
Patience Makes Key

(I think I found the perfect image for Justinian among the Custodes Artwork. Not perfect, but close enough.)

Once Justinian dealt with Darkseid's Avatar and stole a large quantity of the Omega Effect, he could feel that energy synchronized perfectly with his abillities. Unlike Chaos Magic which could not exist in his body, The Omega Effect worked perfectly. 

He could feel it start merging with his Divine Energy and his Psychic Energy. It then was absorbed into his body and soul changing both. All three energies were falling in line with each other forming something stronger. He would have to experiment at length with this power until his next battle with Darkseid. 

When they fought again, he would take even more of the Omega Effect for himself. His long-term goal was to completely assimilate Darkseid to end him as best as possible, taking his power for himself. 

For now, that was a goal to look forward to as Darkseid would probably avoid risking losing more of himself. His Honor Guard gathered around him waiting for him to speak. 

"You all were perfect. All of you make me proud." 

He could feel that all 50 of his Honor Guard seemed happy to be praised. Especially Lauralina and Remnosh. Already he could see Lauralina's golden eyes starting to fill with tears. Not only was her god telling her that, Justinian was her everything. 

Remnosh patted her on the back before turning to Justinian with a smile of her own. Everything had gone perfectly, but now, Justinian had someone else to talk to. 

He turned around to face Superman who was keeping his distance. He didn't release his Balance Breaker, but he did shrink down back to his usual height of 12 feet. 

"Superman, you do not need to worry as I will not attack you. I appreciate you offering to help." 

Superman relaxed, but he still prepared for the worst. He was surrounded by 50 powerful Martians who he always felt unerved by. 

"I would appreciate that, and you're welcome, but what will happen now?" 

"Now, I will continue my work as I have been doing. You can return to Terra and plan for my eventual take over as I told Diana. She has told you, yes?" 

Superman nodded. 

"She told us you plan to take Earth in the year 2025. 22 years from now and we are all expected to try to stop you then. Can I ask you why? What is the point?" 

Justinian nodded as he reached up and removed his helmet. This way, Superman was looking at his face, at the man behind the god. 

"I will answer this. I made it clear I wish to see Mankind elevated to its previous peak during the Golden Age of Technology. When Humanity was the Master of the Galaxy I wish to bring them to that point just like The Emperor did. 

I do not seek to rule over Mankind to oppress them, I wish to do so to elevate them and protect them from the evils to come. They can't unite on their own, it is wishful thinking." 

"You don't need to control them to protect them. You don't even have to invade." 

He shook his head as that was too naive. 

"I don't? Are you telling me that the leaders of the countries of Terra will accept losing their status under The Imperium? In my Imperium everything will be based on Merits, if you can't contribute you will be replaced." 

Superman brought up a point. 

"Humanity will resist." 

Justinian knew that fully well, he had seen that for millennia in his memories. 

"I know they will as they did the same during the 30th Millennium. We brought much grander civilizations to compliance than Terra and I will do it again. Superman, I hold respect for you as a warrior. Knowing you, you will resist me and my Imperium and I can't have that. 

When the time comes, in 22 years, fight me, and let us see if your conviction will win against my power." 

Superman didn't answer as he turned around and began flying off toward Earth. Once Superman was gone, Lauralina calmed herself before she wiped her eyes as she couldn't keep crying forever.

Instead, she askes a question as she watches Superman fly off. 

"Why do they resist in the first place when you can offer them so much more?" 

Remnosh wrapped her arm around her head and pulled her in for a hug. 

"Because they are foolish and don't understand the choice isn't theirs to make. Right?" 

Justinian grinned. 

Exactly, I am being nice as it is. Look around us, we won and now the Imperium will progress. With the Mother Boxes, we claimed, the ships, corpses, and other technologies Darkseid lost today." 

All around them, wrecks of the destroyed Apokalips ships were being pulled down to Mars for study. The dead bodies of Parademons and people were collected for genetic testing just like their shifts and other vehicles. 

After this, Mars would enter a grand period of expansion as their technology would be improved. As for him, he was going to focus exclusively on growing his Imperium and his personal. 

"Now then, let us enjoy the fruits of our labors." 

He and his Honor Guards then began to work on making sure every single scrap of metal and ship in space reached the research institutes. The bodies of the Parademons would be dissected by Justinian himself to see if he couldn't use their genetics in his work. 

He also had the bodies of Kalibak and Steppenwolf two New Gods who he would use to give himself their genetics. He also would add the blood of Diana who was the daughter of Zeus an Old God. 

