
Chapter 178: Cultural and Sports Grand Festival (3)

Chapter 178: Cultural and Sports Grand Festival (3)

~Mash B. POV~

[The Great Culture and Sports Festival Stadium]

Having met up with Rei with only the two of us here in the elevator I decided to ask gathering information in a curious tone, "Um… I know I've asked this before, but are you sure you have the right person? I don't remember doing anything that would gain the attention of the director of the academy?"

She only professionally adjusted her glasses up in a neutral tone answering my question expertly, "Yes. I'm 100% certain you are the one. The Director asked for you directly seeing you have taken great care of her long-lost daughter under your stay in Honnouji Academy and bested [The Grand Couturier]."

Ah… when she says it like this, I don't have much to say more. She's good at negotiation but that's a given she's a secretary of REVOC's Corporation.

The elevator went up for a few moments longer and then opened to a long corridor. As we walked down, I looked out the windows to see the whole stadium being filled with academy students and their families.

I couldn't help but be impressed that all of this was done in less than a day in an impressed tone. "Wow. Is everyone from Honno City here to welcome the Director?"

Rei answered my comment in a neutral tone, but a brief smile and pride glinted beneath her eyes behind the glasses, "Of course. All inhabitants of Honno City are here to welcome the Director and owner of the artificial island they live on. It's the most they can do."

I only nodded my head understanding the situation. It's partially why I came at all, to begin with instead of chilling with Ryuko and Mako. She's the director and she could expel me to be done with me.

But what I never expected for her to be this genuinely interested in me. But moving on we soon approached a door and Rei ushered me inside.

Once inside I was surprised by the luxury of the room. I can tell each item is expensively made thanks to having Gilgamesh's memories and values of his treasures and I can see all of them are top-notch items. Ragyo certainly knows how to live like a Queen that's for sure given the state of the room.

The walls were decorated with beautiful paintings, and to the side was a large filled with high-quality foods, on the far wall was a large window overlooking the arena, in front of them, was a row of luxurious seats facing outward. In one of the seats was a woman facing the window. [TOOS].

[Ragyo Kiryuin Lv.? Life Fiber-Hybrid]

Interesting… it's been a while since I've seen an unknown level. That just tells me how dangerous this woman truly is.

It was this time she gazed at me with genuine interest as she raised an eyebrow at me with a curious tone, "Hm? Is there something wrong? Are you just going to stand there?"

I merely chuckled being ungentlemanly as I took a seat apologizing when one offered their hospitality in a respectful tone, "Sorry I was simply awed by your hair. Never met anyone who had their hair glow like a rainbow such brilliantly before."

Ragyo merely grinned as I gazed mystified by how they glowed as she smiled caressing her hair and starting the conversation with a sardonic tone, "You like my hair~? How about you tell me your name first~"

By waving her hands down and caressing her hair I noticed small threads of Life Fibers from her fingertips come near me as I crossed my arms happily responding, "How rude of me my lady. I'm Mash Bastion a pleasure to finally meet the mother of the daughters of Ryuko and Satsuki."


Using [Invisible Air] + [Divine Protection of Wind Reading] to cut the threads using air after my head as I spoke in a confident tone much to the genuine surprise in her eyes, "I do apologize but I'm afraid you're asking too early to be able to court me, my lady. But it was a nice try."

Instead of shock or rage, she expressed genuine joy. It almost made me lose my smug expression but instead took a seat next to me with a flirtatious tone, "Oh my~ It seems like I put you too little of my opinion thinking I could deal with you that easily. I can see why my daughters took a liking to your ability or personality~"

I almost snorted seeing what this woman was trying to do. She dared to place her hand over my Kamui vest in a curious tone getting a bit too close, "Besides that though do you like the vest properly made you wear? You look worthy and quite handsome in it~"

Simply raising an eyebrow, I then asked in a curious tone allowing her to touch my existence in a thankful tone, "You did? Then I must thank you for such top-quality material, all things considered, this is more than enough as thanks."

Ragyo soon took my arm and ran her hand from my wrist to my shoulder in a domineering tone trying to be dominant, "Arara~ I hope I got all the measurements correct. Does it feel good to wear?"

