
The Cases/Mayberry’s Case

"This right here is Ms. Susan Mayberry, formerly a human on earth up until a year ago, Ms. Mayberry had a loving Husband by the name of Ezekiel Mayberry, she was a elementary teacher back up on Earth, she was the epitome of what a good and upstanding person should be like in life." Alfred said showing how she was like towards the court who nodded in agreement that Ms. Mayberry was the perfect definition of what a good person should be.

"But I take it this chick did something seriously bad if she was such a 'Good Person' if she was sent down to hell with the rest of you lot." Adam said to which Alfred nodded showing Ms. Mayberry, now a sinner currently teaching younger Imps in the Wrath Ring about Basic Math skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

"Well your correct, she did as she Murdered her very Husband." Alfred said which caused the court to begin muttering amongst themselves.

"Ha! Then what's the point in discussing this further, she fucked up big time, there's no point talking about this further now is there?" Adam said seeming smug about it, but Alfred seemed unfazed by that remark.

"And in a normal situation this wouldn't be discussed at all, after all murder is such a serious crime, but it was more of a crime of passion than one of pure malice, after all I doubt anyone here would take kindly to there significant other going out of their way to break their sacred bond with you and blatantly cheat in front of you, sending you a video call of them right in the middle of the act and letting you watch it happen right before your eyes, and infront of your students no less, unless you had the compassion of a saint to forgive them of such a betrayal of trust that your rationale would go out the window and you would do something drastic, wouldn't you say Adam?" Alfred said before showing the entire events that lead up to her murdering her husband from her perspective, while censoring the act as it's unsightly for others to see that, especially with children being here.

"W-well I…." He honestly couldn't say anything as even if he knew it was wrong to do, if he was human and saw that happen with his Ex-Wife Eve or his Girlfriend Lute, he could see himself snapping as a result.

"And not only that she felt awful about doing it to, she knew she had done a terrible thing and hated herself for it, not only that but she felt more ashamed that she showed such terrible sights to the children she cared about, and so she finally cracked and well…" He stopped before a gunshot was heard on the other side of the computer screen where all of her students were watching the events unfold before they fainted at the sight of of their favorite teacher taking her life as a result.

"Now people of the Jury, I'm not saying what she did was right, it was a very bad thing to do, and it could have ended much differently had she kept calm and decided to go about it in a different way, but humans, angels, sinners, demons, every living being in all of the realms has the ability to be happy and also the ability to feel pain and sadness, the lucky ones were able to make it up here and now they never have to feel those awful emotions ever again, but those in hell and on Earth aren't as fortunate." Alfred went on, trying to pull at the heartstrings of the Angels here as his main job is to help Charlie succeed.

"And to prove my point that she deserves to be redeemed is that if she is in hell, you would assume her husband would be down there correct? I mean Adultry! Breaking such a sacred vow deserves being sent down to hell for such a despicable act right?!" He shouted out getting several of the Seraphim to shout in agreement, only for Sera to get Nervous as she had a very bad feeling.

"Now people, Heaven has the Book of Heaven, it's a list of all those allowed directly into Heaven, it's a book that St. Peter himself keeps and allows him to determine who should or shouldn't be allowed into heaven, now while I don't have the original I do have a fairly accurate copy of this!" He said holding up a black book with a red pentagram on the front of it.

"This is The Book of Hell, just like the Book St. Peter has, The Book of Hell lists out all the names of those sent down into hell and why they are down their, this copy is as accurate as of yesterday, and thus it lists everyone's name that has ever become a sinner down in hell and, oh would you look at that! Ezekiel Mayberry! Isn't! In! The! Book!!!" He says before slamming it down directly on Adam's table, startling him as he didn't expect the small Imp to be so forceful like that, especially an old Imp like him.

"Go ahead, I want you to look at it, this is the complete list of sinners first names starting with Ez and last names starting with Ma." Alfred said putting Adam on the spot, as even he had a bad feeling about this, but he couldn't lie and he couldn't destroy the book or else it would look bad for him so he looked it over and….

"…. He's not…. There…." Adam said through gritted teeth before Alfred smugly grabbed the book before holding it up against the side of his face, hiding his face momentarily from the audience letting only Adam and Lute see his face before saying in a hushed tone.

"I gotchu now you stupid dumb bitch!" He said before rapidly turning back to the crowd, giving Adam and Lute no time to respond.

"You heard it folks, Ezekiel Mayberry, the Adulterer who cheated on his loving wife with another woman and was killed by her! Didn't! Go! To! Hell! Now there's only two places a soul goes to after death, and it didn't go to hell then that means! You guessed it! Somehow you guys let an Adulterer into heaven!" He said with a clearly smug look on his face.

"Outrageous!" "There's no way that can be!" "Someone get St. Peter on the Phone Now!" This began to cause a major arguments between those of the Jury.

"Enough!" Micheal stood up as he summoned his spear before slamming it down into the ground with loud thud, causing the rest of the crowd to become silent.

"I ask that Mr. Alfred from refraining to rile up the Jury with possibly inaccurate information, as you say it's a mere copy of The Book of Hell and not the true one! So in all likelihood you are going out of your way to fabricate information to confuse the court to prove your case!" He shouted out causing Adam to stand up and slam his fist on the table.

"Yeah! What he said! Your trying to make heaven look like idiots who don't know how people are selected to be allowed up here or not!" Adam said which rallied the others in the Jury against Alfred, but this made Sera, Micheal, Gabriel and Uriel more nervous when Adam said that with them slightly sweating as a result.

But Alfred grinned, as he knew that things would go this way as his masters foresight was on point with how this entire first case would go, "Ok, so none of you believe then? None of you believe that this book is genuine? Then how about I do the only thing to prove that I am correct, but as you don't trust me and now I can't trust any of you to possibly influence the direction of how this goes, I ask Sir Able to call St. Peter and ask if Ezekiel Mayberry is here in heaven." He said as he knew from his master that Able would most likely be at this hearing and the only one to ask should any of the higher Angels rally the rest against Charlie and her Case as Able is the only person Cain could trust to tell the truth.

Hearing this surprised Able and suddenly put him on the spot, he could see many eyes staring at him, but the ones that most effected him were Charlie's Eyes pleading him to do the right thing, and knowing she was technically his niece through the things he had heard from his 'father' with what they did down there in hell being the heavens ambassadors and all that, he sighed and nodded, "I will take on the role of the impartial party and call on St. Peter." He said before making the call and having the call be on speaker.

"Hello! St. Peter speaking!" A rather jolly sounding man answered the other side of the phone while everyone kept silent as the tension was thick in the air.

Feeling the pressure Able decided to do this quickly, "St. Peter, I am calling under Lady Sera's orders to ask if a man by the name of Ezekiel Mayberry has been allowed into heaven within the last Human year." He asked as audible pages were being turned.

"Let's see, Ezekiel Mayberry, Passed away within the last 12 Human months…." St. Peter said while the tension was getting more intense as Charlie was holding Vaggies hand tightly while Adam took off his mask, surprising Charlie and Vaggie by his real looks as he wiped his face of sweat.

"Ezekiel Mayberry, Died 9 months ago, cause of Death was Murder by his wife, is this who you were looking for?" St. Peter said as everything went Dead silent as Charlie and Vaggie hugged each other tightly while Adam smashed his face directly into the desk hard enough to indent it from the force.

"Thank you St. Peter…. That will be all, I-I have to go now." He said before cutting the call.

And with that all Hell Broke loose!