This would be something exclusive for himself as he didn't have to give his Honor Guard everything. However, he could give it to his ladies Remnosh and Lauralina as they were the strongest of his Honor Guard by nature of them being his. 

After things settled down, he spoke with his brothers, Ddraig and Albion. 

'Time for the long haul my brothers.' 

[Years will pass us by and we will barely see it. That is how being immortal works.]

{I agree. Before long a millennium will pass and you will think only a month has passed. Let us get used to seeing civilizations fall in the blink of an eye.)

Justinian smiled to himself as he returned to Mars with his Honor Guard. Erda released her Avatar as she made it to better speak to Justinian. Plus, she had personally saved the Solar System so she deserved her rest. 

Once he was back, he made sure that Mars was stable which it very much was. Since none of the ships managed to even bomb his planet the Martians living underground were fine. 

The surface forests, farms, defensive turrets, and other assets had not even suffered a single thing. Once news of their victory against the invaders, the Martians rushed out and began to roar out and chant his name. They honored the Space Marines, the Tempestus' Scions, the Psian Jackets, and in particular Justinian's Honor Guard. 

They had repelled the invaders with not a single one of them landing on their planet. As such, once every single ship and body was dragged onto Mars, Justinian returned to his Throne Room with his Honor Guards. 

Once he was seated surrounded by his companions and his Predakons he spoke through the psychic Net over Mars. Every Martian stopped to listen as the God Emperor spoke to them. 

"This is Emperor Justinian and I hereby declare victory for the Imperium. The force of Darkseid was defeated and I killed his Son and Uncle in single combat. They are dead and I fought Darkseid himself and sent him running in defeat. 

He has retreated and the next time we fight he won't get away from me. For The Imperium." 

As soon as he said this he heard millions chant it back to him through the Psychic Net. 


He smiled as his people at this point truly saw him as their God Emperor. No one still worshiped the Old Gods as Lauralina's Inquisitors had done a good job of breaking those that did. 

'We are in it for the long haul now.' 


Following the first battle between Darkseid and Justinian, Justinian's Imperium began to expand its borders in the Solar System. The Imperium began to send some of the first colonists to the Moons of Jupiter. 

These clones were not just human, he sent a much smaller population of Kryptonian Clones to reproduce. Even Green Martians, White Martians, Saturnians which were all descendants of Martian Clones. They could be called Red Martians since they were still Martians. 

These clones were made from many wide sources so none of them were the same individually. Each one was an individual and once they arrived at the Moons they began to set up Colonies which would harvest the Moons and Asteroids for resources. 

As for Jupiter itself, Justinian ordered the construction of gigantic metal colonies and rings around it which would function as shipyards just like they did in the 41st Millenium. The vast radiation from Jupiter would fuel all the energy needed to work by the Colonists working on setting up Colonies on the many Moons. 

As for the Surviving Jovians, they were rounded up and sent to the laboratories on Mars to be studied for their use in growing rare metals. A dark fate for that race, but it was one they deserved for their foolishness. 

As for the Saturnians, as they had agreed to be compliant every year they followed the Imperial Tithe sending people and materials to Mars. In exchange, they received better technology and scientific and magical enhancements. 

Those Saturnians that arrived on Mars were then separated based on what they could do. The ones with the best Psychic abillities were turned into Librarians in the Space Marine Chapters or turned into Shapers who made the weapons of the armies. 

The weakest ones physically were sent to farm, or mine, or any other menial tasks. That was just the start as the geneticists of Justinian's Imperium decided to improve the Saturnian genetics to have the same casts as their Martian ancestors. 

That led to Laborers, Warriors, Shapers, and Elites being born on Saturn which would then form a Planetary Defense Force on Saturn. Those taken in the Tithe would then become either Space Marines, Scions, Librarians, or any other tasks that were needed of them. 

Some would become engineers, geneticists, Psymages, Alchemists, or any other profession. That was not the only expansion taking place as Uranus was also the subject of conquest. Justinian ordered one of his Space Marine Legions to take it in his name.

Uranus though was lifeless making it an easy conquest so after his Marines set up teleport gates on the main Moons they moved on to Neptune. The same story repeated itself with no life present on the planet and after setting up Teleport Gates the Marines decided to return to Mars where they reported their findings to Justinian. 

Hearing that aside from the Jovians and Saturnians, the Gas Giants were uninhabited made him happy. Using Teleport Gates he began to send more Colonists to the Moons of Uranus and Neptune to set up Moon-based colonies around the planets. 

