
Chapter 237: Ben 10 (9)

Chapter 237: Ben 10 (9)

~Mash B. POV~

[Castle, Forge of Creation]

I must admit facing down one of the most famous and possibly broken cartoon characters in history has a certain feeling of dread that builds in one's heart. Especially the fact that Ben, Keven, and Gwen seem to be not very happy for me.

But I have spent the last few days absorbing the entirety memory sphere from Azmuth's mind downloading everything into my own without losing myself as a certain little Galvin whitehead did.

Even made sure to keep his personality away from mine only obtaining the knowledge by choosing the Forge of Creation as my base of operations away from any Celestialsapian considering Professor Paradox isn't allowed 500 light years away from them.

It was the ONLY place where my plans were going smoothly for this to work. If everything goes according to my calculation then everything would work as attended with time fixing themselves together where I win.

With my processing power downloading the memories and using said memories to obtain everything of one of the smartest characters in this verse I feel confident that I can travel and create my tech.

Sadly though I came to a problem once I started to take Azmuth's memories and that's going to be what I call the Ben 10 Issue. That guy won't leave me alone unless he captures me, depowers me, or places me in the Null Void imprisonment for my crimes of almost ruining the reality I currently reside in hence the final battle here.

Give the heroes the satisfaction that they won leaving me alone with no issues of them tailing me ever again. There's always pleading my case but then again I think I'll need to beat them up first.


And speaking of heroes they seemed to have managed to get past my androids and laser torrents as I couldn't help but smile seeing I already got everything I needed from this world and Generator Rex.




Right on time. Standing up from my cliché throne making me the perfect one-time villain having my battle armor at the ready I replied to the heroes coming to save the day in a calm tone, "Good afternoon you ignorant sheep. Can I ask why you invaded my base of operations?"

The first to speak was Ben he looked angry at me as I stopped my charade of the nice guy as he spoke to me lifting his Omnitrix the completed one in a neutral tone and said, "Now listen here dude you majorly messed up the timeline. Paradox already warned us of someone messing it up. You are going away for your crimes man. No way I'm letting you go around free."

Keven then began to absorb some metal turning himself into iron-coated skin as he cracked his knuckles together and spoke to me in a neutral tone, "Yeah man. Do you just know how many of you guys messing with time is always a bad idea?"


I could assume many things for their reasoning for capturing me, but it didn't matter. I glanced at Ben and his watch at the ready with Gwen ready for battle as she had her mana bubbles up trying to get me to surrender, "You are just another villain for us to beat. I suggest like the rest you give up and turn yourself in."

Narrowing my eyes I exhaled trying to reason with them first in a calm tone placing my hand at my forehead, "Sigh… how about no. I've already beaten the kid version of this guy over there what makes a teenager version of him would fare better? At the very least I'm not a genuine fatass drinking Mr. Smoothies all the time."

Keven snickered at my jab at Ben causing his eyes to twitch at my attack on his beloved beverages as he slyly grinned raising his hand and activating his Omnitrix in a determined tone, "Now that's an offense I can't forgive dude. You may mock me but no one mocks Mr. Smoothy while I'm around. Like seriously don't you guys have anything better to do? Whatever because you know what time it is…"


Slamming his Omnitrix he finally finishes his famous catchphrase as I couldn't help but smirk at the excitement, "IT'S HERO TIME!"


In a flash of green light, he changed into a pyronite seeing a large pillar of fire emerge from his location classic before me as Ben roars out loud his transformation done in a determined tone, "HEATBLAST! Now it's time to turn up the heat!"


Shooting out from his molten lava-like hand fire beams shot out at me as I casually tanked it using my forcefield in a mocking tone, "Haven't you been listening, Ben? I studied for any possible contingency even your alien's weakness. This suit is a fireproof baby."

Yawning at this as the fire didn't even damage me, I mocked the hero but at the same time kept my guard up letting the other two come around in a serious tone, "Now come on greatest hero can't you do any better than this? I mean you teamed up with Rex in another parallel world so at least make this something worthwhile?"

