
Chapter 89: Power…

Chapter 89: Power…

~Mash B. POV~

[Rosswal Manor]

Spending the last few weeks returning to the Re: Zero world I accomplished what I needed to do, and I did. I managed to obtain all the Authorities in Re: Zero even from Satella herself sadly enough.

When I did so my previous skills involving my Authorities drastically changed. Some improvements from the Authorities I gained.

Skill List.


<Unseen Hand> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Sloth] the user can use this skill. The [Unseen Hands] are a technique that allows the user to summon numerous invisible hand-like appendages from the user's body that he can move and extend telekinetically.

This version allows the user of this [Unseen Hands] to phase through matter as though it wasn't there. At maximum potential, the [Unseen Hands] and the force behind each one were akin to a missile. Due to absorbing the Witch Factor Envy the maximum number of Hands that can be summoned is 2000.

<Lion's Heart> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Greed] the user can use this skill. The effect of [Lion's Heart] allows the user to stop the time of his own body, which stops his heartbeat and prevents all physical phenomena from interacting with him, granting himself freedom from gravity, air resistance, and conservation of momentum virtually becoming invincible for 5 seconds.

Moreover, the user could also stop the time of objects, including anything he was wearing, touching, or even his breath, which in turn stopped the object's or thing's interference from the outside world for 5 seconds. If the user uses this skill for more than five seconds at a time, the user will begin to experience almost unbearably excruciating pain losing -1000 HP per second. If continued using it, without taking pauses, the user would die from heart failure.

<My World> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Greed] the user can use this skill. The effects of [My World] allow the user to stop time outside his body granting him freedom in the stop time allowing him to do whatever he pleases for 5 seconds. If the user uses this skill for more than 5 seconds at a time, the user will begin to experience almost unbearably excruciating pain losing -1000 HP per second, and will need a cooldown of 5 seconds to reuse [My World] again. If continued using it, without taking pauses, the user would die from bodily failure.

<Gluttony > (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Gluttony] the user can use this skill. The user can eat the name and memories of their opponent. To eat a name, the user touches it with their left hand and then licks the palm of the same hand. Things such as experience, talent, and the likes and dislikes of human relationships serve as food for the user, allowing them to take advantage of any abilities or memories their opponents had.

However, if the user eats a fake name, they are plagued with severe nausea and the true name is not taken, leaving the victim unaffected. Those who have had their names eaten have their existences erased from the world. Those that have their memories eaten become amnesic and any characteristics they may have had are reset, effectively making them into a different person. However, if shared the side effects won't occur.

Those that have both their name and memories eaten simply become a shell, and although they live, they no longer eat, excrete waste, or age, putting them in suspended animation. The same person cannot be eaten twice. Anything used by this skill to gain EXP will be towards the Skill EXP, not the user's main EXP.

<Demon Beast Creation> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Gluttony] the user can use this skill. With the fully obtained Witch Factor of Gluttony, the user can now create a life of Demon Beast to his command granting them abilities/properties no stronger than himself. Any of the user creations will instinctively follow their creator without any hesitation.

<Splitting > (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Gluttony] the user can use this skill. The user can split and create a copy of themselves whenever the user separates from their Witch Factor of Gluttony into multiple pieces. With a copy, the user can attach their existence as a Witch Factor to someone else temporarily controlling them.

<Restoration > (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Wrath] the user can use this skill. The effects of this skill cost have lessened after obtaining the remaining Witch Factor of Wrath allowing the user the ability to restore or revert objects or organisms to a previous state in their history through touch using their hands only. Due to gaining the Witch Factor of Envy the User no longer needs to pay the cost of activating the skill but can't be used on themselves.

<Soulwashing > (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Wrath] the user can use this skill. The effects of this skill allow the user in a large unspecific area of influence, the user can amplify, share, or transmit their emotions and senses to others. The Authority's intensity seems to fade the further the range and extension, and the effectiveness can vary drastically between people. The user also possesses the ability to exclude people from the effects of his Authority.

