
Purposedly Hatched

Asura took good care of the remaining three eggs. Following Kasper's advice, she talked to them once in a while, hoping that one of the eggs would recognize her voice and choose her as its dragon rider due to familiarity.

"I'm back again, lovely dragons! It's me, Asura," she greeted the three eggs as she gently opened the cache to look at them. They were stored inside Levi's tent, but Levi and the others were now in the clearing, training with their dragons under Kasper's supervision.

She pulled up a chair and stared at the three eggs. They were adorned with red, blue, and white metallic dragon scales. "You three are all so pretty. I'm sure you will look majestic like the rest of the first hatched. Right now, we have four: a gold one named Aurum, a black dragon named Onyx, a silver one named Ember, and a green dragon named Jade."
