
(C) Rising Evil

"Really? You made not only your headquarters look exactly like your top hat but also made this private island of yours look just like your top hat as well, right in the center of the Gulf of Mexico?" I say as I look at this place after peering throughout the shadows across this island proper, just one of the many tricks up my sleeves for reconnaissance.

"It's called the BlackHat Organization for a reason, of course my headquarters and my island would be shaped just like my hat" he says in his incredibly gravely voice before taking off his hat and dusting it off only for their to be a bowler hat underneath it before putting it back on top.

"You really don't want to have anyone see the top of your head after that rogue experiment went wrong back during the war Huh?" I say with a smirk which makes him grimace at remembering that horrible experience.

"I would prefer to have my employees and clients to be able to look at my face without being blinded, Thank you very much…" he said sounding noticeably annoyed and angry with such a sensitive topic being brought up.

"Yes wouldn't want people screaming 'My Eyes! My Eyes!' At the sight of your shining bald head." I said which aggravated him even more, but unlike anyone else that has ever made fun of him, which he usually promptly kills in very gruesome ways, he held back his anger as that would be a fight he can't win.

"Anyway, besides all that, what is it you require from me old friend? I mean you wouldn't be the one to spearhead my summoning without a reason?" I ask with a raised brow as he leans back in his chair while only having the tips of his fingers touch as he was in thought.

*Riiiiiiiiing Riiiiiiiing*

Before he could ask me what he wanted the phone on his desk rung, "BlackHat Corporation, We help with all your evil needs, how can we be of service?" He answers the phone to which I just lean back in my chair and drink some hot coffee I had conjured up for myself.

"Interesting…. Come to my headquarters and give us the full details and we shall see how we can help you and your problem, but remember, the price is not cheap." He says with a very evil and demonic look on his face before hanging up the phone.

"Actually, before I ask what I want, how about you stay and see how my subordinates deal with a new client?" He asks with a raised brow to which I just shrug.

"Well I got time to waste, and I doubt the man I'm after is going anywhere soon with how much fun he's having down on earth and away from heaven." I say before pouring him an extra dark cup of coffee.

"Is it who I think it is?" He asks to which I smile and nod.

"Ohhhhh yes, and I'm going to have such fun putting him in his place…." I said before I began to chuckle and then I laughed, so much so that multiple giant mouths opened up on my body and began to laugh just as much as I did and BlackHat joined to with his body doing something similar to what I was doing.

All the while one of his subordinates was awake and could hear the laughter and he was shaking in fear while holding a pillow over his ears while trying to get some sleep.



A few hours later the client arrived and explained everything to BlackHat as to what happened to his villianous accomplice and every other villian and hero that was on the scene.

"So this heroine was able to somehow hypnotize everyone, but you were able to get away?" I ask after hearing everything while looking at him with one eye open.

"Uhh, yeah, after seeing how she was hypnotizing people I was able to dodge it and make my escape, that's when I made the call and headed here." The guy in a blue hoodie costume with white hair covering his eyes and fin like ears sticking out of the side of his head, said to me.

'This guy is already hypnotized by that girl, BlackHat should be able to tell but he's overlooking it on purpose, I feel like he wants to torture his employees by getting them to fall into this trap the guy is setting up.' I think to myself as I rub my chin.

"The BlackHat Organization will take this case." BlackHat said with drool dripping down his lips before snapping his fingers.

Suddenly a hungery maw of corruption popped out from the ceiling before doing the motions like it was swishing around its mouth before-


"Ahhh! *Thud* Ohhh… my Sciatica"


"Weee! *Thud* And stuck the landing!"


"Raaarrraaa!!! *Thud*" "OOOOO…. My spleen…."

First a man with a bag fell down and face planted right into the ground before a woman with a wild looking outfit and a green lizard hoodie fell down before sticking the landing just fine and finally a giant blue bear fell down right on top of the bag head guy, crushing him underneath.

The bear got off of him, but freaked out at seeing the bag guy being flattened like a pancake so he grabbed his body and just like something out of a cartoon or something he grabs the bag guy and waves his body in the air like you'd do with a garbage bag before his body returned to its normal shape as he stood up before grabbing his head and cracking his back.

"Thanks 505, we're at your command lord BlackHat sir!" The bag head guy, better known as Doctor Flug, said before standing straight and saluting towards his boss.

"Well go on then, tell them what you told me, as they're the ones doing the job." BlackHat says while turning towards the clearly hypnotized client.

'Are you seriously not going to tell them?' I ask him telepathically to which he grins without even looking at me.

'It's more funny to watch them squirm than anything else.' He says before laughing through our link as I cut it off.

'And that's why I'm a better boss.' I think to myself before sending them and the client on their way to deal with this hypnotizing heroine problem, something I was interested in watching but I had no real time, so instead I let out a dark blob from my body hop into the bear's shadow to watch for me, giving it two of my days worth while staying on earth to watch the fun.

(Will be continued in a later cannon side chapter during the Exciting Adventures of Mini-Cain! Or something along those lines)

"Now then since their gone I think I already know what you wanted more than anything BlackHat, another thousand year extension on your already exceedingly long life." I say holding out my hand towards the old chap.

He just grins even more and shakes my hand as the deal is struck and a new revitalizing power seeps into his body making him feel young once again.

Soon after the deal was struck BlackHat Island was surrounded in a thick darkness that wouldn't go away for sometime before I pulled my hand away as I made my own portal towards another part of the world.

"Well it was nice seeing you again BlackHat, but I have business to deal with, so see you around." I said with an extremely evil grin before walking through the portal and away from BlackHat Island before reappearing in the Arizona Desert.

Soon enough my horns got longer before six wings burst out from my back as my blades came out from my shadows as I took them within my hands as I slid them across eachother.

"Okay dad, let's play ball." I grin before taking to the sky as I made my way towards LA while letting my demonic power flow out of me so he knew I was coming, but their was no way I was going to let him run with his tail between his legs.

This time, I'm out for blood, and one way or another I'm going to beat the shit out of that bastard and maybe even kill him too.
