

As Kendall looked at Ms. Lisa standing in her way, her eyes narrowed, and she said, "Go away."

Ms. Lisa was taken aback and immediately exclaimed in anger, "How dare you speak to a teacher like that!"

She couldn't afford to provoke trustee Lisa, and now Kendall was acting this way?

Did she think that having the Johnson Family backing her meant she wasn't just a country bumpkin anymore?

"I don't think someone who immediately demands an apology from a student deserves to be called a teacher," Kendall said coldly.

"You…" Ms. Lisa was at a loss for words.

Austin, standing beside her, had a stern expression and said angrily, "That's enough, Kendall."

Kendall turned to look at Austin, and her eyes were filled with coldness. "With what identity are you commanding me?"

She had thought that Austin, who was renowned throughout the school, would stand up for her against Lisa. But when Lisa brought up business matters, he became as submissive as a dog, as if he wanted to offer her head to Lisa as an apology.

In the end, he was just a well–groomed appearance with a weak and inept interior.

"As your fiancé!" Austin couldn't help but rise his voice, and his eyes

If it weren't for his grandfather's words, stating that the decision regarding his marriage with Kendall, he would have ended this ridiculous arranged marriage long ago.

"Not anymore!" Kendall's voice grew louder, and her presence became more dominant and powerful.

"From now on, the engagement between the Parker Family and the Johnson Family is canceled, and you, go away!"

As her words fell, a terrifying silence enveloped the surroundings.

What happened to Kendall?

Beating up Lisa and her son and having a disrespectful attitude toward her teacher was one thing, but why did she cancel the engagement?

"Didn't she like Austin very much?"

Moreover, even a ten–year–old would understand that the Johnson Family was Kendall's capital to establish herself at Powell High School.

Without the Johnson Family, how would she be able to compete against Lisa and her son?

Austin's expression turned unpleasant.

In his mind, even if this marriage was canceled, Kendall should have exited with a lower–class attitude of "blessing and resignation."

Instead, she looked at him with a face full of disgust and contempt, as if he wasn't worthy of her!

"I was thinking about helping you out considering the past friendship between our families, but now that you choose to cancel the engagement, well then, go handle it on your own. I'm not begging you to ask me for help!"

Austin declared, stepping back and looking aloof.

He wanted to see how capable Kendall could be without the assistance of the Johnson Family.

"Kendall, you're not going to tell me that you think you can handle everything by yourself, are you?" Lisa didn't understand what Kendall was planning.

She had thought Kendall would tightly grasp onto the Johnson Family and use them to protect herself. But now, not only did Kendall not hold onto the Johnson Family, she even kicked them away!

"Dealing with a small potato like you, I don't need a team to do it. One person is enough," Kendall said casually, glancing at her out of the corner of her eye.

The implications in her words sent shivers down everyone's spine.

Lisa was one of the top socialites in Rosemont!

She was one of those people who would be least considered the small potatoes in Powell High School and Rosemont.

Kendall must have lost her mind!

"I'm a small potato? Heh!" Lisa turned her head and casually said to the vice principal, "I believe the funds for the next semester haven't been secured yet, right?"

The vice principal understood her intentions and grabbed the microphone, speaking with a righteous tone, "Kendall has disregarded school regulations, committed acts of violence, and verbally abused a trustee and fellow students. She will be expelled as a disciplinary action. I hope all students take this as a lesson!"


These words caused quite a stir in the audience.

She's being expelled just like that?

Lisa and Jaxon weren't seriously injured. According to the school rules, Kendall should have received a severe punishment, but not immediate expulsion.

While everyone was puzzled, Kendall calmly spoke up, "Vice Principal, maybe you should change the words on the sculpture at the entrance of Powell High School."

"What do you mean?" The vice–principal looked slightly annoyed.

The words on the sculpture were: Strive for education for life.

It was the oath made when Powell High School was established, representing the school's dignity.

Changing those words would be like slapping themselves in the face.

"Since the moment I started fighting, some of you asked who sent me, some told me to stop, and some simply expelled me. But no one asked me why I wanted to hit Lisa and Jaxon.

Isn't it ridiculous for something like this to happen in a place that is supposed to educate students?"

Kendall's eyes burned like fire as she stared directly at the vice principal.

The principal's expression stiffened.

Indeed, after this incident, no one asked Kendall why she had hit Lisa and Jaxon.

To save face, the vice principal retorted, "You think it's justified to hit someone? Then tell me, why did you hit Lisa and Jaxon?"

Lisa and Jaxon exchanged a glance beside them, realizing that things were not looking good.

"Today was seat–changing day, and I hit Jaxon because he called me over to be his desk mate, but when I went there, he insulted me, calling me a stupid pig who doesn't deserve to sit like a human being.

I hit Lisa because she first reached out and slapped me, accusing me of hitting her son without any reason.

From the very beginning, it was them provoking and picking fights, and I got expelled just because I resisted them.

Regular students can't insult others,

But it's fine for trustee Lisa's son to do so.

Regular students can't hit others.

But it's fine for trustee Jones to do so.

If that's the case, what's the point of 'striving for education for life'?

It should be changed to 'serve the rich for life,' wouldn't that be more fitting?"

Kendall's icy voice, like a sniper bullet, struck straight into everyone's hearts!

For a while, no one dared to refute her.

They knew who Kendall was. She came from a humble background with no money, but she followed the rules and never made mistakes.

They also knew who Jaxon and Lisa were. They came from a wealthy family with significant influence, especially Jaxon, who often used his mother's position as a trustee to bully others at school.

Today, it was clear, just as Kendall said, that Jaxon and Lisa wanted to bully Kendall but ended up being unexpectedly beaten up by Kendall.

If the school expelled Kendall, wouldn't it be serving the "rich"?

Was there any point in staying at a school like that?

Not everyone was as wealthy as Lisa and her son.

The vice principal's face suddenly changed.

"You… you're lying!" Jaxon, sensing the tension, immediately stepped forward to defend himself. "You said I insulted you, where's the evidence? Who saw it? Who can testify?"

He walked to the front of the stage, looking at the students of Class 12-2. "Can any of you testify?"

Lisa's eyes lit up, and she also walked to the front, asking. "Kendall said that I hit her and insulted her. Did any of you see it?"

The students of Class 12-2 glanced at each other.

On one side, there was the long–established wealthy family in Rosemont and a trustee. On the other side, there was a country girl who no longer had any connection to the Johnson Family.

Who should they support? Did they even need to think about it?

They eagerly spoke up:

"We didn't see Lisa and Jaxon hitting or insulting Kendall."

"Kendall was lying."

"Poor areas always breed troublemakers. Don't let Kendall fool you!"

"Rural folks lack manners!"

That was the price Kendall had to pay for canceling the engagement with the Johnson Family!
