
Chp 7


"Come on," I tell Luffy as I grab his hand and use him as a whip to strike at the green-haired on while Luffy bounces to the orange-haired one and lands a kick directly on her face

"Ugh, that hurt," Says the green-haired one grabbing and I take the opportunity to send a punch to her face with Armament Coating

My fist connects with her face as she falls on her back still holding her face

I position my fist to punch her again in the face to try and knock her out

I don't have time for this

Luffy and I may need to fight our way off this damn island

I punch her multiple times and only stop as I feel something grabbing my right leg as I use my Observation Haki, I see a tail wrap around it and forces me away before slamming me into the ground

Thankfully, I managed to get Coating around the general area of impact avoiding most of the damage although, it does hurt my ribs a bit more

Gritting my teeth, I punch the tail wrapped around my leg while my fist is coated in Haki

I quickly stand up and dodge a tail swipe from the other sister by doing a backflip

Thank you Observation

"This is getting me nowhere," I growl out in a bit of pain as the pain in my ribs flares up again

Goddamit it all

I glance at Luffy who is being flung around

"Come on," I say forcing myself to move faster as I send a punch toward the green-haired sister

I get smacked backward for the attempt

Catching myself a plan quickly forms in my mind

"LUFFY, COME TO ME, I HAVE A PLAN," I scream out as Luffy turns his head to me for a moment and rushes to me

As soon as he gets to me I lean down and grab his legs

"Smack them," I say before I begin to spin Luffy around as he smiles as he thankfully seems to get it

I speed up even more as my improvised weapon seems to be rather effective

I stop for a moment as I get quite dizzy before focusing on Observation and slamming Luffy right into the orange-haired before turning around and smacking the green one with a whip-like motion using Luffy

"Hey, uhh can you drop me down please, my head really hurts," Luffy says while I blink and quickly apologize to him

I blink again as he holds his head in a bit of pain

"Sorry," I apologize again as I turn toward the sisters who are thankfully knocked out

"I had to think of something," I say rubbing the back of my neck

"YOU..."Screams a familiar voice as both Luffy and I turn towards the Snake Empress as with apprehension and a somewhat familiar feeling comes over me which causes me to narrow my eyes

The Haki of Kings

Conqueror Haki

Something that I never managed to get

Rayleigh told me and showed me enough about it to get used to it but I can't quite help the shaking of my knees as I look towards the woman stomping over to us right now

Although, some part definitely feels something

Gosh, am I getting a thing for dangerous women

Fuck, I hope it doesn't become a thing...

She continues stomping her way over to us

"You...you weren't supposed to win," She growls out as some wind blows and I can see her very attractive legs

I think I have a type

I put my guard up for if at any moment she decides to strike me

"Ugh," She says disgusted while turning her head to the side and stealing glances at me

"We beat them, keep your end of the deal," I say while holding my side barely able to take pain

"One..." She begins as I narrow my eyes at her

"Choose either me turning them back from stone, or leave the island on a ship," She says and I grit my teeth and quickly speak before Luffy can

"Turn them back," I say resigning myself to staying a bit longer on this island 

Hopefully alive

"What he said," Says Luffy and I glance at him as my respect for him grows a bit

"You..." She says with wide eyes looking at me and then at Luffy for a moment

She begins to walk to where the statues of the women are and in a few moments they are free causing me to let out a small sigh of relief

Boa begins to walk away and I don't fight very hard to not stare at her backside


"SO GOOD," Says Luffy out loud as he chomps down on a rather big chicken leg

Well, I am assuming is a chicken leg but that thing is as long as my damn arm

I take a big bite of my own food which consists of what seems to be a 3-pound burger, some fries that are possibly 2 pounds worth and some grape juice

I eat slowly as the new bandages around my body are irritating my wounds

I enjoyed my meal in peace and took the time to relax as I finally had my sword back

I need to stop losing it

After I finish eating I just wait for Luffy to finish eating as there is something that I want to talk about with him

The door opens and a...servant comes in while looking around before locking eyes with me

"The empress would like a word with you, please follow me," Says the servant I

nod wordlessly and catch Luffy's eye

A silent promise is made to help each other if things go south

We walk silently through the palace and we come across some stairs that we take to go upstairs

"Here we are, please mind your manners," She says and opens the door for me and I see the empress sitting on her bed with her back turned to while her 2 sisters stand near it

I stay alert for any sudden movement before walking closer to Boa and her sisters

"What is it that you wanted to speak about?" I ask respectfully to which she looks at me for a moment

"Is it true that you fought against a Vice Admiral?" She asks and I am a bit taken aback by her question

"Not really fought, more like flailing angrily which essentially got me sent here along with Luffy. I am still not at the level of being able to fight one yet," I answer honestly

"How do you feel about the Celestial Dragons?" She asks while turning slightly as she looks at me with one eye

"I hate them,"

"Why?" She asks turning around to look at me

"They are evil, every last one of them," I tell her while frowning

I hate them

She sighs while turning around and taking off her jacket leaving her bare and from this angle, I can see that she is not exactly wearing anything else on her upper body

I appreciate the sight before she moves her hair to the side and I immediately understand why she made those questions

She has the Mark Of The Celestial Dragon on her back

"I understand," I say as my mind races and arrives at one very possible conclusion

"You were a slave," I say to which she hugs her sides while sniffing a bit

"Yes," She whispers softly

"I am sorry," I say understandingly as I did hear stories of what was done to slaves whenever a ship belonging to a Celestial Dragon arrived at the shipyard

This was the same time that I learned about them

I did hear that one time a Celestial Dragon broke into a home and violated a woman and her 2 daughters while the father watched before killing them and then hanging their bodies for people to see

I want so badly to kill them but Rayleigh did say that I shouldn't even think about it at my current level of power and that it would bring me more problems than it's worth

"So you know," She says while looking down


"Invite him to tonight's banquet, tomorrow you will be sent back to Sabaody Archipelago," She says while looking at me a bit confused

"Our banquet sister,"

"Yes," Says Boa while still looking at me and I can see her cheeks getting a bit flushed

"Thank you," I say to her bowing lightly and leave the room 

Right as I close the door, I hear a rather loud sigh as I hear something, or rather someone fall to their back on a bed and I know who it is


"This really good," I say taking a bite out of my steak

"That's good," Says Boa as we enjoy our meal as Luffy listens to the old lady talk about a pirate from Whitebeard's crew

"WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" Screams out Luffy as I go to speak to Boa some more

"THAT'S MY BROTHER," Says Luffy while I turn to him as he says that the pirate is his brother

"YOUR BROTHER," Screams out the old lady

"When are they going to execute him?" Asks Luffy seriously

"In 6 days," Answers the old lady

"6 DAYS THAT'S TOO SOON," Screams out Luffy

"There will be war," Says Boa causing us all to look at her

"Whitebeard is known to care about his crew, most likely he is on his way. While the marines will be prepared for them," She says with a contemplative look on her face

"Whitebeard," Says Luffy softly while gritting his teeth

"Can you give me a ship?" He asks after a moment

"I have no ship that would make in time, aside from my own, and 3 others," She says

"They will be recognized immediately. My title as a Warlord will be ripped away from me if they see my ships getting anywhere near Marineford," She explains

I let out a small sigh as I try to think of something...