Once again, colonists were made of Clones who would populate, build, and work for The Imperium without ever knowing they were clones. That meant Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus would slowly start reaching the level of population of the 41st Millennium. 

This pleased Justinian who allowed the expansion of the Imperium to happen gradually. In the meantime, Mars entered a massive expansion as the surface began to fill up with lakes, rivers, forests, oceans, and life based on the many creatures from Earth he had released. 

Even his lab-grown monsters began to spread through the planet while underground the cities were connected through Teleport Gates, massive underground factories churned out weapons, armor, vehicles, and technology which now contained Apokalyptian Technology. 

This improved the level of technology by a lot so as The Imperium grew, so did its Master. Justinian as he had planned had rendered down the corpses of Kalibak and Steppenwolf and combined that with his blood and the blood he took from Diana. 

As such, he created a powerful Serum which he enhanced with his Biomancy and his mix of Divine Conceptual Energy, Psychic Energy, and the Omega Effect. When he injected that Serum into his body he felt all his abillities grow as his connection to the Omega Effect was expanded. 

As the son of Darkseid, Kalibak had the Omega Effect in his body and now Justinian had that flowing through him. The Omega Effect in his body seemed to have synchronized with the New God blood flowing through him which caused all his genetics to fuse into his Custodeus ones. 

Meaning he had returned to his bases as his human genetics had beaten out the Kryptonian, Burning Martian, Dragon God, Old God, and New God and devoured them all. He had not lost their powers as they had only grown as his body, mind, and soul all settled into place reminding him that humanity was the most adaptable. 

Ddraig and Albion when that happened had felt a giant jump in power as Justinian had fully stabilized and empowered his Custodes body. He had all the powers of the races he had given to himself with more to spare and none of the weaknesses. 

As his power grew, so did theirs as they were bound together as brothers. With his power growing, he allowed time to pass, and as it did so did his Imperium. As Ddraig and Albion said, years passed him by with them feeling quite short. 

16 years to be exact and in that time, Justinian, His Honor Guard, his Space Marines, his Scions, Psian Jackelts, and his other armies had all expanded in power and scale. His Colonies on the Gas Giants now contained hundreds of millions of colonists and resources were following from them to each other and Mars. 

Even Mercury and Venus had been colonized with the aliens on those plants becoming compliant and joining The Imperium. That meant that Terra was the last and he had not done any aggressive action against them yet. 

However, the countries he controlled had developed alongside the Imperium while the rest trailed behind. This led to extreme jealousy, as those countries had entered the stellar age just by being under his control. 

More countries sent envoys to Washington to request meetings from his embassy, but he refused them all. They could just wait patiently for him to come take them. 


Now, 16 years later, Justinian was within his home on the surface of Mars. His new residence The Imperial Palace built for himself, his Honor Guard, and those who earned the right to be allowed inside 

Currently, Justinian was inside his quarters which he built in a large Pocket Dimension only for him and his women. His Honor Guard all had such places for their own families as he allowed them all to marry. 

The males of his Honor Guard had taken a few wives and had a few children of their own. He encouraged this as they were Burning Martians and making more was an asset for his Imperium. 

As for the females, he glanced over at the couch he was sitting at made with his size in mind. To his left was Remnosh, who was lying down with her legs on his lap. Most of his Honor Guards like him rarely left their armor, however, he and his women were on vacation. She was wearing large baggy shorts and a tank top as she read a book on Magic he made for her. 

On his right, Lauralina was resting her head on his shoulder with a smile as this was their first break in years. They weren't alone as sitting with them were three more. The third was a crimson-skinned beauty named Magna who was also reading a book. The fourth was a broody blonde wearing a hoodie and sweatpants named Leona.

They were the sisters of The Lion and Magnus among his Honor Guard. It seemed the males of his Honor Guard who had sisters pushed them toward him. He would have had more if not for his self-restraint. 

The other was another blonde with bright golden hair much like actual gold compared to Leona who had darker blonde hair. Her eyes constantly sparkled and her attire consisted of a red and white Roman dress. 

A fem Sanguinius who had taken the name Sanguinia. Their brothers had begged him to take them and they had joined his unofficial harem 10 years ago. Despite being God's Emperor his Imperial Harem would never be large. He didn't have that much of a desire to have a giant one and a small one was fine by him. 

Besides, today was the last day of their vacation as too long would dull the senses. With it being 16 years, it meant Terra had another 6 to prepare for his invasion. Too bad they didn't have Time Dilation Fields. He was itching to fight again and now was the time to get The Imperium moving again into the depths of Space. 

