
Chapter 110: Rhongomyniad

Chapter 110: Rhongomyniad

~Third POV~

[Wales, Blackmore Cemetery]


Exiting outside the portal using Zelretch's previous world mapping Mash found himself in Wales of the Blackmore Cemetery in search of a certain individual named Gray. Finding himself in a cemetery located in a village.

Blackmore Cemetery is a graveyard in Wales where King Arthur's remains are kept. It is named after the Superior Dead Apostle Gransurg Blackmore. The village attached to the cemetery is the hometown of Gray and protected by Bersac Blackmore, the last descendant of the Blackmores.

The cemetery and its village are located somewhere on a steep mountain that takes five hours by bus from Cardiff to reach. The village is roughly the shape of an ellipse that has been squashed to the north and the south, similar to a gourd, with the village's church in the middle, a swamp to the south, a hunting lodge to the west, and a windmill on a tall hill to the north.

In the surrounding forest, on the far end of the swamp, is a small shack which Doctor Heartless stayed at while he secretly observed the village. There is an extensive network of tunnels under the entire area, referred to as the "true" Blackmore Cemetery.

Deep within the tunnels is an underground temple with a design based on Avalon which can rise up to the surface, appearing in the swamp. This temple is where the ceremony to turn Gray into King Arthur would be performed.

Most of the buildings are built with stone bricks and look like they are at least a hundred years old. The population is probably only around a hundred people, with the inhabitants giving the impression that it wouldn't seem weird if they donned clothes from the last century. Since it is on such a steep hill, delivery trucks probably can't enter easily, so it is inevitably undeveloped.

The village's church tended to by Fernando Croze, is located at the northernmost end of the village. It is a simple church, with ivy-clad brick walls that resemble fish scales, and spacious inside, with the ceiling quite high, and the interior well-cleaned, giving it a quiet atmosphere.

Though it isn't grand, both the golden candelabras and the wooden pews are swept devoid of dust. Its most impressive feature is a Black Madonna statue. Though she still holds the infant Jesus in her arms, her stature seems different and full of majesty. She stands straight, and her gleaming eyes stare downwards.

Mash finding himself in the Blackmore Cemetery wasted no time using his [Observe] skill to locate a certain individual wandering around the area, "Now where could I find myself Gray I wonder? I'm currently 10 years too early in the canon meaning she hasn't awakened to [Add] yet… which means it's prime for the taking for me."

Mash came to Wales Blackmore Cemetery to search for a character's mystic code for him to be able to use the legendary weapon Rhongomyniad from the Case Files in the novel heard from the past.

The village near Blackmore Cemetery is entrusted with caretaking Rhongomyniad, sealed inside Add, and is home to a cult led by "Grandmother" that has tried for centuries to create a perfect physical copy of King Arthur who could wield the spear. They both know the truth about King Arthur being a woman and worship her in a quiet way that wouldn't get the Holy Church to come after them.

Searching the area of the village Mash slowly formed a smirk finding his target of a young Gray hiding away with a face awful like the saber of Artoria if only briefly.

Going closer hiding away in a corner of her home alerting some people whispering. Once Mash noticed this he moved away to the outside part of the building as he muttered, "Authority of Envy, [Overzealous Thief]."


A phantom hand phased through the house aiming at the young Gray unaware of her ability being stolen. The Phantom hand returned as did a pop-up of the skill Mash gained with a smirk reading the screen.


[You have stolen the unique skill [Mystic Code: Add]!]

Mash smirked feeling something amiss. Soon he realizes his connection with [Add] locating its presence using their connection. Feeling the connection seeing a birdcage holding a cube.


Sending a [Unseen hand] phasing through the cage grabbing the cube phasing out was now within the palm of Mash's hands. He avoided the villagers heading to a secluded place.

Once secluded he used his [Observe] Skill feeling the link of [Add] that remained silent as Mash released his [Witch Scent] silencing the personality for the good of Kay while maintaining the seal using Medea's knowledge of Magecraft. Mash also changed the cube into a bracelet to better hold onto the weapon.

[Item: Add

Rarity Item: SSS

Type: Seal/Transformation

Description: Only those who possess a unique skill [Mystic Code: Add] can use this weapon. Add used to have its ego and was capable of speech and independent thought before it was erased by the Gamer [Witch Scent] and modified. Add is now changed to a bracelet till further notice. The true function of the Mystic Code is to seal Rhongomyniad away and prevent it from losing its Mystery.

Add possesses three stages of restraints that hold back his power. Any other forms and their abilities are unknown. All of Add's various forms are just a shadow of the Holy Spear sealed inside him.

With the first stage restraint rescinded, Add gains the ability to transform into weapons, transforming into a halberd, a tower shield, a large bladed boomerang, a bow with arrows, a jet-powered hammer, a grappling hook/large kusarigama, and possibly more. Each form has its qualities:

Scythe: This is Add's usual form. It is the best one at absorbing magical energy while being second best in attack power.

Great Shield: It is capable of absorbing magical energy and then releasing it in a concentrated burst of flame.

Hammer: Its magical energy absorption is D-rank, but it has the highest attack. Its strength is equivalent to a D-rank Mana Burst from a Servant. Its swings are jet-powered via magical energy flames from exhausts.