To be truthful I replied with a curt nod genuinely admiring the Kamui vest gazing upon the craftsmanship, "I confess this Kamui vest feels very good to wear. Despite your dog's attack, I'll sadly admit [The Grand Couturier] does know what the hell she's doing along with your design plans."

She simply giggled asking me questions in a curious tone her eyes trying to analyze me up and down, "That's so good to hear. May I ask why you attended Honnouji Academy?"

To her question, I responded in a neutral tone my eyes not laying off her for a second not letting my guard down, "I attended your fine academy to finish my education and eventually move on to my goal. A selfish goal but a worthy one for me."

Ragyo's eyes grew in intensity as she gazed at my unwavering golden eyes she soon tempted me in a flirtatious tone, "Oh, it sounds like you deserve such a reward. I can give you the reward you desire it simply – "

Before she could continue I gotta like my LUCK for times like this when Rei came in for just the perfect time in a neutral tone, "Lady Ragyo…"

Interrupting such a moment Ragyo stopped herself seemingly annoyed as she sighed but her lips changed into a satisfied expression said to me in a pleased tone, "Ah~ I must go, please enjoy yourself. After the festival, we can talk about your reward in greater… detail~. And one more thing you now have my blessings to court both my daughters if you wish. After all, the weak obey the strong."

Ragyo caressed my cheek and got up. She pointed at the free food for me to eat as she left the room looking back at me one more time and smiled.

Tch. Such an arrogant woman thinking I need her blessing to court her daughters. Still, it unnerved me when I felt she was undressing me with her eyes and then dressing me in various clothing.

I have mixed emotions about that… but the most prominent one being having the gull to ORDER me around that pisses me off. I sighed out loud as there were luxurious pieces of food laid down for me to devour.

Well… it now seems like the final supper in tales of old. How ironic. Welp waste want not I suppose and dig in.

I best keep my guard around her. The last thing I need is a Diablos Ex Machina to happen to me.


[A Few Minutes Later, The Great Culture and Sports Festival]

With all the residents of Honno City accounted for, the festival finally began to fill brim with the people of Honno City. Every citizen of Honno City was obligated to come and celebrate the arrival of Honnouji's director.

When everyone was accounted for, the festival finally began with Satsuki Kiryuin speaking out loud in a serious tone for everyone to hear, "Attention, students and families of Honnouji Academy! We have succeeded in conquering all the nation's academies! All the fools who dared oppose our Goku Uniforms have been eliminated! Today is a celebration of those accomplishments! Eat and drink your fill! Praise the Kiryuin name! The Honnouji Academy Cultural and Sports Grand Festival begins now!"

With that, the academy's marching band began to play, and the One-Star Students started to march around the stage with flags holding the Kiryuin symbol. After a few short minutes, a familiar holy backlight came from Satsuki speaking in a respectful tone, "And now, what you have all been waiting for. Let us offer a welcome with the utmost respect. I present to you this academy's founder, Director Ragyo Kiryuin!"


With a flourish of rainbow lights, Ragyo made her grand entrance into the Stadium I couldn't help but mutter impressed with the Festival in an honest tone, "Wow this seems like a well-organized event. Although any more lights and we'd be brighter than the sun – "

The whole stadium was clapping for Ragyo as she slowly sauntered to the center making my good comment die seeing her fashion in a disgusted tone, "The fuck is she wearing?"

I was genuinely stomped seeing the atrocity of clothing as Satsuki spoke in a respectful tone with her Elite Four by her side, "As grand an entrance one would expect from our director."

Ragyo elegantly stumbles down her way showing her dominance in a sardonic tone, "A ruler mush shine like the sun at all times."

Listening to that comment I merely scoff at that claim. She slowly sauntered to the center of the stage and then spoke in an excited tone, "Ladies and gentlemen, I put a question to you. What is the world? The world is clothing! Life Fibers are the rulers of this world. I, Ragyo Kiryuin, know and carry out their will! Honnouji Academy was created for just that purpose. The weak will serve as the foundation for what is to come. You should consider that an honor. And the strong…"

Ragyo paused as she glanced at my seat seeing my stern glare as she grinned proudly finishing her words, "-shall transcend this world! Now, let the celebration begin!"


