
School Day

Characters: Ruth, Wisdom and Antoinette

Ruth takes her son to school and meets her childhood friend Antoinette. She quickly runs into her with much surprise on her face

Ruth: Okay my boy hurry and get inside you are almost late.

Wisdom: Okay bye mom. (He waves his mom and rushed to the school)

Ruth sees Antoinette, an old school friend.

Ruth: Hey Antoinette, it's been a long time. Where have you been all this while?

Antoinette: Antoinette laments (hmmmn) my dear I've been around oooh. It's a long story.

Ruth: Is there something I should know?

Antoinette: eeerhm.... (Antoinette giggles) never mind sweetheart I'll be fine.

Ruth: Are you sure? Anyways if u say so I have no problem but u can have my complimentary and call me when you need any help. (Ruth gives her card to Antoinette)

Antoinette: Thanks I'll give you a call. Have a nice day.

Alex picks his son Wisdom up from school
