
Chapter 82: All Out Brawl (3)

Chapter 82: All Out Brawl (3)

~Third POV~

Upon hearing the news everyone in the Mash group was startled getting filled in of the news with Veronica gritted her teeth seething in rage, "Why those two good-for-nothing Knights?! They are getting court-martialed!!"

Griamore was at a loss for words listening to his father's crimes that Margret informed Gilthunder trusting her of this news in the past before her capture in a saddened tone, "Yes, this is the current state of things. With Elizabeth here she'll be endangered…"

Everyone had their thoughts about their predicament with Mash opening his mouth in a serious tone, "Yeah… I mean… it would be a crime shame that the relic they spent YEARS preparing it was to say… suddenly vanished at such a crucial phase. Like this?"


Soon everyone's eyes widened in shock as Mash used his Gamer Ring conjuring the portal where Vivian saw the Coffin of Eternal Darkness causing all to scream, "WHAT?!! HOW DID YOU?!!"

The Coffin of Darkness takes the appearance of a circular relief that contains four fragments, each representing one of the four clans that united against the Demon Clan, with the Dragon Handle placed in the center.

Removing the Dragon Handle and storing them separately in his Gamer Ring and the other in his [Sub-Space] as he explained with a cheeky grin, "Easy. I read Vivian's memory as she was loyal to Hendrickson providing the Goddess Amber it makes sense she knew. And using my ring to open a portal and the location of the Relic boom! Instant stopped to their plan."

The group was merely dumbfoundedly shocked at how easy it was to stop their goal with Hawk speaking in a happy tone, "Dude… you are just plain evil to our enemies… I LOVE IT!!!!"

However, Elizabeth chimes in bearing the bad news in a defeated tone to everyone, "Even so… the Holy Knights won't stop. Even if you took them, they'll search all over for you till Hendrickson and Dreyfus capture you all over Britannia…"

Instead of being disheartened by the news Mash merely grinned seeing it as a challenge responding in a confident tone, "In that case how about I take care of them then? By technicalities princess, do these guys need to die right?"

Upon hearing this line of thinking Mash soon asked permission in a serious tone, "Can I have your permission and pardon for killing them in the name of saving the Kingdom before the Sins?"

Margret and Veronica both eyed each other before agreeing to Mash's words as Margret said bowing lightly in a respectful tone, "If you manage to capture or end them you and the Sins shall be pardoned and rewarded for your just cause. You and the Sins need to stop them by any means. We plead to you to save our Kingdom…"

Taking a bow both Princess and Elizabeth of Liones bowed down only to stop with Mash scratching the back of his head embarrassed, "Gezz guys. You're gonna make a guy blush and I'm merely helping a friend in need. But can I ask you to take care of them Griamore in my place?"

Griamore stood silent seeing everyone's eyes on him before agreeing in a defeated tone clenching his fist, "I… Yes. I foresee their safety. If my father is an enemy, I must defend my lady to the very least…"

Mash nodded as he began to leave opening a portal thinking to himself in an excited tone his destination, 'Before I confront them I best raid Merlin's mansion of their Magical tools and Hendrickson's notes on demons. Time to raid a wizard's home!'


Leaving through the portal Mash went to raid the Mansion before handling against the Knights as he thought to himself in a confident tone, 'Oh right that's where I'll meet up with the rest. At least Dreyfus will be fucking screwed over majorly. Better to prepare the traps ahead. Beatrice time for you to shine helping me out!'


Hendrickson soon walked to the outside of the castle with a group of Knights steadily to greet the King of Camelot thinking to himself in a serious tone, 'This makes no sense. Camelot has started extending its sphere of influence in the past few years. But its military force is still no match for that of Liones. Nevertheless, I sense thousands of magical forces coming from outside… and all of them are on par with that of the Holy Knights, when there are not even thousands of Holy Knights in the Kingdom of Liones.'

Upon arriving at the gates, a guard announced to open the gate with Hendrickson eyeing the two in front greeting them in a serious tone, "I am one of the Captains of the Holy Knights of the Kingdom of Liones, Hendrickson. I understand that you are the ruler of the Kingdom to the south. But don't you agree that it is poor manners to visit us without so much as sending a messenger beforehand?"

Arthur wearing his armor on his mount soon answered Hendrickson's question in a cheerful tone addressing his purpose, "I apologize for my impoliteness. I have a business to attend to nearby so I made a quick decision to stop by."

Hendrickson eyes the army from behind them asking in a confused tone, "While toting around this army…?"

That was when Arthur replied to surprising Hendrickson with his words in a serious tone, "I was afraid I wouldn't be granted an audience otherwise."