<Faker > (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Lust] the user can use this skill. The effect allows the user to perfectly change their/target's appearance disguising their clothes and face, their voice, height, and weight can also be changed, allowing the user to match the target of disguise visually and psychologically.

When obtaining the full Witch Factor of Lust and Envy, the user can now change properties of items, energies, or people to his specifications changing for example a curse into air, lead into gold, or whatever the user touches.

<Power of Darkness> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Pride] the user can use this skill. When absorbing the remaining Witch Factor of Pride and Envy the skill drastically changed suiting the user's desire. The effects of this skill allow the user attacks to generate and control darkness produced from his Witch Factor with the effect of exposing one's sins.

When hit by [Power of Darkness] the skill uses the darkness and sins within the target to eat away at them, causing tremendous pain as it destroys their flesh in response to their sins. Another trait of this Authority is its minor gravitational effect, drawing in and absorbing other energy as well as pulling in and immobilizing people.

<Delete Space> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Melancholy] the user can use this skill. The effects of this skill allow the user to deplete/delete/remove/negate/erase three-dimensional space and any spatial attacks, controlling the distance between two different points of spatial locations. Since space acts as a boundary of existence for all, if the space around any matter or energy is depleted, then the said matter would also be erased from existence.

<Overwrite > (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Vainglory] the user can use this skill. The effects of this skill allow the user to overwrite reality with the potential extent of this skill to be limitless to some degree, but the drawback is that it can only be initiated through the user's hands.

<Overzealous Thief> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Envy] the user can use this skill. The effects of this skill allow the user allows the user a target to steal a skill, item, organic, soul, or anything that this skill can steal from the target. This can only be used on one target at a time.

<Jealous Possession> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Envy] the user can use this skill. The effects of this skill allow the user to absolutely possess/control the target of his choice with the will of the target in question to follow his words becoming his possession. This can only be used on one target at a time.

<Everlasting Love> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: Utilizing The [Authority of Envy] the user can use this skill. This skill will allow the user to recover back to full power restoring HP, MP, and condition instantly but can only be used once a day.

<Witch Scent> (Passive) Lv. MAX

Description: Due to containing all the Witch Factors of Sins the user releases Miasma so thick that it distorts everything in one's view. It invades the minds of anyone it touches, annihilates their flesh, and corrupts their soul. [Toggle: On/[Off]].

<Beyond Sin Mode> (Active) Lv. MAX

Description: This skill allows the user to temporarily transform into [Beyond Sin] mode when obtaining all the Authorities of the Witch Factors. The user becomes a shadow image detail of the face, and the body is obscured by pitch-black veils made from the mist. The mist in this form is so impossibly dark that it blotted out the darkness. In this state, the user's eyes can be seen glowing brightly in contrast to the rest of their form.

While transformed, the user will receive a drastic increase in his authority skills but is locked from using his other skills. This skill has a duration period to not overflood the user destroying mind, body, and soul while in this form. The duration of being in this form is 1 second x the user's current level. But when the user time limit has passed the user will wait a 24-hour cooldown time is done.

-While transformed all stats Authority Skills are enhanced beyond their normal state.

-All Authority-based skills attacks, attack speed, and damage increase by 100%.


Whew… that certainly updated my Authorities and then some. Especially my new passive skill [Witch Scent] I turned off. I can always turn it on, when need be, with intent but I refuse because of how dangerous it is to others.

Laying down on the back of the bed at the Roswaal Mansion I pondered my actions. The killings I mean against the Witch Cultists and their factions. Granted I did eat their memories for me to gain improvement over my skills I ponder at times whether my actions were morally sound.

And then there's my [Beyond Sin Mode]. I frowned at the idea but hesitated to try it out fearing it than anything else. Closing my eyes and reopening them I woke up on my bed with Rem and Emilia at both my sides causing me to grin.

These two are certainly precious girls wanting to stand by my side when I return. They trusted me to a fault when I revealed the fact, that I took the Witch Factors blindly trusting me to not misuse my power.

