
Chapter 156: Mohawk Menace (2)

Chapter 156: Mohawk Menace (2)

~Mash B. POV~

[A Few Days Later, Honnouji Academy, Classroom 2-K]

It's been a few days since I sent the club form to Gamagori and surprise they still haven't given us the go-ahead yet. But then again, Ryuko agreed to our plan to use the formation of the Fight Club for her to get stronger and have Mako not get kidnapped by a random club every time.

Hmm… maybe we should've acted a bit more about this. Oh well, it's only a matter of time before one agrees.

Ryuko and I have been bugged by the students of the One-Star and Two-Star Students just like Satsuki promised. It would've been less annoying if they didn't try to kidnap Mako every single chance they got for us to follow them.

Hello people just ask no need for kidnapping girls. Tch, ignorant mongrels.

But otherwise, things have been quite well for a while now. I've gotten used to Ryuko's temperament teasing her much to my entertainment at times, but I suppose connections we commonly share.

Ironically enough we share a sense of isolation between us. Staying with her I got to learn many things that I have come to care about Gear Eyes with a bemused grin gazing at her. It feels like taking care of my sister again or a normal girlfriend.

According to her Ryuko's mother is initially presumed to have died after she was born and her relationship with her father, Isshin Matoi, was strained and distant. She spent her early childhood living in the dorms of Ox Elementary School as her father focused solely on his studies.

Due to a lack of guidance and being bullied by others, Ryuko became a juvenile delinquent, constantly getting into fights and even going so far as to join a gang. Vowing revenge, Gear Eyes became a wandering vagrant looking for clues behind the killer's identity and whereabouts.

Hmph. We are alike in that regard searching for clues to our problems. Closing my eyes as the sounds of the bell rang till, I heard Ryuko speaking to me in a bored tone, "Hey dumbass you, okay? You sick or something?"

Hearing her voice, I opened my eyes yawning lightly as I replied in a neutral tone standing up and stretching my shoulders as the students left the classroom leaving us the trio, "No. I'm just a bit annoyed that they haven't given us an answer for the Fight Club yet."

She looked at me with a bit of concern in her eyes as I smiled reassuring Gear Eyes in a calm tone not to worry her, "No need to look worry Gear Eyes. I'm fine but if you keep on worrying people are going to suggest some things."

Wiggling my eyebrows her worries vanish she growls at me trying to punch my head as I easily avoid it much to her frustration, "And you had me worried for nothing you jerk! Hey, let me bonk you idiot!"

I laughed lightly seeing her struggles go in vain with me hitting me as I jokingly said, "And let you have your machinist fetish accomplish? No."

Her eyes turned into a stern glare clenching her fist in an angry tone, "Why you fucker…!!"

Before she could try to chase me a random One-Star student appeared in front of us as Ryuko asked readying her Scissor Blade, "Oh, you want to go asshole! Fine let's get – "

Contrary to what we expected the student passed her ignoring Gear Eyes as he went towards me in a neutral tone handing me a letter, "Mash Bastion, I've been tasked to hand your letter directly as soon as class ended. The discussion of your club shall be informed upon meeting at this location in the school."

Handing me the letter the student left immediately as both their eyes were on me. I read the letter raising an eyebrow at the location of choice as Mako said cheerfully, "Oh! Does this mean our club is gonna be finally recognized, Mash!!"

Gear Eyes raised an eyebrow at me as I confirmed their thoughts in a suspicious tone that she noticed, "It says to come here in a random classroom to confirm the club activities. I smell a trap."

Ryuko nods her head crossing her arms with an annoyed tone clicking her tongue at this roundabout means, "Tch. Talk about annoying I doubt this is one of Satsuki's handiworks so a trap. Need some help?"

I smiled thanking Ryuko for the assistance as I kindly refused the offer in a confident tone turning around to walk away, "Hmm… not really. I think I got it by myself. But thanks for the concern, Gear Eyes. I'll see you later at my place soon and don't forget to do your homework."

She merely huffed crossing her arms as I laughed amused by her antics. She can certainly act cute when she wants to. Focusing on the meeting ahead I highly doubt this is Satsuki or Elite Four handy work.

They're direct in their actions. Then this smells more likely a trap than anything else. Highly doubtful they could beat me I checked my stats seeing even a year hasn't changed all that much.


Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Demi-Servant

Title: Wandering Vagabond

Level: 50 Exp: 45/60%

HP: 2750/2750

MP: 7790/7790

STR: 100 (+65)

AGI: 100 (+65)

VIT: 100 (+50)

INT: 100 (+50)

SEN: 100 (+65)

LUCK: 165

Stat Points: 5

Cash: Gilgamesh Rich.


Hmph. As to be expected of course. I didn't spend merely one year doing nothing. No, rather I used my time quite well.

I mean I had with me the Moon Cell a science version of Root and Throne of Heroes where it has recorded ALL their abilities into the system. It would be a waste if I didn't use it for my gain.