That was when Keven tried to come to attack me from the side as he twirled his iron fist at me while morphing into sharp blades as he came rushing in with an annoyed tone, "Yeah so what man! It would be made easier if you give up and surrender to avoid getting your butt being kicked."



Swinging his iron fist at my body he managed to touch me but immediately slapped him away in a curt tone, "Begone thought!"



Tossing Keven to the side crashing through the wall with enough force but he soon stumbles back up again feeling a headache groaning in pain, "Ugh… sorry pal but it's going to take more than that to take the eleven."

Turning my attention to Gwen as she tried to keep on a low profile stealthily trying to attack my blindside, I called her out in a bored tone, "And where do you think you are hiding off too Gwendolyn Tennyson? Attacking me from my blindside, aren't you?"



Shooting one of my laser-mounted attacks at her she defended with her mana shield as my eyes were now back at Ben. Lifting my hand at him I began to use the telekinesis of the charms now lifting Heatblast in the air and holding him in place as I spoke in a curious tone, "Come now Tennyson? You can't have been holding back on my account surely you have something. Come on bring out your big guns already."

At this Ben grunts at me as he lifts his smoldering hand and glares at me seeing that his fireworks won't work at me at the rate this was going exclaiming, "The Charms of Bezel!!! Damn it, man! I'm personally really hating magic right about now. Now come on Omnitrix give something to mess with this guy come on…"



The green light soon flashed instantly as I saw who the next alien was of Ben's choice of luck it soon came to view as it had three additional crystal shards on each shoulder and arm, one on each knee, and two on the sides of his head.

The crystals on his chest and the four small shards on his back are gone. His neck is now longer, his face has a magenta chin that resembles a mouth guard, and he now speaks without moving his mouth at all. He has five fingers on his hands. He now wears a green jumpsuit with white stripes on the waist, green-and-white striped gauntlets on his wrists and legs, and the Omnitrix symbol has been relocated to his right pectoral.

Once fully shown the alien in question began to absorb the mana I was using as it shouted out its name with confidence in Ben's voice, "CHROMASTONE! Whoa, talk about the right alien for the job. Time for round two buddy!"


Before Chromastone could do anything I quickly went ahead and used my mecha fist manifested launching the first attack at him with Ben aiming for his Omnitrix as I infected it with my nanites slowly altering it and providing me info of the perfect version.

Azmuth did his best to create this version of the Omnitrix in the future but now all I have to do now is make this fight believable –



That was when Ben Omnitrix began to activate on its own making my eyes widen in horror at what alien he turned into to turn this around… an Ectonurite better known as Ghostfreak now has green chains all over his front side which lead to his neck, waist, and center/chest. The spikes on his elbows have returned, his skin is now a greenish-white shading, and he has two cuffs on each of his arms. The Omnitrix symbol is located at the center of his chains. When possessing someone, he has a green glow. His tentacles are now black and purple-striped and his eye is colored green.

My eyes widened as Ben yelled out his iconic alien's name with a confident tone, "Ghostfreak! Seems like your time is up villain!"


Whoa! Bad touch! BAD TOUCH!

I felt violated as the Ectonurite began to enter inside my body taking control with their natural ability of body possession, however…


Electricity began to surge from my body as Ghostfreak yelled in pain as my Omega-1 Nanite began its work kicking him out of my body and groaning in pain, "Ahhhh!!! The heck who booby traps their body for possession – ack!"

Grabbing him by the throat I wasn't amused again by this kid in the slightest. Clenching my fist looking at him in the eye leveling a glare in a cold tone, "Yeah… I'm not a big fan of that so how about a big fucking no. Lights out, Ben."


Changing in a flash of green light I saw him transform into an alien I didn't quite recognize before. This one has a humanoid body mainly comprised of blue energy. Four retractable spikes are protruding from both of his shoulders. His arms are rather large, stretching down nearly to his feet in resting position. His head, arms, chest, shoulders, and legs are rock-like. His eyes are green, and a moss-like substance can be seen around his neck and shoulders.