And there along with Beatrice truly know how strong I became along with Clind getting the idea I absorbed all the Witch Factors. Not only that I even gained a title accomplishing the task. One that highly favors my Authorities in battle.

And one I equipped reading the description when I obtained it collecting all 9 of the Witch Factors of Sin.

[Title: Warlock of Sin

Description: By doing the impossible absorbing all the 9 Authorities into your body you gained the title allowing you to interfere with the world as you, please. When equipped with this title all Authorities gain a 50% increase in attack speed, and damage. Along with the boost the user will gain the passive skill [Absolute Authority] allowing all Authorities to ignore/resist the World's Will Laws effects-based abilities.]

I smirked seeing this. With this, my Authority of Sloth [Unseen Hands] can simply backhand swipe any magic or curses away. The Magic can still clash against it just won't be as effective.

Like what the title says. It allows me to now ignore or resist World Will's Laws of Magic because of my Authorities. I kept it on for that reason when Beatrice tried using [Minya] simply shrugging off the time stop effects because of its origin being Magic-related.

Just being back here with friends and loved ones made me feel happy again. Not that I was sad it just felt lonely being alone… alienated in different worlds even with Beatrice helps my mind have a friend along.

Then my mind returns to the next world. While I could help the Sins and friends, I know they got things handled. I must be concerned for myself, and in the end, do not go along enjoying every world.

I learned that from the previous world Seven Deadly Sins. I noticed that I don't need to be their story or else they'll show rejection towards my presence making me realize why I even bothered when I could ignore the plot following my path.



Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Warlock of Sin

Level: 40 Exp: 0/50%

HP: 1475/1475-> 1900/1900

MP: 1515/1515-> 1865/1865

STR: 50-> 55 (+15)

AGI: 50-> 55 (+15)

VIT: 50-> 60

INT: 50-> 55

SEN: 50-> 60 (+15)

LUCK: 100

Stat Points: 21-> 76

Cash: 15,000


My time grinding has been well spent especially in increasing my physical strength. I had to test out some move sets I got from the Gluttony siblings incorporating it into my fighting style of the [Flowing Battle].

Sigh… I need to resupply before heading out to chart a new course. But before that, I'm going to be hanging out a bit with my loved ones.

Then I can investigate the next world carefully. Better to restock before charging straight ahead into danger. What an adventurous life I'm living that's for sure. But first one thing left to do…


[Sanctuary, Echidna Room]


Exiting through the portal I viewed Echidna's body. But the room was filled with research notes courtesy of Beatrice working on it not allowing anyone inside as I spoke to my Spirit in a friendly tone, "Yo! Beatrice, I came here to get one last thing from her."

Turning around her gaze met mind curtly nodding in understanding crossing her arms, "I know. You came to obtain her knowledge. I'm no fool but it'll take me a while to complete the revival spell I suppose."

I nodded thanking her. I guess with Beatrice busy trying to revive Echinda she'll remain here for a bit unless I summon her. It was something we agreed on when hunting down the Witch Cult for good.

She's her mother after all she would do her best to revive her. It will be lonely for a while on my own again but it'll be for a short while I hope. And I respect her wish and help in return I obtain ALL of Echidna's memories, experience, and most important of all… knowledge.

I have no doubt a few worlds have the means to revive her. I simply lack the means to do so currently. Should find an issue of that as soon as possible finding a temporary base of operations but that's for later.

But moving forward I placed my hand over the Echidna's dead body grinning wider as I spoke to her with a bit of venom in my tone, "The tables have turned Echidna. I seem to recall you trying to eat my memories at one point… here. I'll return the favor."

Placing my hand over her face I began to devour her everything feeling the taste of eating the Witch's memories while 'sharing' the meal using my Authority of [Gluttony]. Soon I gained some pop-up signs grinning at the skills I gained and Skill EXP increasing doing this.

My only bad is that I didn't do this sooner. It was truly a delicious meal before heading off to a new world. Hopefully, it won't be as bad as the last... just no more magical medieval-era worlds, please. I had my fill.
