
Wizengamot Session 2

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Word Count 1760


Fifteen Minutes until the start of the session. Most of the people have already gathered. It was now that the Ministry Officials started to walk in. Why?

To be fashionably late. And they all come together. A bright idea of their esteemed minister. Miss all the information that they could have gathered to look good. Head of DMLE Amelia Bones walked in with a stone cold face. Not being able to read anything from her micro expressions or body language. This showed a great skill in Occlumency and training to control her body like that. She was already used to this stupid show where the Ministry makes an 'unified front'.

Her main job was to deal with these idiots 24/7. Catching criminals was more like a side-job. She glanced at Dumbledore. Amelia knew that he had killed those people. But there was no proof. Nor any witnesses. There was quite literally nothing she could do.

'Not to mention those spies he has in my Department. Does he really think I don't know Kingsley and Alastor are members his little Order. He really thinks everything is going according to his plan. And sadly it was. Until Harry Potter came along. Frankly the fact that a young boy could take away so much of his power, political and economic is frightening in itself. And we still have no idea what Mr. Potters objective is. I just hope that he will not cause us anymore trouble.'

"Greetings everyone. Is everybody here" Minister Fudge said with a joyful laugh. Of course everybody was here. It was an unwritten rule that the Ministry should arrive last.

One of the ministers aids counted the seats and shifted awkwardly. "Umm. Minister two Houses are Missing."

The minister frowned and let out a deeper voice "Well! Which ones?"

"Harry Potter and Sirius Black aren't here, sir"

Amelia almost chuckled when she saw the Ministers face. Those two people were the two big topics of this meeting. And neither of them were here.

"Well I guess we will have to start without them, pity" The minister smiled. This was the ideal situation. They could say and do as they like. If Harry Potter and Sirius Black weren't here to defend themselves. Well then its their fault.


The wooden doors of the chamber opened. And Andromeda Black walked in a magnificent black dress. On her face there was slight dark makeup to accentuate her features She wore a lot of silver and white gold jewellery to contrast her dress. Her hair was done in an extravagant manner, it was an elevated top-knot with a few pieces of jewellery in it.

Andromeda Black stepped into the room like she owned the place.

"You" Umbridge recognised her.

"What are you doing here?" she spat out. Andromeda was from a pureblood house but she married a mudblood. So in the eyes of the blood purists. She was a traitor. "Only Lords and Ladies can participate in the Wizengamot"

Andromeda smirked at her "And Regnants* I believe. And coincidently. I am the new Regnant Black" she said with a bright smile.

Lucius Malfoy gritted his teeth.

The Minister immediately intervened. "We need proof that you are Regnant Black. And one of the discussions in this session is denying Sirius Black the Lordship. After all he has spent many years in Azkaban. We can't let a mentally unstable person join our Council" Fudge said with a smile

Andromeda just raised an eyebrow "Whoever said that Sirius Black is Lord Black" she handed him a scroll containing the wax seal of the Lord Ring.

The minister opened the letter and it stated that on the authority of Lord Black, Andromeda has authority to represent him at the Wizengamot

"There is no name in this scroll" The minister pointed out

"Is there a law that the Lord has to write out his name? He is the Lord, he can do as he wishes" Andromeda merely walked passed them and sat on the seat reserved for Lord Black.

The minister quickly looked at his people who searched through the Laws. "There is no law that forces a Lord to write out his name, sir. Since it is common sense to do so. But there is nothing stopping him from not writing it as well."

"I see. Please take your seat" The Minister commented while he screamed in his mind 'What do i do now?! What do i do? Lucius. I need to ask Lucius for advice '

"Thank you Minister" Andromeda said in a calm voice. Under the watchful eyes of the whole chamber she calmly walked to the seat designated for the House of Black.

Dumbledore ran his fingers through his long beard. 'Hmmm. Interesting. I assumed Sirius Black would be the next Lord. I haven't been able to find him anywhere and I had planned to play the grandfather card and apologize to the great injustice that has happened to him as soon as i met him here. Connect him with his old friends like Alistor and the rest from the Order to keep him closer to my side.