Releasing a burst of electricity from this new alien Ben spoke in a serious tone his arms changing into electrical weapons of maces, "Shock Rock! Let's see you test this one when your machines get overloaded! Gwen now!"

Feeling a shroud of Magic coat around me, I see Gwen cast a spell to depower my Nanites as Keven charges right in with Ben saying in a confident tone, "Now you're in trouble! Let's make it double!"

Seeing them charge at me I merely smiled still calm in this situation. My eyes dart towards Gwen taking out the healer immediately in a harsh tone, "I think that's enough of that out of you Gwen. Let's see – "


Teleporting instantly behind her now both the boys looked wide-eyed. I brought out my Phantasm Punishment Dagger as I mercilessly cut her down, "Sorry but I'm not sorry. [Phantasm Punishment]."


[You gain 50 EXP!]

Decapitating her head from her body both looked at me wide-eyed. Keven in a state of shock turned into anger as he recklessly touches Ben watching as he combines himself into a mutation roaring in feral rage, "ARRRRRRGH!!!! I'LL KILL YOU!!!!"

No, you won't. I can guarantee that. Authority of Melancholy, [Delete Space].


[You gain 50 EXP!]

Deleting the space that Keven once occupied all that was left was his hands. My eyes lingered towards Ben shell shocked as tears began to leave his face shaking in anger growling at me in a hateful tone, "Y-Y-You…. You killed my best friend… my cousin…. I'll make you pay. YOU HEAR ME?!!!"

I knew that much idiot. But unfortunately for you were made to fight me here in the Forge of Creation the one place that Paradox can't interfere and the only safe place for me to leave this Worldline scot-free.

And despite killing them left a bitter taste in my mouth it's not like it's the end for them. Eon hunted and recruited other Bens from across the multiverse. In Alienxtinction event there were even a few Bens that died against his crazy older self-problems.

Watching this one charging blindly in rage I simply sighed. You would think they would put up a better fight I guess I just had high expectations from them.

Ben recklessly charging straight at me I simply decided to end the fight here and now. I have better things to do than deal with a revenge-wanting hero. Before he could even comprehend what happened I snapped my fingers.



In a flash of green light, Ben's Omnitrix turned off by my command. His eyes widened as before he could comprehend what happened… I cut his Omnitrix off his wrist so he can't transform and with my free hand grabbed his head –


Gripping his head and crushing it like it was nothing ending the hero right then and there for good. No deus ex machina for him. No Alien-X to undo the event.



Turning my attention to a specific bomb Chronosapien Time Bomb already ticking down. I picked a good timeline to set this off.

Where currently in the No Watch Ben Timeline the same idea that Eon and Vilgax had erased all other timelines of the Ben 10 timeline. And it's been superpowered up with the Meta-Nanities and Upgrade abilities as it ticked…



Zero. A blinding flash of light engulfed everything as the corpses of the heroes vanished without mercy. And doing it in the past when No Watch Ben is currently 10 years old for extra measure made sure everything in the Ben 10 world never existed…

… Except for my gear. I made sure because I made them have [Time-Space Immunity] to not get erased within the Forge of Creation where time is out of sync. Having accomplished my goal I used my Gamer Ring to leave this world behind.


Having this much knowledge it's about time I find my home again. No Multiverse Heroes of Ben Tennyson or others to stop me as I made sure this was my complete victory with no traces back to me.

Entering through the portal I left this world for good. My goal is nearing its end, and I just know it'll be worth it – then it clicked.

Why didn't I get the EXP gain from Ben – "Hahahaha!!!"

I busted out loud laughing turning my face around and seeing a cold green, emerald glare directed at me. I felt my whole being shake with me staring down… I'm mighty fucked now, aren't I?

Welp. Time to kill another alien God, then.
