay, stagnation, dust and other filth mingled in the air, making one gag even after dozens of times.

Every time, without fail, fear would grasp their heart, in their eyes, nothing was stopping the corpses from cutting them all down, outside, with never more than a single brave knight, they could be swarmed and butchered in under a minute, but of course, the vanguard was steeled with discipline, simply standing around like statues.
