
Chapter 30: Part 1

As soon as we entered the house, I saw way too many heads turn my way.

And most of those heads, not gonna lie, are heads I'd love to get head from!

I seriously cannot get my head around the fact that all vampire chicks are hot as fuck. Like, how does that even work out? Are they hot and then get turned into vamps? Or do they get hot after turning into vamps? It's like that insane question about chickens and eggs. Well, I know for a fact that eggs were there first, but some don't know that little tidbit of useless history.

Anyway, I ignored the awkward, creepy, and hungry looks and decided to greet the people. "Hello, everyone."

"Is he the one?" a blond woman asked, addressing Esme.

"Exactly," Rosalie said, looking a bit annoyed. I don't get why she is annoyed with me?! I am not even a minute in yet she is already annoyed.

"Hello, Severus, come here. Let me see how much you've grown," Esme said excitedly as she basically teleported to give me a hug. A lesser man would have died in her embrace due to the sheer pressure, but I am no lesser man! I took those titties like a champ and indulged in the pleasure and agony without complaining.


I heard Edward clicking his tongue in annoyance. Well, I wasn't shielding my thoughts, so the little bitch that loves raping minds had been reading away.

'Suck it up, you cockless bitch!' I thought, addressing Edward.

"For your information…" Edward began angrily, but he was shoved aside by Alice, who threw herself at me.

"Sev! It's been too long!" Alice exclaimed, her petite frame somehow managing to exert more force than seemed possible. Her enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't help but grin.

I may or may not have cupped a feel of her cute little butt while she was hugging me.

"Missed you too, Alice," I replied, ruffling her hair like an annoying older brother.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up," Emmett boomed from across the room. His grin was wide, and his tone was friendly, but there was a challenge in his eyes.

"Oh, if it isn't the guy I beat up the very first time I met him!" I shot back, matching his grin.

"Beating me up?! Dream on, I was going easy on you!" Emmett retorted.

The room was filled with murmurs and curious glances, most of them from the female members of the covens. I couldn't help but notice the way their eyes lingered, some filled with curiosity, others with something more... primal. 

"Severus, let's introduce you to everyone properly," Esme said, stepping forward with a welcoming smile. "This is the Denali coven," she pointed out each of the people in turn, introducing them to me.

"First, we have Tanya. Tanya is the leader of the Denali Coven, and she's steadfastly committed to our 'vegetarian' lifestyle, feeding on animal blood instead of human blood." Esme said.

Tanya stepped forward, her strawberry blonde hair catching the light, and she gave me a welcoming smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Severus. Carlisle has spoken highly of you."

"Thank you, my lady. The pleasure is mine," I replied in my charming British accent. 

"Next, we have Kate, also known as Katrina..." Esme started to say, but was interrupted by Alice. "Please don't piss her off, Sev. She can stun you just by touch."

"A pleasure," I said to Kate, then to Alice, "How intriguing."

Kate nodded at me, her sharp eyes reflecting something I couldn't quite place. It looked like hunger, but it could just as well be lust. "Hello, Severus. I'm glad to finally meet you."

"This is Carmen, one of the kindest and most nurturing people I know," Esme introduced the next person.

Carmen smiled warmly at me, her dark brown hair framing her kind face. "It's wonderful to meet you, Severus. I hope you aren't bothered by us intruding during your visit."

I smiled back and replied, "You aren't intruding, Carmen. In fact, I am happy to make the acquaintance of such charming company."

"Oh my, he is a charmer," Tanya whispered to Kate, loud enough for a vampire to hear. Fortunately, I picked it up too.

"And this is Eleazar, who recently joined the Denali Coven. He is Carmen's mate and a former member of the Volturi. Eleazar has the remarkable ability to sense the gifts of others," Esme said as she introduced the only man in the coven.

"Lucky you, having all these lovely ladies to yourself and enjoying their company," I replied as I extended my hand toward the man.

Eleazar extended a hand to me too, his demeanor noble and respectful. "Hello, Severus. Carlisle has shared much about you. I look forward to getting to know you better, and between us, they're only pretending to be charming."

"Don't go ruining our images!" Carmen said as she slapped his arm.

"Severus, the Denali Coven has been our steadfast ally for many years. Their friendship and support mean the world to us, and I'm sure you'll find them to be wonderful companions as well," Carlisle added as he entered the room.

