
Bidding war.

"One hundred and twenty." The first voice emerged from the private room, and the auction hall went silent. That wasn't the kind of price to just throw around. If someone's pockets were deep enough to pull out one hundred thousand spirit stones, it meant one of two things.

They were richer than ninety percent of the nobility in the country, and that was just a loose change for them. Or the more likely reason was simply because they believed they were getting a good deal.

The rumor spread quickly. One hundred thousand spirit stones was a good deal for the Nameless Pill; within just a few seconds, a wooden paddle shot into the air from the ground floor. 

"One hundred and twenty-five thousand." A middle-aged man with a fancy golden hat called out.

"One hundred and fifty." The quiet voice responded to the bid with the same calmness as it had before. It seemed like even one hundred and fifty thousand still wasn't close to the value of the pill.