Boomerang: A giant boomerang swung using both hands. If it's for a short distance, they can even be used as gliding wings.

Halberd: This form shares part of its design with Rhongomyniad. This one has the highest speed and sharpness.

Bow: A bow that shoots arrows of magical energy.

Grappling hook: Used to return to absorb Mana refilling the MP Bar on the target stealing their Magical Energy.

Great sword: An imitation of Excalibur. To begin with, there's no real reason to have Rhongomyniad imitate Excalibur, but this form was something set up by the Arthur cultists from Gray's hometown.

To use the second restraint to be able to use Rhongomyniad the user must say the following chant, "Darken, Celebrate, Desire, Corrupt. Engrave in me. A grave for you. Sacred lance, removing restraints!"

When Add's second stage restraint is rescinded, Add reveals the Noble Phantasm kept concealed within him: [Rhongomyniad: The Lance that Shines to the Ends of the World], the Holy Lance of King Arthur, that has been passed down through the generations by preserving its Mystery via Add.

By suspending Add's pseudo-personality, Add temporarily releases the seal on Rhongomyniad, allowing the user to wield the spear. When the user wields Rhongomyniad, he/she can feel their consciousness slipping away as they enter a trance. During this trance, the user's eyes turn gold with the initial strength being A++ Rank when mastering the weapon.

If necessary, Rhongomyniad can be further strengthened by releasing the thirteen Restraints of the Round Table. The approval process to deactivate the restraints begins when Add declares "Seal Thirteen. Decision, start."

If enough are approved, Add's third-stage restraint will be rescinded. For everyone approved, Rhongomyniad gets stronger. Rhongomyniad's full power can only be unleashed when all thirteen conditions are met. However, Add using the Restraints of the Round Table puts a lot of strain on his pseudo-personality and risks breaking it. The user permits the weapon to say the following chant to unlock the full power of Rhongomyniad:

"Pseudo-personality suspended. Magical energy yield exceeds regulation. Second stage restraint rescinded.

Seal Thirteen. Decision, start.

This is a battle that will harm no Elemental. Approved.

This is a battle against an enemy mightier than oneself. Approved.

This is a battle to live. Approved.

This is a battle that does not stand against humanity. Approved.

This is a battle for truth. Approved.

Third stage restraint rescinded."

When fully mastered of this weapon the user gains the skill [Rhongomyniad Mythos: Tower of Dreams Founding the Ends of the World]. This is the true function that Rhongomyniad was made for, the ability to anchor the world in place.

There is a world of fantasy, dreams, and myths that Rhongomyniad keeps pinned inside the Texture of the world. With Rhongomyniad Mythos, Gray can contain Mystery and make sure none of it leaks outside. A seal of Rhongomyniad Mythos's power is rare even for the Age of Gods. Without outside intervention, it could take over a century for the effects to wear off.]

Mash smirked seeing the item he gained feeling the concealed power of Rhongomyniad as he reviewed his Skill List gaining the passive Skill from Gray and Medea using the dagger on himself.


<Mystic Code: Add> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: The ability to use it has been passed down in a line descended from the relatives of King Arthur, and it is currently held by Mash after being stolen from Gray. This Mystic Code "Add" only existed as a temporary seal to stop the degradation of the weapon's Mystery in the first place. Even though it may only be a shadow, due to the burden that it places on the user who is but a human, it is regularly sealed within Add and only released when the need arises.

The various weapons that Add can transform into are made possible by the overflowing power of Rhongomyniad. Though it may be sealed by the mystic code and placed under 13 restrictions, the Holy Spear continues to shine as bright as ever. When activated, it can launch a beam of light and can be used to cut the dream world, being used more like Excalibur than Rhongomyniad.

<Item Construction> (Active) Lv. 80/100 Exp: 1.0%

Description: This is a Caster-class Skill. It is the Skill to manufacture magical items, from implements of war to items for daily use. Also, this Skill requires time to gather components and manufacture items.

<Territory Creation> (Active) Lv. 80/100 Exp: 1.0%

Description: This is the Skill needed to build a special terrain that is advantageous to oneself as a magus, such as to collect mana, create magic objects, or perform other tasks. At Rank B, the creation of a Workshop territory becomes possible. At Rank A it is possible to create a superior Temple. It is a Class Skill of the Caster class. Territories can look different depending on the Servant, as each has their purpose in mind for the territory they create.

<High-Speed Divine Words> (Active) Lv. 80/100 Exp: 1.0%

Description: This is a Skill that assists with magical incantations via a power to activate Thaumaturgy without the use of Magic Circuits. The language of the Age of Gods, back when words played a heavy role in spellcasting. As such, it is a power long lost by modern magi. It is particularly useful for direct attack magic.


Finding the weapon Mash smiled as he began to leave towards where Zelretch location seeing Gray was fine with her [Mystic Code: Add] no longer influencing her to become Saber of Artoria since he stole it.

Leaving in a flashing rainbow Kalediscope Mash felt properly prepared against Fate/Apocrypha.


A/N: Here's an extra chapter people. After this is time for Fate/Apocrypha portion of the Fate Arc soon enough.