Ragyo pushed a button and suddenly the clothes that the crowd were wearing began to slowly encase them. The entire arena erupted into a panic as the audience watched as they were devoured by their clothes.

Rei soon spoke standing by her lady's side as her voice echoed throughout the screaming of innocents being devoured, "She's talking about all of you pigs. Today, you'll be eaten by your clothing!"

I could only stare with boiling anger residing in one of the boxes. Well… time to not play the bystander no more and settle this issue before it gets out of hand. I wonder how Ryuko and Mako are doing?


~Ryuko M. POV~

[The Same Time, No-Star Slums]

"[Scissor Blade: Decapitation Mode]!"


While using Life Fibers Synchronize, I can mechanically extend my Scissor Blade into a two-handed sword. Not only is the blade's length doubled in this form, but its strength increases exponentially and can slice far beyond its normal range. This ability is frequently used in preparation for a [Fiber Lost].

Managing to cut up the E.C. COVERS that Nui summoned I managed to absorb its Life Fibers as Nui spoke in an impressed tone, "Great job, Ryuko!"

I scoffed at her words leveraging my Scissor Blade over my shoulder replying in an annoyed tone, "Pft! I beat some clothes, so what? I sure as hell don't feel like I can beat Satsuki after that."

She soon suggested to fight her next but paused reaching for a weird-ass-looking phone in a surprised tone, "Then fight me next? Ahhh, hold on a sec, luv. Wait. It's over already? That's so weird. Is time going faster now? Oh, well! Cest la vie!"

I raised an eyebrow at this as Nui spoke in an apologetic tone putting the phone away between her breasts, "I'm sorry, Ryuko. It's been fun and all, but I must get going now. The Raid Trip is over, and I have work to do."

Mako soon popped up in an annoyed tone venting how she missed her free trip again, "Dang it! I wanted to go somewhere for free!"

That was when Nui mentioned the Cultural and Sports Grand Festival in an excited tone explaining to us, "Lady Satsuki's putting on the Cultural and Sports Grand Festival. And there's no way I'm going to miss that!"

I raised an eyebrow confused by this information as I asked in a confused tone suspicious of this creepy chick's action, "Satsuki's doin' what? What the hell's that supposed to be?"

Instead of giving me a straight answer Nui decided to be cheeky explaining in a mysterious tone, "If you're that curious, swing by Honnouji Academy and see for yourself! Ta-taaa!"

I blinked as she moved her umbrella blocking our vision and the next, she vanished. What the hell?!

Even Mako looked confused by this and checked the area in a surprised tone, "Where'd she go?! Wait. She's not here, either! She's nowhere!"

I could only growl feeling annoyed as I muttered out loud in an angry tone clenching my Scissor Blade tightly, "Satsuki Kiryuin… I'm gonna find out what you're up to."

However, Senketsu had to intervene being the voice of reason speaking in a serious tone for my safety, "Ryuko. If you challenge Satsuki Kiryuin now, it'll end up the same way as last time."

Understanding his concerns I disregarded them as I spoke looking at Honnouji Academy glaring intently in a determined tone, "Quit yer worryin'. If she's gonna be there, it's a chance for me to kick her ass."

De-transforming in my normal state I sat on the pipes with Mako sitting next to me as I talked to her in a confused tone about the Festival in question, "The hell's a Cultural and Sports Grand Festival. Mako… you know?"

But she immediately answered much to my disappointment in a cheery tone having no clue the same as me, "Nope! No idea! Sounds like she smooshed two festivals into one!"

I couldn't help but mutter out loud in a confused tone, leaning against the wooden fence walls, "Sounds more like a headache…"

Jumping off the pipes Mako began making her way to Honnouji Academy in an excited tone in a hyperactive, "Let's go check it out! I bet they already have a bunch of booths set up!"

She began to leave incredibly fast as I got up trying to catch up to her, "Whoa, Mako! Wait for me!"

Managing to follow behind her I couldn't help but hear screaming coming from Honnouji Academy. I can't tell if that's a good thing or a very bad thing with my instincts screaming at me…

But didn't Mash say he'll be there though? Then he might be in trouble… It's about time I have his back for a change of pace after he saved mine far too many times. With those thoughts in my head, I rushed faster to see what the hell was going on.
