
Who’s the Best Dad?

"A little bit to the left, alright perfect! Now get that banner hosted up there!" I shout out to my shadow demons who were getting the welcome banner all set up in place over the main hotel staircase.

"I got the cookies made with Mr. Kench's help!" Niffty said all excitedly as she brought out a tray of cookies and placed them on a big table while Kench brought out various other hors d'oeuvres, appetizers, desserts and several other main entrees, he went all out though most will end up with Cerberus Eating it up with his bottomless stomach after all.

"Never expected to enjoy the fine dining experience while down here in hell." Mayberry says surprised at seeing so many fancy entrees along with a plethora of fine wines and boozes he'll has to offer.

"Well if your rich and powerful of course you can enjoy all these things, besides Kench is one of Hells Best cooks there is to offer, even though his main job is crime lord." I say overhearing Mayberry as I go and sit at the bar where both her and Angel are sitting at.

"Say, I know that this is a bit personal and all but we kind sorta know why you hate Charlie Dads guts, but why does he hate you so much?" Angel decided to ask which I just chuckled at that while I popped open beer.

"He thinks that I was boning his wife behind his back and stole the role of being a father for Charlie from him, but I never had a relationship with Lillith like that, and it's his own fualt that I have such a big part in Charlie's life, she calls me first before her dad about anything major or important in her life, now she says I'm her uncle but deep down I know she sees me as her dad more than she does him." I say with a sardonic smirk on my lips before I took a swig from the bottle and chugged it down.

Internally I was laughing as he was right outside the grounds of the hotel giving himself a pep talk, and saying he won't 'stoop to that dumbasses level' but he was quaking in his boots checking his looks and hoping he looks presentable before fixing his tie and hat as he makes his way to the front door.

"Shows about to start." I mutter as get up while I sweep back my hair before putting my hands in my pockets while I lean up against the wall and waited for it all to begin.


*Knock Knock* There was a knock at the door to which Charlie, acting as excited as ever, hopped and skipped to the front door to which she opened it as she smiled brightly, "Dad!"

"Charlie! How's my sweet princess doing?" He said as he pulled Charlie into a hug as he looked around the hotel for a second before looking back at her.

"I'm doing great dad, well come on in let me show you around the place and let you meet my friends!" Charlie said excitedly as she went over to show her dad everyone who was currently residing in the hotel.

Meanwhile I was watching him meet everyone, Alastor came up to my side while holding a cup of tea, "I can already see why you wouldn't like him, don't see how you could have ever been friends with someone like him in the first place." He says to me before drinking more of his tea.

"That's old news, I already know Charlie wants us to make up, but that ship has sailed a long ass time ago, and it ain't coming back." I say with a shake of my head while a simmering anger was deeply ingrained into my bones as I looked at the depressed tacky asshole that Lucifer is.

"Welp, time to go piss shortie off." I say cracking my neck as I see Lucifer is looking around the place before I pull myself up off the wall while I head his way as Alastor watches with his signature smile on his face.

"Well, well, well, look who finally showed up! If it isn't my short little depressed rubber ducky lover Lucifer, took your sweet ass time showing up." I say to which I see him grimace at the sight of me.

"What do you mean finally showed up? It's only been an hour since you called." He says to which I just scoff at.

"Oh I don't know, do you really need to be invited to your own daughters hotel by me to show up when you could have been here months ago and whenever you wanted but noooo, Mr. Big shot himself needs an invitation to even deem it worthy of his time to come see his only daughter after all." I say as I dramatically lean back with a hand on my chest.

"Wha-What are you even on about? I was just busy is all…" He says sweating a bit as I squint my eyes at him.

"Busy huh? Well you know what if you say you were busy then it must have been incredibly important, you really must have been busy if you let Charlie go deal with that piece of shit along with all those disgusting angels, no please do tell, what kept you so busy for so long?" I say genuinely as I intentionally put him on the spot to which some of the others were listening in to our conversation, luckily for him Charlie had just run off to the bathroom to freshen up.

"I was uhh…. Oh yeah! I was helping with the management and construction of Lu Lu World at that time so I couldn't show up at that meeting, so I let Charlie handle that in my stead!" He said making up a believable lie to everyone that isn't me.

"Suuuurrrrreeee, let's go with that instead of you being too busy making another one of your oh so favorite Rubber Ducky's and couldn't be bothered to leave the workshop, then again maybe talking with Adam and his bitches and letting them walk all over you is one of your kinks, after all your heavens little lapdog right?" I said the last bit in only a whisper as Lucifer's eyes began to go red before his horns started to come out, popping his hat right off his head as his flaming kings crown began to form.

"What the fuck did you just call me you little shit?!" But I just grinned from ear to ear as my eyes went pure red before my horns grew out as my flaming kings crown appeared as well.

"What? You growing senile old man? Want me to repeat myself?" I say while I keep my arms spread wide as I prepare for what's coming, that is until-

"Dad! Uncle Cain! You promised you wouldn't fight in my hotel!" Charlie says as she rushed back to the foyer where she saw what looked like the beginning of a fight starting.

In less time than one can blink I instantly reverted back to normal before rapidly spinning like the Tasmanian Devil before hiding behind Charlie as I began to work on the greatest thing an actor could ever do, fake crying with real tears.

"Ohh Charlie! It's so horrible! I tried being a gracious host to your father and even be nice to him but he started arguing with me, bringing up old hurtful memories from the past and we almost snapped at each other, but like my little adorable angel you are you came in to stop this senseless fight from happening, oh Charlie I'm sooooorrrrryyyyyyy!!!!!" I said holding her close as I hugged her while genuine tears were streaming down my face as I 'cried' in her arms.

"That's a load of bullshit and you know it! Charlie you can't be honestly be believing him over your own Father!" Lucifer said as he was still furious and even more so that I was using Charlie against him.

"Dad! You need to calm down first!" She said staring back at Lucifer with a stern look, making him take a step back in shock seeing her do something like look at him in that way, so soon enough the horns started to go away along with the crown.

But he could see me grinning evily while Charlie wasn't looking which pissed him off but kept him from raging anymore since Charlie was here now.

"Haaa…. Alright I know you two won't get along right now with how things are, so how about we play a game instead?" Charlie said offering up a compromise as I stopped grinning as I raised my eyebrows before putting my fist in my palm as I got an idea.

"Charlie that is a great idea, you know it's bad to get violent all the time between us, so settling this between a nice friendly game is a great idea, I'm so proud of you that you came up with it." I say as I begin rubbing her head which makes her smile and Luci irritated in return.

"Fine we will play a game then! If you lose you need to stay away from Charlie!" He shouts out which I wave off when I hear that.

"I'm not going to stop being my daughters father just because her biological father told me to, besides who in all of hell would bet on that?" I say before getting a better idea.

"How about this, we play a game, and it's a game to see Who's the Best Dad, I win and I am legally for all intents and purposes considered Charlie's Father alongside you, but if I lose then I will never call myself her dad ever again and I will forever be relegated to being just an uncle instead, how about that then Shorty! Do you got the balls to take me up on this bet?" I say to him in which he grits his teeth as he looks at my out stretched hand.

He then takes it as a binding bet is put in place as a result, "Your on! I can't wait to see you lose!" He says while I grin and pull him closer as I lean down to his height.

"And I can't wait to see you eat your words." I say as everyone is still watching from the sidelines.

It's time to play Who's the Best Dad!