But if he is not the Lord who is? Someone from a branch family seems the most likely. And he probably isn't from Britain'

Andromeda sat down ignoring any people who wished to speak to her. She was under direct orders from Harry. She wasn't here to make friends or allies. She was here to cause a whole bunch of chaos and trouble. But she deliberately kept her eyes off Ophelia and the latter just copied what everybody else did. Glancing at Andromeda every once in a while. She did it a bit more since everybody knew that there was a bethronial contract between the Greengrasses and Blacks.

They also know that the Greengrasses have tied themselves to Harry Potter. Since her daughters are always around him.

Dumbledore mused ' This could change many things. One possibility is the alliance between house Potter and Black. Lord Black could use his connection to the Greengrasses to get Harry to his side. And he is bold. Sending Andromeda here. More than one actually.

First he chose Andromeda to be the Regnant. The woman who was cast away from her family and considered a blood traitor. Sending her here means he purposely was antagonizing the Dark Faction. It also means he took her back into the Family.

Second it means he wants nothing do with the Light Faction. Otherwise he would have sent Sirius Black as a Regnant. Sirius would have been a better choice for it, depending on how much Azkaban changed him. If he turned out to be calm and calculating he would be in a perfect position to play all three Factions.

But then again the Ministry has it out for him so its good that he didn't arrive now. Another thing Lord Black declared by sending Andromeda here is that he dislikes or looks down on the Wizengamot. A regnant is chosen if the Lord has many duties and he can't attend the meetings or if he is just bad at politics. But never before has a Lord not shown up to introduce himself, the fact that Lord Black did so means he deems these meetings a waste of time. Yes these scenarios do make the most sense'

Dumbledore's thoughts were broken by the sound of the doors opening. And walked in the greatest contributor to his recent troubles.

Harry Potter had arrived. As always he was in his expensive casual clothing with his green coat and a snake around his shoulders.

"I'm not late am I?" he says with a little smirk as he looks at clock. And so did everybody else. There were 5 minutes until the start of the meeting.

"Of course not Lord Potter. In fact I believe you are just in time" Ophelia said with a charming smile. She was playing her part as the 'lackey' warming up to the new Lord. Just as she was ordered to act as.

"Great. Then lets get this show started. I have a lot of work to do. And I'll appoint some Regnant to be here for me after toda-" Harry Potter glanced at Andromeda and raised an eyebrow

"Aren't you Andromeda Black? Why are you here"

Andromeda stood up and bowed "Greetings Lord Potter. Its good to finally see you. After the incident at Godric's Hollow. I among many of your families friends came up to check if you are healthy and to give you a home. But all of our attempts were pushed down" She glanced at Dumbledore, informing Harry about who is to blame

"Not surprising actually." Harry shrugged his shoulders "Aren't we cousins of some sort. My grandmother was Dorea Black. Meh its not like it matters anymore. But what I am interested in how you are here" Harry said with a small grin

"The new Lord Black appointed me as Regnant to handle his matters. He also said that he would like to get into contact with you" Andromeda replied with a smile

The entire chamber was watching their back and forth. Hoping to hear any sort of information to be of use to them. When Andromeda finished, Dumbledore was about to speak up. He can't allow them to get into contact that easily. But Harry was faster.

 "Ha!? He just made you a Regnant? Just like that?"

Seeing Andromeda nod Harry clicked his tongue "Damn it. I didn't know you could do that. I would have done the same. What a fucking waste of time"

Dumbledore shook his head. 'Stupid child. You might be a genius but clearly social skills aren't your forte. You just antagonized the whole Wizengamot.'

Harry Potter and Lord Black. Everybody now had a different opinion of them. After all nobody wants to be looked down upon.

"Whatever. We will get in contact later" Harry just started going towards his seat.

"Ahem." The Minister cleared his throat gaining the attention of the members.

"Well now that everybody is present. I declare this meeting to be in session" with his words the doors closed and locked. This was so that nobody could rush in to 'interrupt the meeting' and keep the members safe from any attacks. It was also a small power play by the Ministry.

However what followed was one of the most chaotic meetings in the entire history of the Wizengamot

~ A/N

*Regent and Regnant are apparently the same. Some differences when it comes to royalty and such. Especially if its a queen. But both work fine in this case. 

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