'Motherfucker, if you were just behind us, why did I have to drive with this emo boy and not with you?!' I thought, annoyed.

"Hey,..." I heard Edward starting to talk, but he was interrupted by Emmett.

"Severus, these are Siobhan, Liam, and Maggie," Emmett started introducing the next group, a rugged-looking vampire with a roguish smile. "Guess where they're from!"

I looked towards the group of three that Emmett introduced, and for some odd reason, I felt some sort of companionship.

'This dude reminds me for some odd reason of potatoes?!' I thought to myself.

"You better not say that out loud!" Edward threw in.

"What did he think?" the girl named Maggie asked Edward.

"I thought about how beautiful you are!" I said, trying to change the topic.

"Yeah, nice try, asshole, but she can tell you are lying!" Rosalie threw in with a satisfied grin.

"Well, it was worth a try," I said out loud, not bothered at all by being insulted by the toxic bitch.

"Good to meet you," Liam said, extending a hand. I shook it firmly.

"Likewise." I replied, before addressing Emmett again, "I think they're from Ireland. Am I right?"

"Haha true, but how did you guess that?!" Emmett asked me curiously.

"Oh, it was Edward's comment," I replied.

"I knew it!" Kate suddenly said, and I could see some of the women present looking happy for some reason.

"Knew what?!" I asked, curious about what this was about.

"That he is gay!" Kate said, pointing toward Edward, before adding, "How else could he withstand all of this?!" She gestured to her sexy body.

"Yeah, right! You should have seen him throw himself at me the first time we met! I am not gay, but he really came hard onto me," I said, adding some gasoline to the fire.

"You've got to tell me everything about it, and let's be honest, darling, you're prime steak," she said, licking her lips.

"Why, thank you! You aren't half bad yourself, and I will tell you all about it!" I said, flirting back.

"I am not gay!" Edward exclaimed.

"Give it up! The cat is out of the bag!" Emmett said with a smirk.

"Bad Kate! He is mine!" Alice said, pulling me to her side.

"Hey, you've already got a mate!" Kate replied.

Despite my initial reservations, I found myself enjoying the atmosphere. Nothing feels better than kicking down on Edward, Dumbledore, or Voldemort. Am I homophobic? Well, I don't have issues with being gay, but I have come to experience that gay people are overly dramatic, and these morons are the same.

As the evening wore on, I found myself in various conversations, learning more about each member of the covens and their unique abilities. It was fascinating, seeing the blend of personalities and powers.

Eventually, I found myself standing near the edge of the room, watching as everyone mingled. Edward had been glaring at me intermittently, but I couldn't care less. 

"Sev, are you okay?" Alice asked, coming up beside me.

"Yeah, just taking it all in," I replied, giving her a reassuring smile.

"You've got this," she said, nudging me playfully.

"I know, but why have you invited them all over?!" I asked, trying to understand their intentions or plans.

"Esme found out about what you told me, and she wanted to share it with those who, like us, have been looking for a solution for a very long time. But sadly, we don't have much contact with your kind, and asking for help would never be well received by the Volturi," Alice said, and I immediately connected the dots.


Hey everyone,

I finally finished posting the last chapter of the first Ark for my Patrons, if you want to read the whole ark, you know where to go!!! I will now be writing/posting the second Ark!!

Here's the deal: we have a few milestones to hit, and if we can reach them, I'll release an extra chapter as a thank you. Here's where we stand:

- **2500 cumulative PowerStones**: We're just around **90** currently short of this goal, standing at ~2410.

- **50 cumulative reviews**: We still need **21** more to reach this milestone, standing at 29.

- **450 cumulative comments**: We're just **34** comments away from hitting this target, standing at 416.

- **4000 cumulative collections**: We're short around **70** collections to make this happen, standing at ~3,93k.

-**50 cumulative Patrons**: We're short **35** Patrons to achieve this goal. 

Most achievable goal is simply giving me all them Power Stones!

So, if you're enjoying the story and want that extra chapter, let's work together to hit these goals. Every bit of support counts, and I'm excited to see what we can accomplish as a community!

Link: pat**on.com/ikaru5

As always a big "Thank you!" for all your continued support!
