
Always at Your Disposal

Devon grunted in irritation, pacing the dark chamber. Destroying Merlot's soul and spirit had given him complete control over the body, but the cost had been high, his memories were fragmented, many lost entirely. What remained were only the recent fragments, memories tied to Merlot's activities and Marla's manipulation when she awakened Devon's blood thread within Merlot's body.

He paused, a smirk forming on his lips. Even with his limited recollection, he could recognize Merlot's brilliance. The man had been cunning, meticulous to the point of concealing his true identity even from Devon. Only now did Devon fully grasp that the Merlot he had been colliding with from Ebodia was, in fact, Ezekiel's second cousin, Greg Elrod.

Like Devon, Greg had harbored an insatiable thirst for power. His ambition had been ignited years ago when he watched Ezekiel crowned Crown Prince of Ebodia. Greg had craved that position for himself, burning with jealousy and hatred ever since.