Merlin standing next to Arthur revealed her hands and with a snap of her fingers canceled the illusion shocking the people nearby.




Hendrickson asks them to politely leave but Arthur argues denying wishing to assist the King much to his reluctance showing the King around…


Elsewhere Dreyfus's group consisting of Helbram, Gilthunder, Howzwer, Guila, and Jericho with Howzer asks seeing a commotion in the Capital, "Captain Holy Knight Dreyfus, there's a wicked loud commotion outside… Have The Seven Deadly Sins come to attack?!"

Dreyfus crosses his arms explaining to his allies in a stern tone of the situation, "All we know is that 3 of them are here."

Gilthunder soon turned towards his comrades asking his question questioning the Sin's motives for attacking at this moment, "The Deadly Sins should have already gathered four of their teammates. Why did they pick such a time?"

However, the group is soon shocked listening to the news Helbram brings in a serious tone as Guila glared daggers at him, "Wrong… Gowther's reunited with them, so there are now 5 deadly sins."

Gilthunder soon replied in a more confused tone by the news Helbram brought questioning their motives, "Then there should be no reason for only 3 of them to come to attack now…"

Jericho soon spoke out in confidence of her skills training hard in an arrogant tone crossing her arms together, "Whether it's 3 of them or 5, it makes no difference. We have to show them the might of the Holy Knights! Don't tell me you're losing your nerve. Is your title of 'Diamond' nothing more than just that? Are you supposed to be second only to a Captain of the Holy Knights? Hmph."

Howzer was offended by Jericho's words stepping forward with a frown present on his face and scolding her, "Well, now! Does the New Generation not know how to hold their tongues, either?"

Jericho confidently replies extending her hand and mocking her senior in an arrogant tone, "If you've got a complaint, I'll take you on any time gladly."

Howzer on the other hand flaunted his rank towards Jericho with gritted teeth as she didn't help but add fuel to the fire.

Dreyfus soon spoke out loud getting everyone's attention in a serious tone earning their attention, "They must have a particular goal. But I have no inkling as to what that could be. You're Hendrickson's lapdog. You must know something about it, Sir Helbram."

But soon everyone eyes Helbram shocked but reluctantly answered being stared down by Dreyfus, "Oh, my! How harsh! Do you propose that a mere cardinal like me would know more than you, Dreyfus? Okay, okay! They're probably headed for the mansion of the former Merlin. Hendrickson's black magic research hall. After all, it's loaded with precious magical items of all sorts. Don't you agree?"

They all agreed to their words as they soon followed their way to Merlin's Mansion…




"Diane are you okay!"

King using his weapon transforming into a ball of light illuminated the area with Diane rubbing her head and hitting the ground, "Yeah, I managed to hit my head… ow stings like a bitch but I'll manage. Thank goodness for your help shrinking me using that Mushroom from Vaizel Village King."

King blushed accepting the compliment scratching the back of his head shyly, "Uh… right totally Diane! Anything for you hehehe…"

However, they were soon startled when Mash voices out loud someone claiming his efforts in an annoyed tone, "Now hold up Crowned Prince King of Douchebags! I'm the one who helped you with the idea you – Ack!"

Not too long Mash was being crushed by Diane's hug happy to see him safe and sound asking for where's Elizabeth and Hawk in a concerned tone, "Oh Mash! Glad to see you're okay but – why aren't Elizabeth and Hawk with you? Are they captured or taken to another castle?!"

Diane manages to release Mash from her hug with King's eyes twitching lightly seeing their contact but remaining calm asking in a serious tone, "I'll let that slide… but on a serious note what happened and how screwed are we exactly?"

Mash managing to regain his bearings explained in a serious tone addressing the recent events unfolding catching King and Diane up to speed on the situation and pondering their next course of action.

Mash informed the two that Dreyfus and his group were approaching the Mansion of Merlin their current location with stern expressions on them as Diane spoke in an angry tone, "I see… then there the Captain and Elizabeth's enemies then. I'll clobber them into nothing for stealing her from us."

King curtly agreed with a nod understanding the situation crossing his arms together with a frown on his face, "Same. I won't forgive Hendrickson for bringing Helbram back to life to inflict pain and control him against his own will."

Mash smiled seeing their motivation sparked as he got their attention voicing his plan to them getting their attention, "Glad to see you two are motivated in this. In that case, I do have a plan in mind to screw Dreyfus over then we can rush Hendrickson. The princess said we get a pardon if we capture or kill them for plotting to overthrow the Kingdom… you guys want in?"

Both nodded as they listened intently to Mash's plan with him summoning Beatrice for her assistance…