Granted spending a few months in Cyberspace was certainly something I realized I couldn't exactly grow stronger in there if my stats are any indication. But then again only my SOUL was inside the system and not my MIND or BODY.

That's the only explanation I could think of for why I couldn't get stronger all that time ago. But I didn't mind because while in Cyberspace I took time to learn from the Throne of Heroes Heroic Spirits.

I made sure to learn all I could from the proclaimed heroes in history advancing my strength and knowledge in the process. I can name a few that have helped me greatly Paracelsus von Hohenheim, Sherlock Holmes, Scáthach, Cú Chulainn, and many others I learned.

Sigh… sadly time wasn't on my side to truly master the skills. So, I had to do what I could do the most and that was mastering my fighting styles on the fly.

But not only that I sent many small drones delicately enchanted across different worlds to record. When I did so I gained this title I kept on doing so-called the [Wandering Vagabond] with its perks.

[Title: Wandering Vagabond

Description: A title only to be deserved by those who travel around aimlessly on different paths of life not dwelling for too long having no home to return to.

When equipped with this title the user will have the passive skill [My Endless Search] allowing the user to have greater chances of locating their desired location, person, or item. The chances extremely vary depending on LUCK…]

I couldn't help but smirk seeing this title. The chance of getting home is a bit better now and hopeful to find it soon but I held that thought back.

Finding the classroom entering inside closing the door –


Only for a steel door to shut me out making me face the person in charge of this. The person with a Two-Star Goku Uniform is a slender girl with shaggy black hair spiky bangs and red eyes. She also wears glasses with large, rectangular frames.


Cool the names just gave me my target as she proudly proclaims herself in an overconfident tone pointing at me, "How foolish of you to come Transfer Student! For I Makio Ogure the Club Leader of the Trap Club!"

Trap Club? Oh, God, they're going to create many very specific clubs, aren't they?

She began to prattle long rants as I rolled my eyes. Well, I need to help Ryuko right? What else but to strip her Goku Uniform?

Can't say this high school experience is weird. At the very least it'll be entertaining in some ways. Checking my Moon Cell bracelet for the time I smiled lightly finally speaking in a casual tone, "Hmm… I have some free time. I suppose I'll play around with you. Strip your Goku Uniform. Now."

She finally paused as I innocently walked forward, "… What?"

That was as much as she could say as I take care of her goons. At the very least I'll gain a LEVEL UP after this.


~Ryuko M. POV~

[Honnouji Academy, Classroom 2-K]

Tch. That idiot going ahead is making me worry. Screw that asshole.

I scoffed turning to his place with Mako following me as she spoke cheerfully, "Hey I think we should invite you guys to my house sometime!"

Considering the idea I didn't mind knowing a bit more about my friend as I said in an unsure tone crossing my arms, "Hmm… I won't mind but I'm not sure about mister mysterious jackass."

Mako merely grinned as she pointed out something that almost made me trip from her words in an innocent tone, "Hey Ryuko, I think he likes you."

Coughing a bit surprised by that tidbit out of nowhere regaining my balance as I asked in an unsure tone, "You sure about that?"

She grinned as Mako pointed out some facts I couldn't deny much to my frustration in poses as she said in a cheerful tone, "Well, he's super friendly and helpful! Sure, he teases you a lot, but I can tell he likes you Ryuko! I mean he helped you many times so that must account for something right?"

I could only pause at Mako's words before finally muttering looking away from her, "… Whatever you say."

As much as you say I couldn't help but feel… conflicted. Don't get me wrong I do feel grateful for the guy but when I think of him I feel… weird. I feel like my heart beats faster and it doesn't help for the times he helped me out only made it worse at times.

I was afraid of very few things. I toughened out from my time living at a boarding school as a teenage delinquent. My personality sharpened even more after my father's death. There were not a lot of things in the world that scared me. Weird me out, totally, but not frighten.

But this feeling in my chest thinking of that dumbass… is it some kind of sickness? But Mako isn't sick so that wouldn't make sense. But that was when I felt Senketsu wriggle out getting my attention in an alarmed tone, "Ryuko not to be a bother with your love life but Mako got kidnapped again by the… I wanna say medical club but more like the biology club with a half-naked human figure running down the halls."

… Ryuko. ExE. shut down…

Processing… Processing complete. Initiate appropriate reaction.

I yelled out loud while transforming going to save my friend with my face flushed beat red at Senketsu's words, "I'M NOT IN LOVE DAMN IT!!!"

No way I'm in love with that asshole! And besides he mentioned having one girl called Rem being in a relationship… there's no way he'll love someone like a juvenile hopeless future punk like me…

And to make matters worse he's a womanizer having a relationship with named Emilia as well. There's no way I would love a harem idiot… fuck that shit…


Yet why does my heart ache and beat faster at the idea of having him for myself… Satsuki also had an interest in him that made me of all people jealous. There's no fucking way that's possible not to that womanizing scum.

Unknowingly I noticed my fist clench harder. Damn, it… what the hell is wrong with me his just a guy. I should just focus on saving Mako and be done with this thinking.
